The notation is denoting that there are multiple NIC interfaces on the router in the diagram and it's making reference to this.
F0/0 - interface #1
F0/1 - interface #2
NOTE: The F indicates that the NIC/port is most likely a Fast Ethernet type of connection.
shows them as well. Here's the referenced as Fa 0/1, which I believe is the more typical notation.
The other interesting take away is that the notation may sometimes include a 3rd digit to denote that the interface being referenced is not built into the Motherboard of the networking gear. The above diagram shows some examples of this, ie. T1 1/0/1. NOTE: The 3rd digit prefixes, and indicates which "slot" on the Motherboard a port is coming from.
Again the Cisco reference describes the slots like so:
I was also able to dig up this reference: which describes the reference of F0/0 like so. Take note that there are 2 types of situations:
绿萝的资料Fixed interface ries router
Modular interface ries router
This notation was originally ud for fixed types of routers:
In fixed interface ries router, the interface nomenclature is type slot_#/ port_#.
But with the advent of modular routers, that did not denote which addon card (WIC) was being referenced. So the notation was expanded: New naming convention only for WIC slots (WAN Interface Card) is type slot_#/subslot_#/ port_#.
Ports installed directly on chassis still u classic convention that is type slot_#/ port_#.
Incidentally that same site had this table which describes the F0/0 notation like this:
Additional arches did turn up this URL: which had the types of ports listed:
Aux port: This auxiliary port is ud to connect a modem to the router, which can then be ud to remotely modify the
configuration on the router.动漫黑白图片
Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) port: Before the WIC became a standard for providing expansion through an add-on port,
the AUI allowed transceivers to be ud, providing you with the ability to add various types of network connections, such
as fiber or copper Ethernet connections.
Serial: Connects a modem or other rial device to allow a WAN network interface to be ud on the router.
Ethernet/Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet: Standard network interfaces ud to connect different network gments.
Console: Serial configuration port for command-line access to router management and configuration. Refer to Figure 3-1
to e the console port.
WAN Interface Card (WIC) port: Becau a wide variety of WAN connectivity options are available (for example, T1, ISDN,
ADSL), you can u this port to add different interfaces to a standard router.
Hardware WAN Interface Card (HWIC) port: With the integration of rvices into routers, the WIC interface became too
limiting. The HWIC interface was created to support a wider variety of hardware expansion options, such as switches and
rvice cards. This port is backward compatible with most older WIC hardware.
As well as this URL: :
Ethernet - Ethernet is typically Ethernet IEEE 802.3 standard bad physical interface, which operates at 10 Mbps speed.
The media standard ud is 10BaT.
Fast Ethernet - Fast Ethernet is typically Ethernet IEEE 802.3u standard bad physical interface which operates at 100
Mbps speed. The media standard ud is 100BaT.
Gigabit Ethernet - Gigabit Ethernet is typically Ethernet IEEE 802.3ab standard bad physical interface which operates at
1000 Mbps speed. The media standard ud is 1000BASE-T
Serial - Serial interfaces are typically ud for WAN connections from ISP (Internet Service Providers) for connectivity
什么征北战types like Frame Relay, T1, T3, etc.
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface - FDDI networks operates at 100 Mbps speed and us a token-passing mechanism
to prevent collisions.
Token Ring - Token Ring interfaces can operate at either 4 Mbps or 16 Mbps. In Token Ring networks a token is pasd
around the network (configured in ring topology), allowing the owner of the token to transmit a frame, to avoid
collision.Token Ring networks vanished from networking industry long way back. New Cisco routers do not have a Token
Ring interface.
Note: Only 10Mbps Ethernet interface has a name "Ethernet" in a Cisco Router. A 100Mbps Ethernet interface is called a
"FastEthernet" interface and a 1000Mbps Ethernet interface is called a "GigabitEthernet" interface.
That last bit is a bit more telling. Since Ethernet would historically been ud for 10MBps interfaces, the "F" in my "F0/0" & "F0/1" diagram would em to imply that the interface is a FastEthernet capable connection (10/100MBps).
However, more recently, Ethernet can also be ud interchangeably on Gigabit Ethernet as well as 10G Ethernet ports, so you need to pay special attention to the actual equipment that's been referenced by a diagram.
F0 / 0-接⼝#1
F0 / 1-接⼝#2
注: F表⽰NIC /端⼝很可能是快速以太⽹类型的连接。
显⽰了它们。这⾥称为Fa 0/1,我相信这是更典型的表⽰法。
我也能够找到该参考⽂献:像这样描述了F0 / 0的参考⽂献。请注意,有两种情况:
在固定接⼝系列路由器中,接⼝名称为类型槽位 _#/ 端⼝_#。
仅对于WIC插槽(WAN接⼝卡)的新命名约定是类型槽位 _#/ ⼦槽位 _#/ 端⼝_#。
四级范文直接安装在机箱上的端⼝仍为类型槽位 _#/ 端⼝_#的经典约定。
顺便说⼀句,同⼀站点具有此表,该表描述了这样的F0 / 0表⽰法:热门电视剧排行榜
以太⽹ -以太⽹通常是基于以太⽹IEEE 802.3标准的物理接⼝,其运⾏速度为10 Mbps。使⽤的媒体标准是10BaT。
快速以太⽹ -快速以太⽹通常是基于以太⽹IEEE 802.3u标准的物理接⼝,其运⾏速度为100 Mbps。使⽤的媒体标准是
千兆以太⽹ -千兆以太⽹通常是基于以太⽹IEEE 802.3ab标准的物理接⼝,其运⾏速度为1000 Mbps。使⽤的媒体标准是
串⾏ -串⾏接⼝通常⽤于ISP(Internet服务提供商)的WAN连接,以实现帧中继,T1,T3等连接类型。
FDDI光纤分布式数据接⼝ -FDDI⽹络以100 Mbps的速度运⾏,并使⽤令牌传递机制来防⽌冲突。
令牌环 -令牌环接⼝可以以4 Mbps或16 Mbps的速度运⾏。在令牌环⽹络中,令牌在⽹络中传递(以环形拓扑配置),从⽽
注意:在Cisco路由器中,只有10Mbps以太⽹接⼝的名称为“以太⽹”。100Mbps以太⽹接⼝称为“ FastEthernet”接⼝,⽽
1000Mbps以太⽹接⼝称为“ GigabitEthernet”接⼝。
最后⼀点更具说服⼒。由于以太⽹过去⼀直⽤于10MBps接⼝,因此在我的“ F0 / 0”和“ F0 / 1”图中,“ F”似乎暗⽰该接⼝是⽀持FastEthernet 的连接(10 / 100MBps)。
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