写家乡的作文第二章 语义翻译
一, 理解中的选义
任何翻译都要经过两个比不可少的步骤: 一是正确理解;二是确切表达.英国著名语言学家弗斯(J. R. Firth, 1890-1960)说 “ Each word when ud in a new context is a new word.”同样一个简单的字或词语,在不同的上下文中,就可能含有不同的意义。这就需要我们依靠具体的上下文来判断某一个字或词语的意义。
一般认为,在英语词汇里,,run一词语义最为丰富,释义最为繁多。在1980年版的 Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language (the 2nd College Edition)里,run作为不及物动词有31个释义,作为及物动词有25个释义,作为名词有26个释义,作为形容词有4个释义,并专门收列成语搭配20条。在上梅译文出版社1991年版的《英汉大词典里,run作为不及物动词有34个释义.作为及物动词有40个释义,作为名词有38个释义,作为形容词有5个释义。给我们翻译带来很大难度的不仅是一词多义,还有词语搭配中的虚实两用,也就是一个词的原义,或者是实义,以及它的引申义,或者是虚义。下面,我们就以run一词为例,来看不同描配中的不同词义和虚实意义。
1)run across跑过←→偶然碰见 2) run away跑开←→失去控制
3) run back over跑回←→回顾 4) run counter to跑离←→违反;与......背道而驰
5) run down 跑下←→用完;撞倒;贬低 6) run in自进←→顺便探望
7)run into跑进←→陷于;偶然碰见 8) run into debt 负债
9)run off 跑掉←→流畅地写出(背出) 10) run out 跑出←→被用完;将尽
11)run over 跑过←→满出;溢出 12) run through 跑过,穿过←→贯穿
13)run up 跑上去←→迅速积累(债款等) 14) run to ed 变得不修边幅 永州旅游
15)run a race 参加赛跑 16) run for presidency竞选总统
17)run to sb’s aid 赶去帮助某人 18) run aground(船)搁浅
19) run wild发狂;野掉了 20) run to extremes走向极端
21) run to streets流浪街头 22) run a hare追捕野兔←→追捕坐车不买票的人
23) run a car驾驶小汽车 24) run a factory办工厂
25) run messages送信;传信息 26) run the water off把水放掉
27)run oil提炼石油 28) run to 跑到←→(数量等)达到
模凌两可29) run on 不停地跑←→讲个不停,喋喋不休 30) run sb into difficulties使某人陷入困境
31) run the risk of 冒着……的危险 32) run one‘s eyes down a list匆匆看一下单子
33)run a simile too far把一个明喻用得牵强附会 34) run a fever发烧
35) run a sword through sb
用刀门刺死某人 36) run a thread through an eyelet把线穿过小孔
37) run one‘s head into a wall撞南墙;碰壁
38)The idea runs in his mind.这个念头萦绕在他的脑海里.
39)The street runs north.大街向北延伸
40) The news runs rapidly in the town.这个消息迅速在镇上传开。
41)The machine runs well.机器运转良好。
42) The river runs east.河水流向东方.(大江东流去.)
1)上班 to go to work; to be on duty
2)上报 to appear in the newspapers; to report to a higher authority
3)上膘 (of animals) to become fat
4)上场 to appear on the stage [court]
5)上当 to be taken in
6)上灯 to light the lamp
7)上吊 to hang onelf
8)上冻 to freeze
9)上访 to apply for an audience with the higher authorities to appeal for help
10)上坟 to visit a grave to honour the memory of the dead
11)上纲 to rai to the higher plane of principle
12)上告 to complain to the higher authorities or appeal to a higher court
13) 上供 to offer up a sacrifice
14) 上钩 to ri to the bait
15) 上光 to glaze; to polish
16) 上轨道 to get on the right track
l7) 上火 to get angry
18)上进 to make progress
l9)上课 to attend class
20)上口 to be suitable for reading aloud
21)上路 to t out on a journey
22)上马 to mount a hor
23)上门 to visit:; to shut the door
24)上年纪 to be getting on in years
25)上任 to take up an official post
26)上台 to come to power
27)上膛 (of a gun) to be loaded
28)上相(上照)to come out well in a photograph; to be photogenic
29)上鞋 to sole a shoe
30)上刑 to put sb. to torture
31)上演 to perform
32)上账 to make an entry in an account book
33)上阵 to go into battle
34)上瘾 to be addicted (to sth.)
35)干部要能上能下。A cadre should be ready to take a lower as well as a higher post
36)随函附上2角钱邮票一张。Enclod here with is a 20-fen stamp.
37)这一盘你上. You play this game
38) 一连上了好几道菜 Several cours were rved in succession
39)行李还没上架 the luggage has not been put on the rack yet
40 )我来给门上漆。Let me paint the door.
41)这事已上了电视,It has been publicized on TV.
42)表该上了The watch needs winding.
(一) head
1) He was badly wounded in the head. 他头部受重伤
2) You should u your head a bit. 你该用一下自己的头脑。
3) He has a good head for mathematics. 他的数学能力很强。
4) The dinner cost us five dollars a head. 这顿饭花去我们每人5块钱.
5) Prick with the head of a needle. 用针尖挑
6) He was standing at the head of the stairca. 他站在楼梯的顶端。
7) Lets discuss the question under five heads. 让我们分五个题目来讨论这个问题。
8) The head of his bed was piled with books. 他的床头堆 满了书
9) Prent at the meeting were the heads of government of the four countries.
10) Go and ask the head of our department. 问我们系的头去
11) Heads or tails? 正面还是反面t
12) Where is the head? 厕所在哪里?(船上用语)
I) 这娃娃头真大. The baby has got a real big head.
2) 她正在梳头。 She was combing her hair.
3) 他的女儿在山头上玩. His daughter is playing on the top of the hill.
4) 一辆小车停在桥西头. A car was parked at the west end of the bridge
5) 让我从头讲起吧 let me tell the story from the very beginning
6) 他把铅笔头扔了。 He has thrown away the pencil stub [stump]
7) 她是我们组的头儿 She is the head [chief] of our group.
8) 他们是一头儿的。 They are on the same side.
9) 事情不能只顾一头. We mustn't pay attention to only one aspect of the matter.
10) 这还是我头一次来杭州呢。This is the first time I came to Hangzhou.
11) 我们有30头牛。 We have thirty head of cattle.
12) 他头天上午就来了 He came here the previous morning
1) man and his wife 丈夫和妻子
2) officers and men 官和兵
3) his man Friday 他的仆人礼拜五〔丹尼尔·笛福《鲁滨 逊漂流记>
4) man of war 战舰
) be a man! 要像个男子汉l 描写日落的作文
1) sophisticated man 老于世故的人
2) sophisticated woman 狡黠的女子
3) sophisticated columnist 老练的专栏作家
4) sophisticated electronic device。 离精密的电子装置。
5) sophisticated weapon 尖端武器
1) Plea tell me if you can help us.
(=Plea tell me in ca you can help us.)
(=Plea tell me whether yon can help us.)
2) I’m sure I’II beat John this time
▲ 我这次肯定会(在比赛中)战胜约翰
(=I’m sure I’II defeat John this time.)
(=I’m sure I’II hit John this time)
3) We have no spring here
(=We have no spring ason here.)
(=We have no mechanical spring here.)
(=We have no fountain here.)
确定词义很不容易,但又很重要. 弄错了,往往会贻笑大方
或造成实际工作中的很大失误. 如:
蓝莓面包1.The School of the Air (the school of the air)
2. a family tree
. 正:家谱
3. last evening I went to a do held by our China Study Group.
百战百胜造句正: 昨晚我去参加了我们中国研究组的集会. (do: n. social function 集会.娱乐宴聚活动)
4. the See of Sydney
正: 悉尼教廷 (e: n. the official at, or centre of authority, of a bishop 教廷)
5. They wanted us to have tea, but we said we’d just had it. Then Miss Standish wanted us to have tea and cake.
. 他们要我们吃晚饭,我们说刚吃过,于是斯坦迪什小姐就让我们喝茶,吃点心。(第一个tea 意为“a meal eaten in the early evening” 即晚饭
6. ven months they spend up there killing themlves in the cane ason, and then they come down here to live a little.
甘蔗收获季节七个月,他们在那里累死累活。然后才能到这里稍稍享受享受.(live: v. to enjoy life to the full尽情享受;kill:v.to make feel great pain or exhaustion筋疲力尽或受苦受累)
7 .He’s unhappy now,becau he had a blue with his friend just now.
他正闷闷不乐,因他刚才和朋友吵了架.(blue: n. an argument, quarrel or fight 争吵或干架)
8.That’s tall story about the town’s high stree
有关这城主街的说法实在令入难以置信的.( high street: the main street of a town or a city; tall: a. hard to believe, exaggerated 编造的。夸张的或难以置信的)
9 .Miss Univer (or: Miss World)
10.she told me that her 18-year-old son was the baby.
她对我说她那18岁的儿子是她子女中最小的( baby: n. a person of any age, who is the youngest of a family among brothers and sisters 兄弟姐妹中最年小的)
11.Her mother is a sister in a Melbourne hospital.
她母亲是墨尔本一家医院的护士长·(sister: n. nior nur in a hospital 护士长或资历高的护士)
在翻译过程中,有了正确的理解并不等于翻译已经完成,正确的理解是翻译中正确表达的基础;没有正确的理解正确的表达也就无从谈起,反之,翻译没有正确的表达,正确的理解也是枉然,翻译也就不成其为翻译,有的时候,只有一种表达方法是正确的.而别的表达方法往往是错误理解的结果,这应属于理解的范畴;也有的时候,在同一个正确理解的基础上,我们会有多种正确的表达方法,我们应选用最地道的表达方法来完成翻译的过程。如果说理解是在原文中选义的过程,那么表达就是在译文中选词的过程. 选词就是在译文里寻找最恰当的表达方法.
亡,故,卒,弱,殁,殪,殂,陨,薨,崩, 毙
用两个汉字来表 die这个概念的词有
回老家, 玩儿完,登鬼录, 填沟壑, 山陵崩
perish, succumb, suffocate, expire, decea, croak, depart drown, fall, hang,
cea respiration. relinquish life, be no more
lo one's life, emit the last breath. drop dead.
cea to exist, come to a violent death, end one's days,
come to naught, meet one's death, commit suicide,
suffer death,
Pass away, fade away, check in, check out,
burn out kick in, kick off go up,
cash in, go west. keel over, conk out,
go to glory, return to the earth, fall asleep be done for,
catch one's death, rest in peace. cross the Styx, slide into oblivion,
become one with nature, awake to immortal life,
join the majority, return to dusty clo one’s eyes; hand in one's chips
push up daisies, shut the shop , answer the last call, bite the bullet
go home feet first, go by the board, turn up one’s heels, turn up one's toes,
kick the bucket, go to one's reward, leave this world, lay down one's life,
go to one’s last ho