Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering A 7 (2018) 69-75
Recovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slag with a New Flotation Method Using H2S
Ibrahim Tegin1 and Recep Ziyadanoğulları2
1. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Art, Siirt University, Siirt 56100, Turkey
2. Departmentof Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Dicle University, Diyarbakır 21280, Turkey
Abstract: In this study, two different samples were obtained from Küre Copper factory. It was determined that the samples contain: the sample of K.C.F. (Küre Copper Factory), 0.70% Cu and 0.5% Co. This sample was firstly grounded at -100 mesh dimension. Flotation was done according to previously obtained optimum flotation conditions. The flotation yield of Cu and Co in concentrate pha was found to be low by collective flotation. Even when the samples were grounded at -160 mesh, no change was obrved in the flotation result. Especially, Co could not float under the flotation conditions of the non-sulfurized samples. There, a new flotation method was applied which was not applied until now. For this aim, the samples were firstly sulphurid under the steam of H2S + H2O. By this method,
the amount of Cu and Co in the samples get rich. According to the obtained results, the optimum reactions for flotation and sulphurization were determined. In the first sulphurization conditions for the sample of K.C.F., the yield of flotation for the Co and Co were found to be 98.27% and 68.07%, respectively. The results indicate that Cu can be floated at low yield in the original samples. On the other hand, Co cannot float under the conditions.
Key words: Converter slag, flotation, copper, cobalt, sulphurization.
1. Introduction
Copper slag is produced in large amounts in ven copper smelter plants in Chile, and it is estimated that around 4 million tons of slag are dispod every year and another 40 to 45 million tons are historically cumulated [1]. Different slags need aid transformed as by-products clinched alongside metallurgical methods alternately as residues on incineration methods. As stated by the sources and the characteristics, tho fundamental slags might be ordered under three categories, in particular, ferrous slag, non-ferrous slag furthermore incineration slag. Slags generally hold numerous amount of profitable metals. They would really be an auxiliary ast from claiming metals, instead of an end-waste, what’s more, they would be connected as an ast material in numerous zones. Clinched alongside addition, to a portion application,
Corresponding author: Ibrahim Tegin, Ph.D., main rearch fields: preconcentration, flotation and solid pha extraction. slags bring tantamount alternately indeed better properties over their focud materials. The third characteristic may be that some slags hold an outstanding amount of hurtful alternately overwhelming metals. Tho discharge about the metals might cau natural issues [2, 3].
Metallurgical strategies would as a rule ud to treat ores, what’s more, of the enriching procedure by flotation strategies, are attractive division. A past article accounted that floatation what’s more, attractive detachment methods, utilizing slag, didn’t bring about acceptable extractions starting with converter slag [4].
Much exploration needs to be been conveyed out on the recuperation of copper from slags. Suggested strategies for cleaning the slag are flotation [5, 6], leaching, electric heater and so on [7].
Copper smelting techniques may be ud [5, 8-11]. There are also some hydrometallurgical methods given in the literature for the treatment of slags, such
as leaching in nitrate, perchloride, chlorate and
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Recovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slag with a New Flotation Method Using H2S 70
sulfuric acids [12, 13] with and without pressure [13], ferric chloride [8, 14, 15], ferric sulfate [7], cyanide, thiosulphate leaching [16], ferric sulfate and ammonia sulfate solutions [7, 12, 17, 18].
In this study, the flotation of converter slag was attempted. When this was unsuccessful, a sulfurization process developed in the previous studies was ud. As a result of this process, a new surface forms on the converter slag particles and flotation experiments were carried out using the samples [19-21]. As en in the previous studies, successful results cannot be obtained by direct flotation of the original converter slag. However, in this study, significant results were obtained by flotation of a sample obtained from an appropriate sulfurization process.
2. Experimental
2.1 Reagents and Instrumentation升职通知
In this study, the converter slag ud was supplied from the Kastamonu-Küre, Turkey. Küre is in the Western Black Sea region of Turkey, are a leading copper and pyrite ore production area. Analys show that the ore obtained from the Küre Region contains 0.70% copper, 0.50% cobalt and 21.98% sulfur. The K-Amyl xanthate and Dowfroth 250 ud in flotation were taken from the Ergani Copper Mining Co in Turkey. The chemicals ud in the studies such as 96% (w/v) H2SO4, 37% (w/v) HCl, 65% (w/v) HNO3, FeS and KClO3 were purchad from Merck. The sample crushing was broken in a crusher belonging to Unal Engineering as -100 mesh size. The experiments were conducted in a laboratory equipped with facilities for carrying out hydrometallurgical operations such as autoclave leaching. Denver mark flotation apparatus and Nel 890 Model pH meter were ud for flotation and determination of pH of samples, respectively. Sulfur in various forms was oxidized to sulfate form and precipitated as BaSO4 and the precipitate with fixed weighing was analyzed by gravimetric method [22]. The compositions of all samples were determined using a Unicam 929 Model AAS. The spectral wavelength lected for the metal analys is shown in Table 1.
In this study, the solutions ud were prepared with concentrations of 25-100 ppm for copper and 20-60 ppm for cobalt. Calculation of flotation yield was made according to Eq. (1).
F.Y.% Amount of substance required to float in Floating Substance
The total amount of substance required
to floate within the substance ud in the flotation
2.2 Method
The converter slag sample was first crushed and then ground to -100 mesh sizes, sieved and dried at 110 °C. The samples were ud in chemical analys and flotation studies. H2S was produced by addition of H2SO4 to FeS [6, 21] obtained from pyrite. The sulfurization process was performed in an autoclave of 1.3-liter internal volume, with 60 minutes residence time at 100 °C. Different ratios of a gas mixture of H2S + H2O were performed. Then, samples obtained from autoclave were floated by using potassium amyl xanthate and Dowfroth 250. After the obtained concentrates and wastes are solubilized with acid, analyzes are read in AAS.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Effect of pH on the Flotation of Converter Slag
Converter slag sample was floated at different pHs and the results are given in Fig. 1 [21].
This study was carried out under the conditions indicated in Table 2.
As en in Fig. 1, the best flotation yield was at pH 11.0.
For flotation, 100 g of the ore sample was fed and 28.56 g of converter slag was floated. The flotation yields of Cu and Co were determined as 57.81% and
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Recovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slag with a New Flotation Method Using H 2S
Table 1 The spectral wavelength of metal for AAS. Metal Wavelength (nm) Silit (nm) Current (mA) Oxidant-Fuel
Copper 324.75 0.5 3 Air-Acetylene Cobalt 240.73
0.2 10 Air-Acetylene
Table 2 Flotation condition at different pHs.
Parameter Flotation condition Particle dimension -100 mesh Solid/liquid ratio 100 g/L Collector 0.2 g Z 5 (KAX) 3 minute mix Frother 0.5 mL Dowfroth 250 (1%) 2 minute mix Mix speed 900 periods/minute Flotation time 3 minute小作文是什么
Fig. 1 The effect of pH on the flotation yield.
34.38% respectively, and their concentrate grades of Cu and Co have ascertained as 1.17% and 0.43% Co. At the end of the flotation process, the results aimed were not attained, and flotation yield was low. Converter slag samples were first sulfurized at 100 °C by using various ratios of H 2S + H 2O. Then, the samples were floated.
3.2 The Flotation of Sulfurized Converter Slag Firstly, the converter slag samples were ground, sieved to -100 mesh size, dried at 110 °C and then reacted with gas mixtures containing different amounts of H 2S + H 2O for 1 hour at 100 °C. For this purpo, the six samples each of which was 1000 g, were reacted with mixtures of H 2S and H 2O parately
as en in Table 3.
After sulfurization, the sulfurized samples were floated at pH 11 under the conditions indicated in Table 2.
Eight sulfurized sample was floated at different sulfurization condition and the results are given in Fig. 2 and Table 4.
As en in Table 4, the best result was obtained from a venth sulfurized sample by flotation. In order to be understood better the results; they are given in Fig. 2 with respect to different H 2S values. 3.3 The Effect of the Activator
In this step, the flotation process on the venth sulfurized sample was performed to test the effect of
R e c o v e r y (%)
Effect of pH
Cu Co
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Recovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slag with a New Flotation Method Using H 2S儿童鼻炎吃什么药
Table 3 The ud amount of gas mixtures of H 2S and H 2O.
Sulphurization number H 2S amount (g)悬疑小说推荐
Water amount (g) 1 3.83 20 2 5.74 30 3 7.66 40 4 9.57 50 5 13.40 70 6 15.32 80 7 17.23 90 8 19.14 100
Fig. 2 The effect of sulfurization on the flotation yield of sulfurized samples (at pH 11).
Table 4 The values obtained by flotation of the sulfurized sample. Sulphurization number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 pH 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 Froth (g) 22.28 23.93 26.70 40.51 37.05 62.
67 47.86 61.23 Tailing (g)
76.03 76.13 72.70 59.40 62.32 37.07 51.96 38.18 Recovery (%)
48.45 43.36 60.72 71.51 68.52 83.93 77.89 81.66 Co% 26.26 24.96 30.57 42.46 39.46 65.78 71.10 61.05 Concentrate
Assay (%) Cu% 1.31 1.25 1.68 1.37 1.42 0.86 1.38 0.70 Co%
0.45 0.42 0.67 0.64 0.66 0.44 0.74 0.43 Unfloated
Assay (%) Cu% 0.43 0.43 0.40 0.37 0.38 0.24 0.36 0.25 Co% 0.38 0.40 0.57 0.58 0.59 0.39 0.28 0.23 Time (Min)
4.40 4.30
5.00 3.00 2.07 2.30
activator amount. The studies were carried out at pH
11.0 and by using 10 mg, 30 mg, 50 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg, 125 mg, 150 mg and 200 mg CuSO 4 and results are given in Fig. 3.
Flotation studies were conducted using CuSO 4, it can be en that there is not a significant difference in flotation yield as activator and depressant changes. Thus, the results were not given.
25R e c o v e r y %
H 2S amount (g)李清照生平
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Recovery of Copper and Cobalt from Converter Slag with a New Flotation Method Using H 2S
Fig. 3 The effect of activator amount on the floatability of the result obtained from venth sulfurized samples.
Fig. 4 The effect of collector amount on the floatability of the result obtained from a venth sulfurized sample.
3.4 The Effect of Collector Amount
In this step, the flotation process on the venth sulfurized sample was performed to test the effect o
f collector amount. The studies were carried out at pH 11.0 and by using 0.20 g, 0.25 g, 0.30 g and 0.35 g KAX (K-amyl Xanthate) and results are given in Fig. 4.
4. Conclusions
The findings of this study are as:
• Enrichment cannot be achieved with the flotation of original ore;
• For enrichment with flotation, it was understood that a new surface is required;
• It was determined that the efficiency incread with the flotation of the sample obtained from sulfurization of converter slag samples, sized to -100 mesh with the appropriate amount of H 2S. e.g. For sulfurization of one kg of sieved ore, 17.23 g H 2S +
R e c o v e r y (%)
CuSO 4Amount (mg)
Effect of CuSO 4on recovery
Cu Co
R e c o v e r y (%)
Z 5amount (g)
Effect of collector amount
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