Chine people value their family very much becau they regard it as a means to keep the family blood stream continuously running. 快手刘(中国人把家庭看作是家族血脉延续的一种方式,因此中国人很重视家庭)And the running family blood stream maintains the life of the whole nation.(也是这种家族血脉延续维持了整个国家的生活) That is why children production and breeding in China becomes a focus of all members of families. (这就是为什么在中国繁衍后代是整个家庭成员的重点)It is even accepted by them as an esntial moral duty. (甚至被认为是道德上的必须责任)There is a Chine saying that 装饰合同of all who lack filial piety,the worst is who has no children(中国有句古话:不孝有三,无后为大)
①stream:溪流/流动 ②breed:种类/繁衍 ③filial:子女的 (unfilial:不孝的)④piety:虔诚 ⑤filial piety:孝顺/孝心
The fad that Chine people pay great attention to children production and breeding can be supported by many customary practices. (中国人重视生养孩子的风尚被许多习俗所支撑)Many traditional customs about production of children are an bad on the idea of children protection.(许多关于生养孩子的传统习俗都是建立在保护孩子的基础上的)
When a wife is found to be pregnant, people will say she“has happiness"and all her family members will feel overjoyed over it. (当发现一位妻子怀孕后,人们会说她“有喜了”,全家人都会为此而高兴)Throughout the whole period of pregnancy,both she and the fetus are well attended,(怀孕期间,孕妇和胎儿都会受到格外照料)so that the fetus is not hurt in any way and the new generation is born both physically and mentally healthy. (以便胎儿不会受到任何方式的伤害,出生时身心健康)To keep the fetus in a good condition,the would-be mother is offered sufficient nutritious foods and some traditional Chine medicines believed to be helpful to the fetus.(为了让胎儿处于一个良好的条件下,会为准妈妈提供充足的营养食物和一些他们认为对胎儿有帮助的传统中药)
After Birth
When a Chine baby is born,he/she is already considered to be one year old:age is calculated from the date of conception not the date of birth.(当中国宝宝出生后,他/她已经被认为是一岁了:从怀孕当日开始计算而不是出生当日)
按颜色排序②conception:怀孕 构想/设想/观念
Prai should never be given to or applied to a new-born Chine baby as this is believed to invite the attention of demons and ghosts:the baby,instead,should be referred to with unfavourable terms and words!(不能称赞新生婴儿,人们相信这会引起魔鬼和幽灵的注意力。相反,要用不好的词称呼婴儿)
①demon:魔鬼/残忍的人 ②term:学期/术语
A concave navel is considered a sign of a prosperous life for the baby南红鉴定(婴儿凹的肚脐会被认为是富贵的象征),while an extruding one is less auspicious(突出来的就有点不吉利了).城乡一体化发展If a baby has more than one hair crown it is thought he/she will be mischievous an银行新规
d disobedient(如果孩子头上超过一个发冠会被认为将来会淘气和不听话)
①concave:凹的 ②navel:肚脐/中心 ③extrude:挤压出/凸出/伸出/逐出 ④auspicious:吉祥的/吉兆的/幸运的 ⑤mischievous:淘气的 ⑥disobedient:不服从的/违背的/不孝的
Babies who continuously cry are thought to have been disturbed by evil spirits and to ward the off, a single pomelo leaf is placed beneath his/her mattress.(婴儿不停的哭会被认为是被恶灵打扰了,可以用一片柚叶放在床垫下辟邪)
①ward:n. 病房;保卫;监视vt. 避开;保卫;守护
②pomelo:柚子 ③mattress:床垫
Care is also taken to ensure that the baby's spirit does not leave his/her body permanently(还要小心确保婴儿的灵魂不会永久离开身体):a baby's face should not be powdered with white talcum powder when he/she is sleeping as his/her wandering spirit will not recogni his/her face and not be reunited with the body(婴儿睡觉时不要给他脸
上涂白色滑石粉,否则他的灵魂在外游荡时会认不出自己的脸,从而不能重聚到自己的身体中). When a little older, the baby may be fitted with a black bracelet,talisman or image of the Buddha which iS thought io ensure his/her well being.(婴儿大一点后,可能会给他/她戴上黑色的手镯、护符或佛像,人们认为这些东西可以保佑婴儿)
①talcum:滑石/滑石粉 ②bracelet:手镯 ③talisman:护身符/避邪物 ④image:图像/形象/映像
After birth,the mother is expected to obrve a 40-day period of confinement, which is called "zuoyuezi",and to stay in bed for a month in order to recover from the fatigue. During this period,she is not allowed to eat food considered“cold" or have cold baths:keeping warm,by the wearing of thick clothes for example,is considered of paramount importance. If it can be afforded,a special helper-responsible for both mother and child- is hired to tend to the new mother for at least two weeks.
Month-Old Celebration
The first important event for the newly born baby is the one-month celebration.In Buddhist or Taoist families,on the morning of the baby's 30th day,sacrifices are offered to the gods so that the gods will protect the baby in his subquent life. Ancestors are also virtually informed of the arrival of the new member in the family.According to the customs,relatives and friends receive gifts from the child's parents. Types of gifts vary from place to place,but eggs dyed red are usually a must both in town and the countryside. Red eggs are chon as gifts probably becau they are the symbol of changing process of life and their round shape is the symbol of harmonious and happy life. They are made red becau red color is a sign of happiness in Chine culture. Besides eggs,food like cakes,chicken and hams are often ud as gifts. As people do in the Spring Festival,gifts given are always in even number