Ant tribes and mortgage slaves
1. The diversification of Chine society has en a flowering of a new vocabulary. Perhaps most fascinating has been the division of people into tribes.
城市景观设计翻译:中国社会的多元化创造了很多丰富多彩的新词,也许最有趣儿的当属公民所被划分的群落了。(作文中可以作为开篇,把最后的has been 后面换成新名词如“低头族”“背包客”等等。)
2. Perhaps less well-known are the bite-the-old tribe, tho between 25 and 35 who are underemployed or out of work, still at home and sponging off mum and dad.
翻译:也许另一个没这么有名的是“啃老族”。这些介于25-35岁间的年轻人要么半失业,要么完全失业,他们还赖在家里靠着父母过活。(其中,sponge是海绵的意思,sponging off 表示压榨)
活动开场白3. Perhaps the group China needs most as it tries to stimulate its domestic consumer economy is the moonlight重庆担担面 tribe, so named becau the Chine characters for “moonlight” sound the same as the phra “spend all your monthly salary”. Their parents saved every yuan, but life for the youngsters is just收到 spend, spend, spend. Now, that’s patriotic consumption.
4. All that rushing around can create a lot of pent-up anger, giving ri to the crush-crush tribe, so named becau they go into supermarkets and take out their frustration by standing in the aisles crushing packets of instant noodles (yes, really).
5. Many tribal members are also slaves. There are the mortgage slaves不怕输的小火车 and marriage slaves (who are also, by definition, mortgage slaves) and all Chine parents are of cour slaves to the only child.
inevitably 如人所料
lightning-marriage tribe 闪婚族
得不偿失的近义词snail-hou tribe 蜗居族
the whiff of sth. 一丁点儿
mortgage slaves 房奴(注意mortgage的t不发音)
bite-the-old tribe 啃老族
underemployed a.未充分就业的,大材小用的人
a postage stamp of an apartment 公寓里的弹丸之地怀宁方言