简历背景图片Conversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. This is a method of turning words of one part of speech to tho of a different part of speech. The words are new only in a grammatical n. This word formation is also known as functional shift as there are changes only in function but not in morphological structure.
Words produced by conversion are primarily nouns, adjectives, and verbs. And the most productive conversion is between nouns and verbs.
Conversion is not only a change of grammatical function of the lexical item involved but with the change the range of meaning it originally carried also change.
eg. paper
a)material in thin sheets made from wood or本机ip查询
b) a newspaper,
c) a piece of writing for specialists,
微微一笑很倾城第二部when turned into a transitive verb, it is related only to d) : She papered the room green.
1. Conversion to noun
1)verb to noun
Almost all monomorphemic verbs can be ud as nouns, which are mantically related to the original verbs in various ways.
A.state of mind or nsation
doubt the state of doubting
want what is wanted
desire, love, hate, smell, taste
B.event or activity
arch the activity of arching
laugh the act of laughing
attempt, hit, relea, swim
catch what is caught
find what is found
reject, buy, answer, bet
D.doer of the action
help one who helps
cheat one who cheats
bore, coach, flirt (调情,卖俏), stand-in(代替)
E.Tool or instrument to do the action
cover ud to cover something
wrap ud to wrap something
cure (v.治愈,治疗→n.治愈,治疗;疗法)
look→n. to have a look
smoke→n. to have a smoke
swim →n. to have a swim
try→n. to have a try
奇多音字wash →n. to have a wash
walk →n. to take a walk
ride →n. to take a ride
glance →n. to take a glance
rest →n. to take a rest
shower →n. to take a shower
cry →n. to give a cry
start →n. to give a start
laugh →n. to give a laugh
团体意识move →n. to make a move
guess →n. to make a guess
offer →n. to make a offer
slip →n. to make a slip
attempt →n. to make a attempt
2) Adjective to noun
Not all adjectives which are converted can achieve a full noun status. Some are completely converted, thus known as full conversion (完全转换), others are only partially converted, hence partial conversion (部分转换).
A.full conversion
A noun fully converted from an adjective has all the characteristics of nouns. It can take an indefinite article or –(e)s to indicate singular or plural number.
a white a liberal a native a Republican finals necessaries drinkables valuables
a given a drunk young marrieds newly-weds
B. partial conversion
Nouns partially converted from adjectives do not poss all the qualities a noun does. They must be ud together with definite articles. And they retain some of the adjective features.
the poor the rich the old the young the wounded the poorer the more corrupt
冰雪宫殿Words of this group generally refer to a group of the kind, the young = young people, the wounded = wounded soldiers.