Standard: A room discrepancy check must be done at 14:30-15:00 and 21:30-22:00, all discrepancies must be investigated properly, to ensure correct room status at all times. | 标准: 房铁哥们态差异检查必须在下午14:30-15:00点和晚上21:30-22:00点进行,并且 安抚奶嘴能用吗所有的差异房必须做适当的调查以确保房态的正确。 |
Procedures: 1.Houkeeping will physically check all rooms on discrepancies report at 14:30-15:00 and 21:30-22:00. 2.SLEEP-Occupied in Houkeeping and Vacant in Front Office. 3.SKIP-Occupied in Front Office and Vacant in Houkeeping. 4.In the event of SLEEP, go through the registration cards; the guest may be checked into wrong room or a room move was carried out without following the proper procedure. 5.If the registration card can not be located, contact with the guest in the room, investigate and register. 6.In the event of a SKIP, check the registration card and supporting documents, contact the source of booking and verify that guest has left. Check out the guest. 7.If cash ttlement, complete a SKIPPER report and check out the guest to a PM. 8.If credit card ttlement or company billing, complete a SKIPPER report and check out the guest following the late charge procedure. 9.Guest Service Manager will also received Sleep out report around 14:30, if room has no luggage, Guest Service Manager need to contact with the guest and confirm if the guest already departure or not. 10.If can not contact with the guest, Guest Service Manager need to change the room to due out room and further follow up. 11.Discrepancy and Sleep out report must notice the follow up result and make a file. | 程序: 1.dj是什么意思管家部员工将在每日下午14:30-15:00点和21:30-2:00点亲自检 查每一个在房态差异报告上的元宵节名句房间。 2.SLEEP状态-管家部是占用房而前台是空房。 3.SKIP状态-前台是占用房而管家部是空房。 4.当SLEEP情况发生时,战国地图查看登记卡春天的景色,也许客人被安排到错误的房间里也许客人换房之后没有遵循正确的操作程序。 5.如果登记卡没有找到,联系房间的客人,调查并记录。 6.当SKIP情况发生时检查登记卡和所有辅助材料,根据预订时的原始资料联系客人,氖的元素符号证明客人确实离店后将此房结掉。 7.如果是现金付帐,填写SKIPPER报告并将差异房金额转入特定主帐单。 8.如果客人用信用卡付帐或公司挂帐,填写SKIPPER报告,在电脑中做结帐并按迟帐的操作程序进行。 9.宾客服务经理每天14:30还将接到客房部的外宿报告,如果房间没有行李,宾客服务经理需与客人确认是否已经离店。 10.如果联系不到客人,宾客服务经理需将房间变为预离房,再近一步跟进。 鼻烟是什么东西11.差异报告和外宿报告必须注明跟进结果并存档。 |
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