一. 法律翻译的基本原则诸葛草庐
⏹ 公正
⏹ 准确
⏹ 合适
⏹ 简洁,精练
⏹ 体现译入语的语域特征
The simplest, most conci English is the best for legislation: “The draftsman should bear in mind that he is suppod to be read by the plain men. In any ca he may be sure that if he finds he can express his meaning in simple words all is going well with his draft. While if he finds himlf driven to complicated expressions compod of long words it is a sign that he is getting lost and he should reconsider the form of the action.”
-----A. Rusl, Legislative Drafting and Forms
Persons who violate this law…
Persons violating this law…
Violators of this law…
⏹ 外籍职工的工资、薪金所得, 减半征收所的税。
⏹ Individual income tax on his/her wages or salary of foreign employees shall be allowed a fifty percent reduction.
⏹ A foreign employee’s wage/salary-income儿童咳嗽有痰>尿痛怎么办 is taxable 50% less.
⏹ 任何组织或者个人不得侵占、买卖或者以其他形式非法转让土地。
⏹ No organization or individual may appropriate, buy, ll or otherwi 消防安全知识engage in the transfer of land by unlawful means.
⏹ No organization or individual may appropriate, buy, ll or otherwi transfer land unlawfully.
⏹ 甲方兹保证所供应之货物系在中华人民共和国内制造。
⏹ Party A hereby certifies that the goods to be supplied are produced in the People’s Republic of China.
⏹ “特许产品”系指本协议所属所有装置和产品以及全部改进和改造的产品或与之有关的研制产品。
⏹ “Licend Products” means all the devices and products described in the Agreement annexed hereto(to this 于此,在此), together with all improvement and modifications thereof( concerning something that has just been mentioned 其中) or developments with respect thereto(concerning an agreement that has just been mentioned 关于).
⏹ 普通名词大写有修辞及表意功能。在合同中出现仅指合同所规定的对象。
二. 法律英语用词的基本特点及翻译
⏹ 用词比较准确。
⏹ 用词比较正式、拘谨。比如,不用before而用prior,不用but而用provided that,不用after而用quent,不用tell而用advi,不用begin或start而用commence,不用u而用employ,不用according to而用in accordance with,不用show而用demonstrate,等等。
⏹ shall的使用
1. 措词精确、避免歧义
原译:Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order or to accept any orders to collect any account after September 20.
改译: Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any order or to accept any orders to collect any account on and after September 20.
张楚焱hereafter = after this time; 今后
hereby = by means/reason of this; 特此
herein = in this; 此中,于此
hereinafter = later in this contract; 在下文
thereafter = afterwards; 此后,后来
thereby = by that means; 因此;由此;在那方 面
therein = from that; 在那里;在那点上
thereinafter = later in the same contract; 以下;在下文
whereby = by what; by which; 由是;凭那个
wherein = in what; in which; 在哪里;在哪点上
3. 常用词的特殊用法
⏹ 大量使用外来词语,特别是拉丁词语。
de facto(事实上的),in re(关于),inter alia(除了别的因素以外;特别),alibi(不在犯罪现场),bona fide(真正的,真诚的),quasi(好像;准),per (自身), ad hoc(专门的;专门地),等等。
⏹ 使用具有不同意义的常用词。
⏹ 少用形容词;不用加强性的副词(如very, rather)
⏹ 使用法律术语和行话、套话。一个科学领域内,一个术语只表达一个概念,同一个
概念只用一个术语来表达。术语最突出的特点是词义单一而固定,每个专业术语所表示的都是一个特定的法律概念,在使用时其他任何词语都不能代替。例如:“termination(终止)”不能用 “finish”代替;“invoke(援引)”不能用“quote”代替;“peremptory(最高)”不能用“supreme”代替;“a material breach(重大违约)”不能用“a rious breach”代替.其他,burden of proof(举证责任),cau of action(案由),letters patent(专利证书), 等等。
⏹ 经常使用古英语和中古英语。古英语(Old English)是公元约1100年以前的英语,中古英语(Middle English)则是公元约1100年至1500年间的英语。这一点主要体现在大量使用以here, there和where与介词合成的词,比如,hereafter,herein,hereunder,hereafter,thereto,whereby,wherein,等等。
⏹ 有意使用模糊语言。这主要用于不愿肯定地表示自己立场与观点、表示礼貌和对他人的尊重等情况
⏹ 词语并列 为使国际条约表意准确和规范严谨,条约制定者在行文中大量使用词语并列结构,用“and”或“or”把两个或多个短语并列起来。这种并列结构有更强的包容性,同时
也更加具有弹性。例如:“under or in accordance with”,“signed and delivered”,“in whole or in part”,“within EU or elwhere”,“revocation,suspension or imposition”,“by the government or by any government,public or local authority… or by
any person other than the person claiming relief”等等。