Good morning 各位同学你们好:
大年三十祝福语 Greeting someone in the morning is a great way to start your day. Here are some common English phras you can u when saying “good morning”:
Top of the morning to you!
Good morning!
How are you this morning?
杭州车辆年检 Ri and shine!
Hi there!
Have a great morning!
clarify I hope you have a wonderful day!
Good day to you!
Wishing you a beautiful morning.
Good afternoon 各位同学你们好:
Greeting someone in the afternoon is a great way to show them some kindness and appreciation. Here are some common English phras you can u when saying “good afternoon”:
Good afternoon!
Have a great afternoon!
Good day to you!
修改文件类型 How is your day going?
I hope you have a productive day!
Have a pleasant afternoon!
Enjoy your day!
Take it easy this afternoon.
Good evening 各位同学你们好:
Wishing someone a “good evening” is a nice way to show them that you are thinking of them. Here are some common English phras you can u when saying “good evening”:土豆片怎么炒好吃
Good evening!
社工服务 Have a great evening!
Enjoy your night!
I hope you have a wonderful evening!
越南战争 May the evening bring you peace and joy!
Have a beautiful night!
Wishing you a pleasant evening.
May the evening be full of good things.。