1000 most frequently ud words in English speech 一千英语口语最常用单字 A | 1000 frequently ud words in English speech 一千英语口语较常用单字 A | 1000 often ud words in English speech 一千英语口语常用单字 A |
a ability able about absolutely accept accident achieve across act action activity actual actually add advantage affect afford afraid after afternoon again against age ago agree agreement air all allow all right almost along already also although always among amount an and animal another answer any anybody anyone anything anyway anywhere apparently appear application apply appointment appropriate argue argument arm around art as ask assume at attention attitude available aware away awful B baby 什么的学校back bad bag ball bank ba basic basically be beautiful becau become bed bedroom before begin beginning behind believe best bet better between big bill bit bite black blood blue board boat body book born both bother bottle bottom boy branch break bring brother buck budget building bus business busy but buy by bye C call can car card care careful carry ca cat catch cau cent central century certain certainly chair chance change character charge cheap check child choice choo church circumstance city claim class clean clear clearly clo club coffee collect college colour come comment commission common community company compare competition completely computer concern concerned condition consider consideration continue control conversation corner correct cos cost count country county couple cour court cover create cup current customer D dad daddy date daughter day dead deal dear death debate decide decision definitely demand depend describe die difference difference different difficult difficulty dinner direction divide do dollar door double doubt down draw drink drive driver drop due during duty E each each other early easily easy eat education effect egg either el employer employment end energy engine enjoy enough enter environment environmental equal especially even evening event eventually ever every everybody everyone everything exactly exam example excellent exerci expect expensive experience explain extra extremely eye F face fact fairly fall family far father favour feed feel feeling field fight figure file final find fine finish fire firm first fit follow food foot football for forget form forward free freedom freeway friend front fucking full funny further future G game garden gas general generally get girl glass go good grandma grandpa grant great green ground group grow guess guy H hair half hall hand hang happen happy hard hat hate have he head health hear heart heavy hell hello help her here hi high him himlf his hit hold hole home honest hope hopefully hot hour hou how husband I I idea if important in information instead interested interesting in to its itlf J job join just K keep kid kill kind kitchen knock know L land large last late later law lay lead learn least leave left leg less let letter level life light like likely line list listen little live local long look lo lot love low lunch M machine main make man manage management manager many market marry material matter may maybe me mean meet meeting member memory mention message method middle might mile mind mine minister minute miss modern mom moment money month more morning most mother move movement much mum music must mylf N name national nature near nearly necessarily necessary need never new news next nice night no nobody none no one normal normally north not note nothing notice now number O obviously occasion occur o’clock add of of cour off offer office officer often ok old on once白马湖公园 one only onto open operation opinion opportunity option order ordinary organize other otherwi ought to our ours ourlves out outside over own P page panel paper parent park part particular particularly party pass past pay penny people personal phone pick picture piece place plan play plea plenty plus point police poor possibly pound prepare press pressure presumably previously price private probably problem produce product production profit programme project proper properly provide public purpo push put Q quality quarter question quick quickly quite R radio range rate rather reach read real realize really reason reasonable receive recently recognize record red reduce refer region regional relationship remain require respect respon rest result rid right ring road roll room round run S same save say school science cond ction e em ll nd n ntence rious rve rvice t veral x share shop short should show shut sick side similar simple simply since sing sister sit situation size sleep slightly small so society some somebody someone something sometimes somewhere son soon sorry sort sound south space speak special specific spend stage stamp stand station stay still stop store straight street strong student stuff stupid success such suddenly suffer suggest suggestion summer suppo sure surely system T table take talk tax tea teach teacher team telephone television tell tend term terrible test than thank thanks that the their them themlves then there they thing think this though thought three through throw ticket till time tired to today together tomorrow tonight top total totally towards town traffic train tree trouble true trust try turn type U under understand unfortunately union unless until up us u ud ud to uful usual usually V various very video village W wait walk wall want wash watch way wear weather week weekend weight well what whatever when where whether which while white who whole why wide wife will win window with without woman wonder wonderful word work working world worry worth write wrong Y yeah year yes yesterday yet you young your yours yourlf | above abroad absolute abu accommodation according account accurate active additional address administration admit adopt adult advi affair afterwards agency ahead aid aim aircraft airline airport alarm alive allowance alone alternative altogether amazing announce annual apartment apologize appeal apple appoint appreciate approval approve arrange arrangement arrive article asleep ass asss asssment ast assignment assumption assure attach attack attempt attend attorney attract attractive audience average avoid award awkward B background backwards badly balance band ba bath bathroom battery beat beer behaviour being bell belong below belt bench benefit beyond bike bird blah blame blind blow bomb bone bonus book booklet boot boring borough borrow boss bound boundary bowl brain bread break breakfast brick bridge brief briefly broad brown bucket bugger bunch bungalow burn but butter button C cabinet cake calculate calculation camera can cancel cancer capable care career carefully cash category cau challenge charity chat chee chemistry cheque chicken chief chip chocolate chuck cigarette circle citizen claim clever clock cloly clothes clue coat code collection column comfortable comment commercial commit commitment communication competitive complain complaint complete complicated concentrate conclusion confidence confident confirm conflict conscious considerable constant consumer contain content continuous contract contribute contribution control cook cope corridor cottage council count countryside cow credit crime critical criticism cross crowd cry cupboard currently curtain cut D damage damn dance danger dangerous dark darling databa dear debt decent 电饭锅哪个牌子好defence delay delighted delivery description derve desk despite destroy detail direct directly dirty disagree disappear disaster discover disgusting disk distance doctor dot doubt downstairs dozen draft drawing dream dress drink drive drop dry dwelling E ear earn earth east easy edge educational effective effectively efficient elderly elect election electric electricity element elwhere emergency emphasize employ employee encourage enormous entirely entitle entry equal equally equipment error essay esntial esntially estate everywhere except exception exchange exciting exclude excu exhibition expand expectation experience experiment express expression extension extent F factory fail failure fair familiar famous fan fashion fast fat fault feature fee fight figure film finally finger firm firstly fish fit fix flat flow flower fly folk following forest formal former forth forward fresh fridge friendly frightened fruit fully fun fundamental furniture G gain gap garage gate gather gene generation gift glad goal gold golf good morning good ness goods gosh government gradually grand grandad grant grass green grey guarantee guess guide guilty gun H half hand handle happening hardly head heat heating height herlf hide highly highway hill history hold holiday homework honestly horrible hospital hotel houhold housing however huge hurt I ice icecream ideal ignore illness immediate immediately importance impossible improve inch include including income increa inflation influence inform inside 回归线interest interview invite involve involved J jacket joke judge jump justify K key kick knee knowledge L lady land language laugh lawyer lead leaf length lesson library lie lift list literally living load loan locally lock loss lost lucky lump M magazine mainly maintenance map marriage married marvelous massive math maths maximum meal meaning means measure meat media medical medicine membership mental merely metal metre migration military milk mine minimum 运动减肥计划方案minor miss mistake mix mixed model mostly motorway mou mouth move movie music N name nasty natural naturally near neat neck negative negotiation neighbour neither newspaper noi nor northern no notice nowadays noway nowhere O object obtain obvious occasionally offer opposite opposition order organization originally outside owe own owner P pack package packet paid pain paint pair pardon park partly pass path patient payment peace pen pencil perfect perfectly perhaps permanent permission person personally persuade photo photograph physical pie pig pile pink pipe pizza plain plane plant plastic plate player plead pleasure pocket policeman politics pool popular population positive possibility pot potato pour practice precily prefer preparation prepared prence prent prentation president press pretend pretty prevent print priority prison prize process professional progress promi proof property proportion prospect protect protection proud prove providing public publicity pupil purely Q qualification qualify queen question quid quiet quote R race rail railway rain rai reaction reality reasonably receipt recent recession reckon redundancy reflect refu regard regular regulation reject relate related relation relatively relea relevant relief religion religious rely remove rent repeat replace report reprent request requirement rearch resident resistance resource respond responsibility responsible restriction retain retire retirement return rich ride ridiculous right ri risk river rock rough roughly round rule run rush S sad safe sake sale salt sandwich satisfy scene at lect lection lf parate ries riously ttle shame shape sheep sheet ship shirt shock shoe shoot shopping shoulder shout shower sight sin single skin sky slap sleep slight slow smell smile smoke smoking social soft soldier solution solve somehow somewhat song source southern spare speaker specifically speech spell spelling split sport spot spread spring square staff stair stall stamp star start state statement statistic steel step stone story straight strange strength style subject submission submit substantial successful sudden sufficient sugar suit suitable sun super support supporter surface surgery surprid survive suspect swear sweet swimming switch T tail tall tank task taste teaching tear technical technology temperature temporary terribly text theatre theme theory therefore thick thin threat threaten tie tight tiny tip toilet tool tooth total touch tough track tradition travel treat tremendous trip trours trust trustee TV typical U underneath unemployed unemployment university unlikely unusual upt upstairs V vacation variety vary vast vehicle very victim violence virtually visit visitor春的读音 voice W wake walk warm washing waste way wedding weird welcome west western wet whatsoever wheel whenever whereas wherever whilst whoever who will willing wind wine wing winter within witness wood worried writing wrong Y yard yellow youth | abnce acceptable access accountant achievement acknowledge activist ad addition address adequate admire advance advertiment advir agenda agent aggressive alter ambulance amend analysis angle angry announcement annoy anticipate anxiety anxious anyhow apart apology approach approximate arch architecture ari armed artificial artist ashamed ashtray aside aspect asmbly assist assistance assistant associate association automatic automatically avenue awake aye B bacon bake balance bang barrel baball basis basket basketball bastard bat beach bean即使说抱歉 beard beat beauty beef beforehand behave belly bend benefit beside biscuit bitter blade blank bless block bloke blonde bloody boil boiler boiling booking boom border bored bounce brave breath breathe breed brigade brilliant broken builder bum bump bunny burden burn butcher buyer bye C calcium calculator calm camp campaign candle candy cap capability capacity capital carpet carriage cartoon cash ceiling celebration centimetre cereal certificate chain chairman challenge channel chapter characteristic chart cha cheerio chemical chemist cherry chin cinema classroom clau cleaner click client clo clot cloud coach coal coast coin collap colleague combination combine commercial committee communicate comparison compete complex component concentration concept concert conclude concrete conduct conference confud confusing confusion congratulation connection conquence conrvation considerably consistent constantly construction consult consultant consultation contact context convenient convince cooking cool cooperation cop corn corporation correct councillor counter courage cousin crack craft crafty crash crazy creation creative crew cricket criminal criticize cross crown crucial cruel curious curly curve cushion cute cycle D daily damage dance date dead decade decorate decoration defend define definite definition delay deliberately demanding demonstration dependent depression depth design develop diaper diet dig dirt discipline discount discuss dia dish distinction distinguish district division divorce downtown drag drawer dream duck dumb dust dustbin E economic economy efficiency electrical electronic elevator emotional emphasis enable encouraging engineer enjoyable enquiry ensure entertainment enthusiastic entire entrance envelope equal era escape establish establishment estimate evidence 鼓简笔画exact examination examine excitement excu executive exerci exist existence existing exit expen experienced expert explanation explore extend extraordinary extreme F facility factor fal fancy fantastic farm farmer fascinating favourite fear feather feel fella fence fertilizer festival file filthy finance financial finish fire fishing fixed flash flight flood flow force foreign forever forgive fortnight fortunate fortune frankly frequency frequently fuck fulfill fulltime fumes function fund fuss G gang garbage garlic gay gear gentle gentleman genuine glue good night gorgeous grab grade gram grammar grandchild grandfather grandmother granny gross guard H habit handbag handle handy harm headline healthy hearing heaven hers hire hit hobby holder hook hopeless hor hungry hurry I ideally ill image imagination impression incentive incidentally inclined increa incredibly indeed individual industry injection insist inspection instance instant instruction insurance intelligence intelligent intend international interview introduce iron J jewellery joke journey jumper junction just K keen keyboard kidney kilometre kind kiss knife labour lack lad ladder lager lake lamp lane largely layer leader leadership leak lean learning leave lecture legal lemonade lend licence lick lie light lighting limit link live lively local locate location log logical lonely loo lord lorry lottery lower luckily lunchtime M machinery mail maintain major male manner manufacturer margin mark marketing match mate medium memo mental age menu mess messy millimeter minority mirror miry mixture mommy monitor monthly mood moral mountain mug muum musical N nail naked nappy narrow nation navy negotiate nerve nervous nevertheless nicely nil noisy nonn nope nuisance nur nut O oak object objection objective oblige occasional occupation occupy ocean odds official oil one another onion operate orange organism organized ounce outfit oven overall overcome ownership P painting panic pants paragraph parcel parking partner part time passage pasnger passport pastry pathetic patience pattern peaceful pear penalty pension pepper perceive percent perform performance period personality personnel petrol physically piano pigeon pill pillow pin pity place pleasant plug poem policy polite political pond pop position post poster potential practical pram pray prayer predict pregnant presume pretty pride primary principle prisoner procedure proceed profession projection promi promote promotion proposal propo provided provision pub publish pudding pump punch puppy purcha pure pur pursue Q qualified quantity queue quick quietly R rabbit racing raffle rare ratio react reader realistic recall recipe recognition recommend record reduction reference reflection regard regarding register registration regularly relative relieve remark removal repair reply report reporter reprentation reprentative request rervation rest restaurant restrict reveal review revolution ride riot rob roof root rope ro royal rub rubbish rugby ruin S sail salvation sample satisfaction satisfied sausage scale scared schedule scientific scientist score a al arch ason cret cretary cure ed eing lf nsible nsitive ssion vere sh shaft shake shall shape sharp shave shed shelf shine shocked shocking shove sign signal significantly silly silver singer skill skinny slim slip smart smile smoke snake snow soak soap sock solicitor solid sore soul soup spare specialist speed spill spin spirit spot spray ssh standard stare starve steal steep stereo stick sticker stiff stink stir stock stomach stop store straightforward straw strawberry stress stretch strict strike string stroke structure study sub succeed suck sum sunshine supermarket supply surpri surprising survey suspicious swallow swap sweep swing switch T ta tackle talent tap tape target tata tear technically technique telly tempt tenant tendency tennis tension test theirs throat throughout tie tights tile tin title toast toe tomato ton tongue tower trade traditional training transaction transport transportation trap trash treatment trial trick tricky truck try tube tune twist tyre U unable unbelievable unfair unfortunate unhappy uniform unique u V vacancy vague valley value van vegetable vet vice violent vision vote voucher W wander war warn warning watch water wave weak weekly weigh welcome welfare whereby whisky white whole wild windy winner wipe wire wi wish wooden worker workshop worry worrying worthwhile wrap wrist writer Y yoghurt |
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