Red Balloon: Approaching Dreams as Self-新年诗歌
大话西游解读>雁舍五行属火寓意好的字期刊名称: Journal of Marital & Family Therapy
作者: Athena Androutsopoulou
年份: 2011年
期号: 第4期
关键词: socialization;parenting;parent-child relations;culture
摘要:In this article, dreams are en as stories within a lf-narrative. Dream stories, like all other stories, are told in an effort to make n of experiences. Here, dream content is linked to current concerns, some aspects of which are not given voice in waking. Dreams depict restricting themes but also openings in lf-narratives. Several examples are provided of how dreams can be linked to early,
middle, and late therapy phas associated with recognizing, challenging, revising, and maintaining a revising stance. It is further suggested that dream stories can be ud to trace, facilitate, and evaluate the process of reconstructing lf-narratives. Finally, a number of therapeutic interventions are briefly prented to facilitate the work of narrative-informed family therapists working with individuals, families, and groups.