一、表达“愧疚”1.1 could feel my face turning beet red as I realized my mistake.当 我意识至U我的 错误时,我能感觉到我满脸通红。
beet red:(窘得)满脸通红2.So ashamed was I that I could feel the blood rush to my face.我也口“匕羞'愧以至 于感觉到血液涌上脸颊。
3.The embarrassment was overwhelming as the speaker stumbled over his words on stage.当演讲者在台上结结巴巴地讲话时,他感到非常尴尬。
4.Standing in the classroom, I became increasingly embarrasd and could feel my heart thumping wildly, my face burning badly.站在教室,我越发尴尬,能听 见心跳加速的声音,脸烧得厉害。
5.A lump came into my throat, and tears rolled down my cheeks without struggle.我觉得鼻子一酸,不争气地的眼泪掉了下来。
6.She cringed inwardly as she remembered the awkward conversation from the night before.她想起前一天晚上的那场尴尬的谈话,心里不由得有些畏缩。
甜甜的秘密7.1 was caught off guard and ended up tongue-tied and red-faced.我猝不及防, 结果舌头打结,面红耳赤。
be caught offguard:猝不及防8.1 wished I could crawl into a hole and disappear from the embarrassment.我真 希望自己能爬进洞里,从这种尴尬中消失。
二、表达“后悔”1.Instead of letting regret dominate life, savor what you do have and what did go right.与其让遗憾主宰生活,不如细细品味你所拥有的,以及你做对的事情。 dominate/1 d a : mi nei t/: v.支配;控制
2.She was struck dead with regret, heart beating painfully and banging against her ribs.她后悔得要死,心脏痛苦地跳动着,砰砰地撞在肋骨上。
bang/baer) /: v.碰撞;磕3.A tiny part of me was haunted by a pang of remor.我身体的圄'分被一阵'悔 恨所困扰。
haunt/ho : nt/: v.长期不断地缠扰(某人);a pang of 一阵突然的痛苦生物圈的范围包括什么4.His lips were quivering, regretting what he did.他的嘴唇在颤抖,为自己的所 作所为感到后悔。
quiver/1 kwi va r/: v.轻微颤动5.She couldn, t help crying, clutching her hair,她忍不住哭 了,紧紧地抓着头发。 销售技能clutch/klA tj, /:(因害怕或痛苦)突然抓住
6.1 saw an old lady wailing with fist beating her chest in the street corner.我看 见一个老太太在街角用拳头捶打着胸口嚎啕大哭。
wail/wei I/: v.(因悲伤或疼痛)哭号,恸哭knelt down, covered my face and cried bitterly.我跪下来,捂着脸痛哭起来。 kneel/ni: l/(down): v.跪着;跪下
8.Extreme disappointment soon swallowed she, dragging her into a whirlpool of sorrow and regret.极度的失望很快吞没了她,把她拖进了悲伤和悔恨的漩涡。 whirlpool/1 W3 : rlpu: I/: n.(河水或海水的)旋涡,比喻义可以当情感的 漩涡.He murmured/muttered/mumbled under his breath, "I' m so sorry to have cheated you,“ tears of grief springing up in his eyes without control.他喃喃地 说:“我很抱歉我欺骗了你”,悲
murmur/1 m3 : rma r/> mutter/1 mA to r/> mumble/1 mA mb(a )1/都有 类似嘟喷之意三、表达“感动”
1.1 dissolved into tears of gratitude.我开始感激地哭起来。
dissolve/di 1 z a : lv/:禁不住(笑起来或哭起来等)nodded in gratitude, eyes glistening with held-back tears.我感;敷地点、了 点、 头,眼里闪着泪花。
glisten/1 gli s(a )n/: v・闪光;闪亮,近义词 教师节是什么时候twinkle/glitter/sparkle.Moved/Touched/to tears, I determined to learn piano lessons by heart and my memory of grandma motivated me to practice day and night.感动得流下了眼 泪,我决心用心学习钢琴,对奶奶的思念激励我日夜练习。
be moved/touched/to tears 感动得流下了 泪水;be reduced to tears 留下了眼 泪.Touched immenly, we failed to utter a single word, tears blurring our eyes.感动无比,我们一句话也说不出来,泪水模糊了双眼。
utter/1 a ta r: v.出声;说;最后半句为独立主格blur/bl3 : r/: v.(使) 变得模糊不清.After hearing the explanation, Bernard was overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude.听到这个解释后,伯纳德激动万分,感激万分。
be overwhelmed with:充满情绪.With tears streaming down her face, he ran to mum' s warm hug, and said thank to her.他泪流满面,跑到妈妈温暖的拥抱前,对她说了声谢谢。
stream/stri: m/: v.流动;流出. My no being very sour, I struggled to fight back tears, which, however, turned out to be in vain.我的鼻子一酸,试图抑制住眼泪,然而并没什么用。
in vain:徒劳;无效四、表达“悲伤”
1.1tried to fight back tears.我努力忍住眼泪。
fight back此处是遏制(泪水)的意思蒸馒头方法.He brimmed over with sorrow.他满是悲伤。
brim over (with sth)满溢,相当于 overflow.She burst into tears and ran out of the room.她突然哭 了 起来,跑出了 房间。7710
burst into tears=burst out crying 突然 哭起来.They sat there with glum looks on their faces,他们坐在那里,带着一脸忧郁。
glum/glA m/: adj.忧郁的.The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face.这消息使他脸上蒙上 了一层阴 影。
此处为无灵主语的运用,gloom/glu: m/: n.昏暗.He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊 流了下来。
后半句为独立主格的运用feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.我漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。 此处为明喻的运用,有关键词feel like
dwg转jpg8.Her face was twisted with pain and sorrow.她的脸因痛苦和悲伤而扭曲着。
twist/twi st/: v.使扭曲(成一定形状).When he embraced me with his arms open wide, I felt my throat choke with sob.当他张开双臂拥抱我,我感觉自己的嗓子哽住了。
choke/tj ou k/: v.(尤指感情激动而)说不出话来,便哽咽.Finally my sister broke down, sobbing into her handkerchief.我姐姐终于再 也控制不住自己的情绪,捂着手绢呜咽起来。
break down此处意为情不自禁地哭起来.She couldn' t restrained herlf from weeping when she heard of the mirable story.听到这个悲惨的故事,她忍不住掉下了眼泪。