System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) Reference Specification
Version 2.6
Status: Final
September 4, 2008
Copyright © 2000, 2002, 2004-2008 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. (DMTF). All rights rerved.
DMTF is a not-for-profit association of industry members dedicated to promoting enterpri and systems management and interoperability. Members and non-members may reproduce DMTF specifications and documents for us consistent with this purpo, provided that correct attribution is given. As DMTF specifications may be revid from time to time, the particular version and relea date should always be noted. Implementation of certain elements of this standard or propod standard may be subject to third party patent rights, including provisional patent rights (herein "patent rights"). DMTF makes no reprentations to urs of the standard as to the existence of such rights, and is not responsible to recognize, disclo, or identify any or all such third party patent right, owners or claimants, nor for any incomplete or inaccurate identification or disclosure of such rights, owners or claimants. DMTF shall have no liability to any party, in any manner or circumstance, under any legal theory whatsoever, for failure to recognize, disclo, or identify any such third party patent rights, or for such party’s reliance on the standard or incorporation thereof in its product, protocols or testing procedures. DMTF shall have no liability to any party implementing such standard, whether such implementation is foreeable or not, nor to any patent owner or claimant, and shall have no liability or responsibility for costs or loss incurred if a standard is withdrawn or modified after publication, and shall be indemnified and held harmless by any party implementing the standard from any and all claims of infringement by a patent owner for such implementations.
For information about patents held by third parties that have notified the DMTF that, in their opinion, such patent may relate to or impact implementations of DMTF standards, visit www.dmtf/about/policies/disclosures.php.
The System Management BIOS Reference Specification address how motherboard and system vendors prent management information about their products in a standard format by extending the BIOS interface on Intel architecture systems. The information is intended to allow generic instrumentation to deliver this data to management applications that u CIM (the WBEM data model) or direct access and eliminates the need for error prone operations like probing system hardware for prence detection.
Document Revision History
Version Relea
2.0D 09/14/1995 Initial Relea of DRAFT COPY燕麦的做法
2.0M 12/12/1995 Final draft relead, with the following changes:
•Specified that dmiStorageBa (Function 50h) and NVStorageBa (Function 55h) must be
•Added Command value to change a string to function 52h; Command enumeration values modified.
•Removed redundant enumerations from Processor Family list
•Corrected Memory Subsystem Example
•Corrected/clarified Indexed I/O access-methods for event-log; Access Method enumeration values
and Access Method Address union modified
•Added clarifications to some of the event log types
2.00 03/06/1996 Final relea, with the following changes:
•Specified that all structures end with a terminating NULL, even if the formatted portion of the
structure contains string-reference fields and all the string fields are t to 0.
•Corrected the Memory Subsystem Example, handles are now correctly created with a ‘dw’.
•Fixed formatting of some bit definition fields and function examples.
2.00.1 07/18/1996 Minor updates for new technology and clarifications.
•Added definitions for Pentium® Pro, Burst EDO, and SDRAM.
•Added clarifications to the Memory Controller Error Status.
2.1 06/16/1997 Added definition for static table interface, to allow the information to be accesd from new operating
systems, e 2.1Table Convention on page 12. In addition:
•Changed references to DMI BIOS to SMBIOS throughout; the changes are unmarked.
•Added SubFunction DMI_CLEAR_EVENT_LOG2 to Function 54h - SMBIOS Control.
•For tho structure entries that are string numbers, changed the Value field definition of the field
from Varies to STRING throughout; the changes are unmarked.
•BIOS Information structure: Added support for 4-digit year and additional BIOS Characteristics via
Characteristics Extension Byte 1.
•System Information structure: Added Wakeup Type and UUID fields.
•System Enclosure and Chassis structure: Added Bootup State, Power Supply State, Thermal State,
and Security Status to allow the DMTF|Physical Container Global Table to be populated.
•Processor Information structure: Voltage value can now be specified, rather than using bit-flags,
and added enumeration values for Pentium® Pro, Pentium® II, and Slot 1. Also added notes to this
ction, indicating that the enumerated values for the structure are assigned by the DMTF. This
structure was also updated to include the Cache Information handles identifying the L1, L2, and L3
caches associated with the processor.
•Memory Controller Information structure: Added Enabled Error Correcting field. Also added note
that this structure can never be updated to add string values, to prerve backwards compatibility.
•Cache Information structure: Added Speed, Error Correction Type, Type, and Associativity fields.
•Port Connector Information structure: Added enumerated values to Connector Types and Port
•System Slots structure: Added AGP enumeration values to Slot Type field.
•BIOS Language Information structure: Added abbreviated-format for language strings and
corrected example.
•System Event Log structure: OEM-specific Access Methods can now be defined, added standard
log header definitions, and a mechanism to allow the log entry’s variable data formats to be
described. Added note that this structure can never be updated to include string values, to
prerve backwards compatibility.
•Added Physical Memory Array, Memory Device, Memory Error Information, Memory Array Mapped
Address, and Memory Device Mapped Address structures to support the population of the DMTF
Enhanced Physical Memory groups.
•Added Built-in Pointing Device structure to support the population of the DMTF Pointing Device
•Added Portable Battery structure to support the population of the DMTF Portable Battery group.
•Added appendices that contain a structure checklist and table-convention parsing pudo-code.
2.2 03/16/1998 The following changes were made to v2.1 of the document to produce this version:
•Accepted all changes introduced at Version 2.1
•Added ACPI statement-of-direction for dynamic state and event notification
•Table-convention is required for v2.2 and later compliance
•Corrected Structure Table entry point length value.
•Added Command type 06h to the Plug-and-Play Set SMBIOS Structure function (52h).
•Added new processor enumerations from the updated DMTF MASTER.MIF
•System Enclosure: Added enumeration value for “Sealed-ca PC”, to support Net PC-type
•Memory Controller Information: Corrected description of how the BIOS computes the structure
•System Event Log:
•Added definition for end-of-log data, Event Log Type 0FFh.
•Added generic system-management event type; the handle of an associated probe or cooling
device identifies the specific failing device.
•Memory Error Information: Corrected structure size and offts.
•Portable Battery: Corrected the structure length and some of the offts, added Smart Battery-
formatted fields
•Memory Device: Added RIMM form factor
•Added the following new structures
•System Ret structure to support the population of the DMTF Automatic System Ret group.
•Hardware Security structure to support the population of the DMTF System Hardware Security
•System Power Control structure to support the population of the DMTF System Power Control
•Added Voltage Probe structure to support the population of the DMTF Voltage Probe group.
•Cooling Device structure to support the population of the DMTF Cooling Device group.
•Temperature Probe structure to support the population of the DMTF Temperature Probe
•Electrical Current Probe structure to support the population of the DMTF Electrical Current
Probe group.
番禺理工学院•Out-of-Band Remote Access structure to support the population of the DMTF Out-of-Band
Remote Access group.
•Inactive structure type to support standard structure supert definitions.
•End-of-Table structure type to facilitate easier traversing of the structure data.
2.3 08/12/1998 The following changes were made to v2.2 of the document to produce this version:
•Accepted all changes introduced at Version 2.2
•Clarified and corrected referenced documents
• A minimum t of structures (and their data) is now required for SMBIOS compliance.
•Documented an additional structure usage guideline, to optional structure growth.
•BIOS Information:
•4-digit year format for BIOS Relea Date required for SMBIOS 2.3 and later
•Added BIOS Characteristic Extension Byte 2 to include status that the BIOS supports the
BIOS Boot Specification.
•System Information: Added enumeration for Wake-up Type
•System Enclosure or Chassis: Added OEM-defined field.
• Processor
•Added enumerated values for new processors from the updated MASTER.MIF and identified
that one structure is prent for each processor instance.
•Modified interpretation of Lx Cache Handle fields for v2.3 and later implementations
•Memory Module Information: Corrected example, adding double-null to terminate the structure.
•System Slots: Added hot-plug characteristic definition and clarified usage of the PCI “Slot ID” field.
•Memory Device:
•Added enumerations for Form Factor and Device Type
•Added new field for memory Speed
•System Event Log: Added note describing how century portion of the 2-digit year within a log
record is to be interpreted.
•Voltage Probe, Temperature Probe, Electrical Current Probe, Cooling Device:
•Added Nominal Value field
•Added the following new structures
•Boot Integrity Services (BIS) Entry Point
•System Boot Information
•64-bit Memory Error Information
• Management
•Management Device Component
•Management Device Threshold Data
2.3.1 3/16/1999 The following changes were made to v2.3 of the document to produce this version:
•Accepted all changes introduced at Version 2.3
•Adopted a three-tier document numbering procedure, e 1.1 for more information.
Added BIOS Characteristic Extension Byte 2, bit 1, to identify that the BIOS supports
F12=Network Boot functionality
母爱触动了我的心灵作文• Processor Information
• Added Processor Family enumeration for new Pentium processors, defined rerved values
for future Pentium processors.
• Added fields: Ast Tag, Serial Number, and Part Number.
• System Slots
• Added slot type enumeration for PCI-X
• Added slot characteristic to identify support for (to-be) standard SMBus interface for PCI slots
• Memory Device:
• Added enumerated values for Memory Type and Form Factor, required for RamBus
• Added fields: Manufacturer, Ast Tag, Serial Number, and Part Number.
• Added the following new structures:
• Memory Channel (to support RamBus and SyncLink memory implementations)
• IPMI Device, to abstract the IPMI hardware dependencies to management software
• System Power Supply
2.3.1 12/14/2000 Relead as DMTF Preliminary Specification DSP0119.
2.3.2 12 October 2001 The following changes were made to v2.3.1 of the document to produce this version:
• Accepted all changes introduced at v2.3.1
• Relead as DMTF Specification DSP0130 (Preliminary)
• Updated the Abstract and Overview ctions to be more DMTF-general than DMI-specific. Change
bars are prent in the Overview ction only.
• Deleted ction 1.1 (future direction for ACPI interface specification). Any ACPI interface to provide
the structures should be provided by a future version of the ACPI specification itlf.
• Removed "References" that had broken links.
• Modified ctions 2 and 2.2 to indicate that the PnP calling interface is being deprecated at this
specification version.
• Noted in ction 2.1 that the structure table data is boot-time static.
• For each enumerated list that indicated that the enumeration is controlled by the "DMTF, not this
specification", identified which CIM and DMI group.attribute are mapped to the
enumerated value. Also added a note in the Overview ction to indicate where change requests
should be nt.
• Baboard Information (Type 2)
• Added fields: Ast Tag, Feature Flags, Location in Chassis, Chassis Handle, Baboard摇滚乐队排名
Type, and Contained Objects to support multi-system chassis like rver blades.
• System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3)
• Added fields: Height, Number of Power Cords, Contained Element Count, and Contained
Elements to support multi-system chassis like rver blades.
• Processor Information (Type 4)
• Added new enumerations to Processor Family and Processor Upgrade
• Removed (SMBIOS-only) rerved ranges. The ranges are controlled by the DMTF, not the
SMBIOS group. The DMTF Device MOF (starting with v2.3) has commentary around the
Processor Family enumeration that suggests that enumerations below 256 be ud only for
tho processor types that are going to be reported via SMBIOS (since this specification’s
Processor Family field is a 1-byte entity).
• Cache (Type 7)
• Added new enumerations to Associativity
• Memory Device (Type 17)
• Added new enumerations to Memory Type
• Built-in Pointing Device (Type 21)
• Added new enumerations to Pointing Device Type
Removed out-of-date ction Correlation to DMTF Groups, in favor of updated ction 3.3.
2.3.3 10 May 2002 The following changes were made to v2.3.2 of the document to produce this version:
• Accepted all changes introduced at v2.3.2
• Updated the Abstract to contain the updated DMTF copyright statement.
• Processor Information (Type 4)
• Added new enumerations to Processor Family and Processor Upgrade
2.3.4 06
December 2002 The following changes were made to v2.3.3 of the document to produce this version: • System Enclosure Information (Type 3) • Provided clarification regarding contained element types
• Processor Information (Type 4)
• Added and corrected enumerations to Processor Family (CR00002)
•Provided clarification for Max Speed and Current Speed.
•Additions to Processor Upgrade (CR00002)
•System Slots (Type 9)
•Added AGP8X enumeration to Slot Type
2.4 21
2004 The following changes were made to v2.3.4 of the document to produce this version:
•Processor Information (Type 4)
•Added new enumerations to Processor Family (CR00951, CR01152)
•System Slots (Type 9)
•Added PCI Express enumeration to Slot Type (CR01259)
•Added new enumerations to Slot Data Bus Width (CR01324)
•Memory Device (Type 17)
•Added DDR2 enumeration to Type (CR01263)
•BIOS Information (Type 0)
•Added fields: System BIOS Major Relea, System BIOS Minor Relea, Embedded Controller Firmware Major Relea, and Embedded Controller Firmware Minor Relea
•Added BIOS Characteristic Extension Byte 2, bit 2, to identify that the BIOS supports Targeted Content Distribution (CR01270)
•System Information (Type 1)
•Added fields: SKU Number and Family (CR01270)
•Updated Conformance Guidelines and added corrections.
2.5 5
2006 The following changes were made to v2.4 of the document to produce this version:
• Shortened
•Removed obsolete references to DMI, which is no longer maintained by the DMTF. Added references to the Pre-OS and CIM Core Working Groups. (PreOSCR00017.001) •References: updated specification revisions and URLs (PreOSCR00019.001)
•Table Convention: added EFI-specific information (PreOSCR00011.005)
•SMBIOS Structure Table Entry Point: corrected typo, the SMBIOS BCD Revision is at offt 1Eh, not 1Dh (PreOSCR00020.000)
•Required Structures and Data: added DIG64 information (PreOSCR00013.000)
•System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3)
•Added new types for CompactPCI and AdvancedTCA (PreOSCR00012.001)
•Processor Information (Type 4)
•Added AMD Sempron to Processor Family (DMTFCR01473)
•Added AMD Turion to Processor Family (SysdevCR00708)
•Added multi-core, multi-thread and 64-bit extension processor characteristics (PreOSCR00002)
•Added new processor values (Celeron D, Pentium D, Pentium Extreme Edition) (PreOSCR00005)
•Added new processor upgrade (socket 939) (DMI CR00005)
•Added AMD dual-core Opteron and Athlon 64 X2 (PreOSCR00015.003)
•Added new Processor Upgrade values (PreOSCR00016.001)
•Cache Information (Type 7)
•Added note on cache size for multi-core processors (PreOSCR00002)
•Port connector Information (Type 8)
•Added SATA and SAS (PreOSCR00021.002)
飞鹰队•System Slots (Type 9)
•Updated Slot ID description with ACPI and PCI Express (PreOSCR00018.000)
•Onboard Devices Information (Type 10)
•Added SATA and SAS (PreOSCR00021.002)
•Memory Device (Type 17)
•Added values for FB-DIMM (PreOSCR00010.004)
•Memory Device Mapped Address (Type 20)
•Moved structure from ‘required’ to ‘optional’ (PreOSCR00009.002)
•Moved ‘Plug-and-Play Calling Convention’ to Appendix C (PreOSCR00022.001)
2.6 30
2008 The following changes were made to v2.5 of the document to produce this version:
• References:
PCI Firmware Specification (SMBIOSCR00042)
•System Information (Type 1): clarification of UUID format (SMBIOSCR00037, SMBIOSCR00061) •System Enclosure or Chassis (Type 3): added new values to System Enclosure or Chassis Types (Blade, Blade Enclosure) (SMBIOSCR00034)
•Processor Information (Type 4):
o Added
Processor Family 2 field (SMBIOSCR00043)