I. True or Fal (50%)
1. Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language. ( T )
2. Linguistics studies particular language, not language in general. ( F )
3. A scientific study of language is bad on what the linguists think. ( F )
4. In the study of linguistics, hypothes formed should be bad on language facts and checked against the obrved facts. ( T )
5. Phonetics is different from phonology in that the latter studies the combinations of the sounds to convey meaning in communication. ( T )
6. Morphology studies how words can be formed to produce meaningful ntences. ( F )
7. English is a typical tone language. ( F )
8. The basic principle of IPA is using a different letter for each distinguishable speech sound. 初三拜年( F )
9. Both phonology and phonetics are studies of speech sound. ( T )
10. The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by “copying” a feature of a quential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar. 汤煲绘本是什么( T )
11. The writing system of a language is always a later invention ud to record speech; thus there are still many languages in today’个人档案模板s world that can only be spoken, but not writing. ( F )
12. The open-class words include prepositions. ( F )
13. In classifying the English consonants and vowels, the same criteria can be applied. ( F )
14. By synchrony we mean to study language change and development. ( F )
15. Parole refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. ( F )
16. Only words of the same parts of speech can be combined to form compounds. ( T )
17. Animal call systems are not genetically transmitted. ( F )
18. The English spelling exactly reprents its pronunciation. ( F )
19. The number of clod class words is stable forever. ( F )
20. The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by “copying” a feature of a quential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar. ( T )
21. The part of speech of the compound is always determined by the part of speech of the cond element, without exception.excel对比 ( F )
22. A productive morphological rule can be applied to all words. ( F )
23. Sometimes derivation can apply more than once and it is possible to create multiple levels of word structure. ( T )
24. Both inflectional morphemes and derivational morphemes are bound morphemes.
( T )
25. The meaning of a compound can be derived from the meanings of its constituent morphemes. ( F )
II. Multiple Choice Items (50%)
1. Language urs can nd messages which no one el has ever nt before, which results from ________of language. ( B )
A. displacement B. productivity
C. arbitrariness D. universality
2. In terms of manner of articulation, the English consonants [1] and [r] are classified as ________.( A )
A. liquids B. affricates
折桂枝C. stops D. fricatives
3. The morpheme “-al” in the common word “literal” is a(n) _______.( B )
A. root B. derivational affix
C. inflectional affix D. free morpheme
4. Often referred to as a design feature of language, ________ enables speakers to produce and understand an infinite number of ntences that they have neither spoken nor heard before.
( B )
A.duality B.productivity
C.displacement D.arbitrariness
5. ________ phoneticians study speech sounds from the speaker’s point of view.They study the process of how a speaker us his/her speech organs to produce sounds.( C )
A.Articulatory B.Auditory
C.Acoustic D.General什么马不能骑
6. Morphemes such as -er, -en, in-are all called ________.( C )
A.free morphemes B.inflectional morphemes
C.affixes D.roots
7. There is a difference between what we know, which is our linguistic competence, and how we u this knowledge in actual speech production and______, which is our linguistic performance. ( B )
A. creation B. communication