WMI是英文Windows Management Instrumentation的简写,它的功能主要是:访问本地主机的一些信息和服务,可以管理远程计算机(当然你必须要拥有足够的权限),比如:重启,关机,关闭进程,创建进程等。
'用WMI,先工程-引用 Microsoft WMI Scripting V1.1 Library
Private Sub wmiSoundDeviceInfo()
Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet
Dim obj As SWbemObject
Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"). _
On Local Error Resume Next
For Each obj In wmiObjSet
MsgBox obj.ProductName
End Sub
Private Sub wmiVideoControllerInfo()
Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet
Dim obj As SWbemObject
Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"). _
On Local Error Resume Next
For Each obj In wmiObjSet
MsgBox obj.VideoProcessor
End Sub
Private Sub wmiPhysicalMemoryInfo()
Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet
Dim obj As SWbemObject
Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}"). _
On Local Error Resume Next
For Each objItem In wmiObjSet
Debug.Print "BankLabel: " & objItem.BankLabel
Debug.Print "Capacity: " & objItem.Capacity
Debug.Print "Caption: " & objItem.Caption
Debug.Print "CreationClassName: " & objItem.CreationClassName
Debug.Print "DataWidth: " & objItem.DataWidth
Debug.Print "Description: " & objItem.Description
Debug.Print "DeviceLocator: " & objItem.DeviceLocator
Debug.Print "FormFactor: " & objItem.FormFactor
Debug.Print "HotSwappable: " & objItem.HotSwappable
Debug.Print "InstallDate: " & objItem.InstallDate
Debug.Print "InterleaveDataDepth: " & objItem.InterleaveDataDepth
Debug.Print "InterleavePosition: " & objItem.InterleavePosition
Debug.Print "Manufacturer: " & objItem.Manufacturer
Debug.Print "MemoryType: " & objItem.MemoryType
Debug.Print "Model: " & objItem.Model
Debug.Print "Name: " & objItem.name三年级下册语文
Debug.Print "OtherIdentifyingInfo: " & objItem.OtherIdentifyingInfo
Debug.Print "PartNumber: " & objItem.PartNumber
Debug.Print "PositionInRow: " & objItem.PositionInRow
Debug.Print "PoweredOn: " & objItem.PoweredOn
Debug.Print "Removable: " & objItem.Removable
Debug.Print "Replaceable: " & objItem.Replaceable
Debug.Print "SerialNumber: " & objItem.SerialNumber
Debug.Print "SKU: " & objItem.SKU多彩民俗迎端午
Debug.Print "Speed: " & objItem.Speed
Debug.Print "Status: " & objItem.Status
Debug.Print "Tag: " & objItem.Tag
我的数学老师Debug.Print "TotalWidth: " & objItem.TotalWidth
Debug.Print "TypeDetail: " & objItem.TypeDetail
Debug.Print "Version: " & objItem.Version
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim wmiObjSet As SWbemObjectSet
Dim obj As SWbemObject
Dim msg As String
Dim dtb As String
Dim d As String
旁听庭审心得体会Dim t As String
Dim bias As Long
On Local Error Resume Next
Set wmiObjSet = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each obj In wmiObjSet
MsgBox "你当前使用的系统是 " & obj.Caption
End Sub
Win32 Class
Microsoft? Windows? class give you the means to manipulate a variety of objects. The following table identifies the categories of Windows class.
Category Description
Computer system hardware Class that reprent hardware related objects.
Operating system Class that reprent operating system related objects.
Installed applications Class that reprent software related objects.
WMI rvice management Class ud to manage WMI.
Performance counters Class that reprent formatted and raw performance data.
Computer System Hardware Class
he Cooling Devices subcategory groups class that reprent instrumentable fans, temperature probes, and refrigeration devices.
Class Description
Win32_Fan Reprents the properties of a fan device in the computer system.
Win32_HeatPipe Reprents the properties of a heat pipe cooling device.
Win32_Refrigeration Reprents the properties of a refrigeration device.
Win32_TemperatureProbe Reprents the properties of a temperature nsor (electronic thermometer).
图形结构Input Device Class
The Input Devices subcategory groups class that reprent keyboards and pointing devices.
Class Description
Win32_Keyboard Reprents a keyboard installed on a Windows system.
Win32_PointingDevice Reprents an input device ud to point to and lect regions on the display of a Windows computer system.
Mass Storage Class
Class in the Mass Storage subcategory reprent storage devices such as hard disk drives, CD-ROM drives, and tape drives.
Class Description
Win32_AutochkSetting Reprents the ttings for the autocheck operation of a disk.
Win32_CDROMDrive Reprents a CD-ROM drive on a Windows computer system.
Win32_DiskDrive Reprents a physical disk drive as en by a computer running the Windows operating system.
Win32_FloppyDrive Manages the capabilities of a floppy disk drive.
Win32_PhysicalMedia Reprents any type of documentation or storage medium.
Win32_TapeDrive Reprents a tape drive on a Windows computer.
Motherboard, Controller, and Port Class
The Motherboard, Controllers, and Ports subcategory groups class that reprent system devices. Examples include system memory, cache memory, and controllers.