Chapter 1 Language, Linguistics and Lexicology
1-1-1Introductory Remarks/1
1-1-2A Definition of Language/1
1-1-3Language, Society and Thought/2
1-2-1 A Definition of Linguistics/5
1-2-2 The scope of Linguistics/5
1-3-1 What is a Lexicology/6
1-3-2 Aims and significance of the Cour of English Lexicology/6
1-3-3 The Connection of Lexicology with other branches of Linguistics/7
1-3-4 Two Approaches to the study of English Lexicology/8
a) Synchronic
b) diachronic
Chapter 2 The Sources of the English Vocabulary
2-1-1 what is Etymology?/13
2-1-2 the English People and the English Language/14
2-1-3 The Position and Character of the English Language in the Indo-European Family/14
2-1-4 The Divisions of the History of the English Language/15蔡茨勒
The history of the English language is divided into three periods.
港澳通行证材料a) 450——1150 Old English
b) 1150——1500 Middle English
c) 1500——preaent Modern English
2-1-5 Some Characteristics of Old English/15
a) There are two class of languages in the world: synthetic and analytic
b) Old English is a synthetic language
2-1-6 Some Characteristics of Middle English/20
2-1-7 Some Characteristics of Modern English23
2-1-8 Etymological Twins in English/30
2-1-9 Some Combining Forms Ud in Modern English/32
2-2-1 Words of Native Origin/39
2-2-2 Borrowed Words in the English Vocabulary/41
The English vocabulary can be divided into two groups according to origin:
Native words and borrowed words.
2-3-1 The Foreign Elements in the English Vocabulary/44
Four groups of loan-words:
面包牌子1) aliens;
2) denizens;
3) translation-loans;
4) Semantic borrowings.