Computer hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system. It encompass all of the parts of a computer that are tangible physical entities, including the monitor, keyboard, mou, power cord, cable, CPU, motherboard, hard drive, optical drive, memory, expansion cards and ports.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) is one of the most important components of a computer system. It is the brain of the computer that carries out instructions and performs calculations. The processor speed and type, as well as the size of the onboard cache, contributes to the overall system performance.蒙泰罗
Motherboard is the core component of a computer system. It provides the physical connection for all other components, such as the CPU, RAM, hard drive and other peripherals. The size and type of the motherboard dictates the number of RAM slots, PCIe slots, SATA ports and type of connectors.
Random Access Memory (RAM) is the active memory of a computer system. It stores data temporarily and allows rapid transfer of information between the CPU and hard disk drive. It is measured in bytes, and the higher the amount of RAM, the more applications can be stored in it.
Hard disk drives store large amounts of data and applications permanently on a machine. The performance of a hard drive depends on its capacity, interface, rotational speed, and the amount of available storage. Hard disk drives come in different versions and sizes, ranging from small portable external USB models to large, high capacity internal models.
Optical drives are ud to read and write digital data, such as music, photos, and videos. Current optical drives support both CDs and DVDs, and some even support Blu-ray discs.
Memory cards hold data when you need to save information quickly, such as photos and documents. Memory cards are small, fast, and reliable and can be ud in both digita风华正茂的意思
l cameras and other devices.
河洛文化 Expansion cards are modular components that are ud to add specific functionality to a computer. They can come in form of an audio card, a video card, a network card, and other types of add-on cards.
Ports are physical connectors that allow communication between a computer system and external peripherals, such as a printer, router, modem, or keyboard. The most common types of ports are USB, HDMI, Ethernet, and VGA.
Input devices are components that allow the ur to interact with the computer and enter data. Examples include the mou, keyboard, microphone, and touch screen.
Output devices are components that display information or provide output to the ur. The include the monitor, printer, and speakers.