This poem was conceived and chiefly written in a wood, and on a day when that tempestuous wind, who temperature is at once mild and animating, was collecting the vapors which pour down the autumnal rains. Shelley’s west wind is a “spirit”, the
热电势“breath of autumn’s being”, which on earth, sky and a destroys in the autumn in
order to revive in the spring. Around this central image the poem weaves various cycles of death and regeneration----vegetational, human, and divine.
eveloped by Shelley from the interlaced The stanza ud in this ode was d
three-line units of the Italian terza rima: aba bcb cdc and so on. Shelley’s stanza小孩头晕
consists of a t of four such tercets, clod by a couplet rhyming with the middle line of the preceding tercet: aba bab cdc ded ee.
This poem consists of five cantos and each canto is a sonnet. The
first canto
describes that west wind crushes dry weeds and smashes rotten woods and ay the same time it also sweeps the eds into earth. The cond canto describes that the west wind stirs up the conden clouds and fog and calls the lightning and storm to come.
The third canto describes the power of the west wind in land, a and air. The fourth canto is a turning point, Shelley’s poem turns from describing scene to expressing
emotions and he conveys his willing with the west wind. The last canto is the climax of the poem, in it Shelley further express the wind will destroy everything.
国画美女All in all, it can be divided into two parts. The first part include canto one, canto two and canto three. The first part gives a description of many images but there is国际贸易专业学什么
only one central idea. That is the west wind has a strong power to eliminate decadent and encourage the new things. The last two cantos are Shelley speaking directly to the wind, asking for its power, to lift him like a leaf, a cloud or a wave and make him its companion in its wanderings.
Symbolism is widely ud in this poem. This poem describes the west wind from the beginning to the end. Whether it describes the scenery or express his thoughts, the west wind is indispensable in h
is descriptions. From the surface it ems that Shelley writes about the west wind but actually he us the west wind to express the revolution. What the author describes about the nature is exactly what he wants to say about the revolution. The descriptions of the conditions of the eds, the leaves, the clouds, the lightning, the a and all other images in this poem are symbol of the development of the revolution.
In this poem, Shelley sings in prai of the west wind. The west wind is not only a destroyer but also a protector. It not only crushes dry weeds and smashes rotten
woods but also sweeps the eds into earth. In fact, by singing in prai of the west
wind, he sings in prai of the revolution that sweeps over the whole Europe. He sings in prai of the revolution which fights against all the dark forces in the old world. Shelley love the west wind, he looks forward to the coming of the west wind. It is his soul and he combines himlf with the west wind. The measures that Shelley hope the west wind do and the west wind has done are what he hope the revolution and himlf can do. In the fourth canto the ntence “I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!”
express that the author willing to devote himlf to the revolution. The last ntence “If Winter com大自然声音
es, can spring be far behind?” express his conviction
to the life and his determination to the revolution. In this poem, the west wind has become a symbolic. It is a kind of univer spirit, a spirit that will break the old world and pursue the new world.