雷达管制标准用语--SSR PHRASE(二次监视雷达用语)
1. SSR PHRASE(二次监视雷达用语)
1.1 To instruct tting of transponder
Squawk (code) / 应答机(编码)
1.2 To request the pilot to relect the assigned Mode and Code
Recycle (mode) (code) /重拨应答机(模式)(编码)
1.3 To request the pilot to confirm the correct Code is lected
Confirm squawk / 证实应答机编码
1.4 To request the operation of SPI feature
Squawk IDENT / 应答机“特殊位置”识别
1.5 To request the operation of SPI feature
Squawk standby / 应答机置“等待”位
Squawk normal / 恢复正常应答
1.6 To request emergency code
Squawk MADAY / 置应答机MADAY
地狱模式1.7 To request termination of transponder operation
Stop squawk / 关掉应答机
1.8 To request transmission of pressure altitude
众所周知的意思Squawk charlie / 应答机C模式
Or Squawk altitude / 应答机高度显示
凋谢的反义词1.9 To request pressure tting check and confirmation of level
Check altimeter tting and confirm level
1.10 To request termination of pressure altitude transmission becau of faulty operation
Stop altitude squawk ,wrong indication
Or: Stop squawk charlie,wrong indication /关掉应答机高度应答,信息有误
1.11 To request altitude check 网格员工作职责
工休假Verify ( level ) / 核实高度
1.12 Advi the air crew when the transponder is inoperativeor malfunctioning
Your transponder inoperative / malfunctioning美女手机壁纸
1.13 C:证实你的应答机是否工作。P:我的应答机不工作。
扇形有几条对称轴C:Confirm transponder operating .
P:Negative transponder unrviceable.
SSR CODE may be employ until the first landing airport , the ATS unit concerned will not change the SSR CODE other than special conditions.
雷达管制标准用语--Identification (识别)
2. Identification (识别)
We may employ SSR CODE or TURN METHOD TO identify aircraft ba on pilot's position report.
2.1 Radar identification / contact (position)/雷达识别(及位 置)
2.2 Report heading(and level /altitude)/报告航向(及高度层/ 高度)
2.3 For identification,turn left / right heading(three digits)
2.3.1 Not identified (reason),(resume/continue own navigation)
2.3.2 Not yet in radar contact(alternate procedures)
2.4 Radar identification / contact lost ( alternate instruction)
2.5 Will shortly lo identification ( appropriate instruction)
连续三次以上扫描仍得不到目标足以保持航空器的识 别时,应视航空器的雷达识别消失。
雷达管制标准用语--Position information and position report (位置信息和位置报告)
3. Position information and position report (位置信息和位置报告)
3.1 Position information --Inform the aircraft of the position respond to FIX or AIRWAY, when the traffic is tracked
3.1.1 over / passing ( fix )/在(定位点)上空/或通过(定位点
3.1.2 (distance) (direction) of (fix /airway )/在(定位点/航线)的方向距离
3.1.3 (distance ) from ( fix )/距(定位点)距离
3.1.4 Crossing /intercepting ( specified ) radial of VOR / TACAN/正在横穿/切入VOR/TRCAN(指定的)径向线
3.1.5 Position magnetic track ( three digits ) degrees distance ( mil )/位置磁航迹(三位数)度距离(海里)
3.2 Position report to omit position reports when under radar control
3.2.1 Omit position reports( untill (specify ) )/(在(要求)前)省略位置报告
3.2.2 Next report at ( significant point )/过(重要点)报告
3.2.3 Resume position reporting恢复位置报告(当雷达或通讯设备等故障时)
雷达管制标准用语--Traffic information (活动通报)
4. Traffic information (活动通报)
4.1 Traffic information include :clockwi bearing distance , direction ,type of aircraft ,level etc. Vector when the pilot request.
4.1.1 Traffic ( number ) o’clock ( distance ) ,( direction of flight ),( other information )/活动通报(数值)点方位、(距离)、(活动方向)、(机型)、高度
4.1.2 Unknown traffic (number)o'clock 、(distance)、(direction of flight)/活动通报(数值)点方位(距离)(活动方向)有不明飞行。