工模排位图(Die location layout)
平面/实体图(2D/3D drawing)
水口设计(gate design) 工模设计(mold design)
订料(purcha of die steel) CNC铜公(electrode made by CNC)
月亮太阳模加工(die fabrication) 安徒生童话海的女儿热处理(heat treatment)
磨床加工(grinding by precision grinding machine)
淬火后CNC锣(CNC milling after quenching)
线切割加工(machining by CNC wire-cut machine) 电蚀火花加工[machining by electric discharge machine(EDM) ] 省模(Die polished)
试模(Die trial) 支气管炎特效药 压铸(die casting)
附近游玩磨夹口(Removing parting line flash)
喷油(painting) 电镀(E-plating)
扫尼龙(brushed to satin surface)
样板入仓(sample stored in warehou)
原材料入厂(incoming in warehou) 来料检验(IQC)
压铸(die casting) 冲水口(degating)
刮项针位批锋(removing burrs round pads of ejector pin )
挤牙(rolled threads) 磨夹口(removing parting line flash)
磨/抛光(polishing/buffing) 外发电镀(to e-plating subcontractor)
外观全检(appearance full-inspection) 包装(packaging)
不合格(NG)太极四章 检查报告(inspection report)
退回供应商(return to supplier) 选用或回炉报废(lection or remelting)
原材料入厂 (incoming in warehou) 来料抽检 (IQC)
压铸(die casting) 冲水口(degating)
两侧/上下/曲面磨#320砂 (abrasive belt grinding on both sides/top and bottom/curved surface: #320 grit)
手磨边角(manual sanding at edge/corner) 全检(full-inspection)
QC抽检(QC sampling inspection) 面包的简笔画上挂(racking)
超声波除腊(ultrasonic clean) 过水(rinsing)
热浸除油(soak cleaning) 阴极电解除油(electro clean)
巡检(tour-inspection) 沉锌(zinc deposit)
活化(activation) 半光镍(mi-bright nickel)
回收(collection) 哑镍(matte nickel-plating)
光铬(bright chromium-plating) 后处理过水(rinsing after finishing)
压铸(die casting)
铜丝刷磨面(brushed surface by brass brush wheels)
QC巡检(QC tour-inspection)
剪水口(degating) 冲内窗口(internal frame trimming)
磨四边批锋(removing flash around external frame)
刮顶针批锋(removing burrs round pads of ejector pin)
锉内窗四边(filing internal frame)
内窗四边磨砂纸(abrading internal frame by abrasive paper)
刮四按钮孔(removing burrs in 4 button holes) 全检(full-inspection)
钻孔(drilling) 攻牙(tapping) 钝化(passivating)
喷油前全检(full-inspection prior to painting)
抹天那水(wiping with toluene)
背面喷面油(applying top coat to bottom surface)
表面喷底油(applying primer coat to top surface)
烘干(baking) 表面喷面油(applying top coat to top surface)
移印/丝印(PAD printing/silk screening) 抽检(sampling inspection)
全检(full-inspection) 包装(packaging)
1. 水震除油(water vibratory cleaning) 2. 过清水(rinsing)
3.酸洗(acid dip/pickling) 4. 钝化(passivating) 5. 除油(degreasing)
6.除油缸温度(temperature in degreasing tank )
7. 除油时间(degreasing time)
8. 除油粉浓度(degreasant concentration) 9. 浸渍(dipping)
10. 浸渍缸温度(temperature in dipping tank)
11. 钝化缸温度(temperature in passivating tank)
12. 钝化液浓度(passivating agent concentration) 13. 脱脂(degreasing)
14. 刻蚀(descaling) 15. 碱洗(alkali cleaning)
16. 表调(surface conditioning) 17. 化成(chemical pretreatment) 18. 热水洗(hot water rinsing) 19. 烘干(baking)
1.电珍珠铬工艺常用语(Commonly ud terminology in process for pearl chrome plating)
硫酸清洗 sulfuric acid clean 超声波除蜡ultrasonic clean
除油degreasing 电解除油 electro clean 酸浸 acid dip
预镀碱铜 alkali copper 焦铜 pyrophosphate copper 酸铜 acid copper
半光叻 mi-bright nickel 氯化叻 nickel chloride 珍珠叻pearl nickel
电铬chromium plated 热水洗 hot water rinsing 烘干 baking
2. 电光铬工艺常用语(Commonly ud terminology in process for bright chrome plating)
三氯乙烯清洗 trichloroethylene clean 上挂具 racking
除蜡水洗 ultrasonic clean 电解缸 electro clean
酸水 acid dip 预红铜电镀 copper strike 电红铜 copper
酸水 acid 焦铜 pyrophosphate copper消费者满意度 酸铜 acid copper
半光叻 mi-bright nickel 氯化叻 nickel chloride 打底叻 primer nickel
镍色 bright nickel 电铬chromium plated 烘干baking
3.静电喷涂工艺常用语(Commonly ud terminology in process for electrostatic coating)
合格件上挂 racking 加热脱脂 hot degreasing
水洗 rinsing 酸洗 acid dip 中和 neutralization