Quick Start Guide
Providing a great way to experiment and learn about digital power control,the TMS320C2000™DC/DC
Developer’s Kit highlights the TMS320C28x™digital signal controller(DSC)as a multi-rail controller for
multi-pha applications.This kit contains a power motherboard which has eight TI PowerTrain™
modules,small and efficient10Amp synchronous buck power stages,and can interface with any of the TI
plug-in controlCARDs.The board requires a single9-V DC supply and has a parately switched and
fud rail as the input voltage bus to the Buck modules.This allows for safe,convenient software
experimentation and debug without the risk of hardware damage.The software package for this kit us
the TMS320F28x DSC to digitally control the output voltage,ramp rates and quence timing for each of
the eight DC/DC voltage rails.
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Features of the DC/DC Developer’s Kit include:
•Eight non-isolated10-Amp SyncBuck DC/DC power stages(no heat-sink required)
with built in MOSFET drivers
•Clod loop digital control with voltage feedback using F28x on-chip ePWM and
•Sequencing and ramp rate parameters in software allow DC/DC rails to be
controlled independently and in an organized manner
•Voltage input and output measurements via ADC
•Temperature measurement for each channel monitored by ADC
•Current measurement for each channel monitored by ADC
•Over-current protection and fault flag detection via GPIO
•8x LED indicators for diagnostics and fault status
•UART communications header available for host control
•Host GUI,a friendly way to control/demo the application,bad on open source
•Hardware Developer’s Package is available and includes schematics,bill of
materials,Gerber files,…etc
2TMS320C2000DSC DC/DC Developer’s Kit SPRUFR7–July2008
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Hardware Overview 1Hardware Overview欧派橱柜好不好
The DC/DC Developer’s Kit consists of eight identical buck power stages.The input bus voltage for all stages is9V.Shown below is a diagram of the DC/DC Developer’s Kit board and some key features.
Table1.Hardware Components
Component Description
9V In DC power supply from plug pack(12V supply may also be ud)
Main Pwr SW1–Master power switch for entire EVM
DC Bus SW2–Power switch for Vin to buck stages only.When off the DIMM controller card will still operate(next to the DC bus switch is a rettable fu)
Buck1-8Buck power stage modules with temperature/current measurement and over current protection
Load1-8Load terminals and/or buck converter output-next to each terminal block is a light bulb or“visual”load(the draw approx300mA hot)
Active Load1/2Switched loads controlled by the ECAP peripheral via software.The loads are connected to the output of buck1&5respectively.PR1,PR2,or PR3will need to be populated for each active load module to function
correctly.(ECAP peripheral not available on F28044)
DMM Header Provides convenient access to the outputs of the eight buck converters
Emulator Pwr Sets the voltage nt to power the emulator.No jumper means no power will be nt to an emulator,a jumper at5V will power the emulator with5V,and a jumper at3V3will power the emulator with3.3V.
Boot Jumpers Controls how the F280x will boot.元月份
•If no jumpers are placed the target will boot from flash.
•If a jumper is placed at34,the target will boot from the SCI.
•If a jumper is placed at29and34,the target will boot from RAM.
Comms Serial communications UART(allows connection to the external GUI)
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2Hardware Set
2.1Test drive with GUI –(skip if you need only emulation support)
2.2Code Compor Studio Software Development Platform Emulation -Additional Steps
Hardware Set Up All the hardware needed to get started (except the emulator)is included in this package (suggested
emulators are listed near the end of this document).The application-specific motherboard provided in this kit can be ud in one of two ways:
1.Test Drive –Using the provided GUI application,the ur does not require Code Compor Studio™
software or emulation tools.This provides a great way to run or demo the application code quickly and
e what functionality the hardware offers.Note:exactly the same functionality can be achieved by
using the Code Compor Studio Watch Window and slider features during emulation in the cond
护理求职信2.Code Compor Studio Software Development Platform –With the project code provided,the
application can be modified,compiled,loaded and run in a development environment.Code Compor
Studio and Emulation HW tools are required for this.
Follow the steps to t up the hardware for either the GUI or Software Development Platform:
二十四节气顺序Step 1.Unpack the DIMM style controlCARD.
前俯后仰的拼音Step 2.Spread open the winged retaining clips on connector J2.
Step 3.Sit the DIMM card looly in the connector slot.Align the 2keyed notches carefully and
position the card bottom corners inside the retaining clips (e picture below).
Step 4.Push vertically down using even pressure from both ends of the card until the clips snap and
lock.(note:to remove or eject the card simply spread open the retaining clips with thumbs).
Step 5.Be sure switch 1(SW1)is in the off position and connect the included power supply to the
power jack.
Step 1.
Plug in the rial cable provided to connector J4making sure the red wire aligns with the Rx pin on EVM.Step 2.
Inrt a jumper in position 34on the board’s boot pins.Step 3.
Plug the DB9connector into your PC using either a rial port or a rial-to-USB converter dongle.Step 4.Turn on the power once you are done with the TI Software download (e Software Set Up
Step 1.
Depending on your emulator type,place the jumper at J2to either the 3.3-V or 5-V position.Step 2.
Connect the JTAG emulator cable to connector J1.Step 3.Turn on power once you are done with the TI Software download,e Software Set Up -
Code Compor Studio Development.For full details (schematics,pin-out table,etc)of the
hardware e the Hardware Developer’s Package,EightChBuck-HWdevPkg.See Software
Set Up for the download location.
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Software Set Up 3Software Set Up
The DC/DC Developer’s Kit application software example,GUI,step-by-step lab style documentation,and other uful soft collateral is available on the TI website.If you already have your own software project and do not require this collateral,skip this ction.As explained in the hardware t up ction,the target mother board can be run either with the GUI or Code Compor Studio.The GUI executable file is found as part of the main software download.Follow the steps below for either ca.
To run any of the application-specific software in Code Compor Studio,first you must install the
baline code,which contains the header files,libraries,etc.If you already have the baline software installed,skip the baline install steps and go to the DC/DC Developer’s Kit ction.
To download the free TI soft collateral follow the steps:
Step1.Baline soft collateral and hardware documents(skip this if you already have this software installed)
a.On an Internet browr type:
b.At the C2000™DSP Kit download link
c.When prompted,fill in the TI customer registration details and click ok
d.Save th
e.zip file to the directory of your choice
e.Unzip the file and run the install program Baline Software Set Up
f.The installer will create the following default directories:
Step2.DC/DC Developer’s Kit soft collateral and hardware documents
a.On an Internet browr type:
b.Then choo the DC/DC Developer’s Kit link.
c.When prompted,fill in the TI customer registration details and click ok.
d.Save th
e.zip file to the directory of your choice.
e.Unzip the file and run the install program Eight Channel Buck Software Set Up.
f.The installer will create the following default directories:
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