摘 要给儿子的信
关键字: 体育锻炼作文回转窑 三大平衡 工艺设计
Cement is one of the most important building materials of the social and economic development, within the coming decades or even a century, Cement is still no substitute for basic materials, the importance of human civilization is lf-evident.
Modern most advanced cement production technology is NSP kiln advance decomposition. Pre decomposition kiln is in suspension perheater between decomposing furnace with rotary kiln added, join in calciner in total amount 50% - 60% of fuel, to make the fuel burning process and raw in the absorption process decompo carbonate state of suspension or boiling condition, thus make rapid decomposition rate of kiln raw from suspension preheater kiln 30 to 40 percent of the incread to 85 percent to 90 percent, the heat load of kiln is reduced greatly.Compared with suspension preheater kiln individual output, in the same conditions, the decomposition furnace with: small size, covers an area of reduced, manufacturing, transportation and installation easier, low investment in infrastructure, and becau more than half of fuel is in the lower temperatur
e burning in precalciner,, produce harmful gas, and reduced the rate of less NOx atmospheric pollution
The design of the content of Nissan 5500 tons dry process rotary kiln cement production line process design ,According to the original ,the fuel of data analysis ,I work out the calculation of the three balance and the calculation for the firing process. Refer to other state-of-the-art cement plant for rotary kiln technology design, further determine the specificationsfor the design of rotary kiln, and adapt to the actual requirement .
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
前言 1
1设计任务理财产品有哪些 2
跨越再跨越作文1.1任务 2
1.2重点解决问题 2
1.3工厂原始资料 2
2配料计算 3
2.1三个率值的选择 3
2.2计算煤灰掺入量 4
2.3计算干燥原料配合比 4
2.4熟料的矿物组成计算 5
3物料与主机平衡 7
3.1物料平衡计算 7
3.1..1烧成车间生产能力和工厂生产能力的计算 8
3.1.2原料消耗定额 9
3.2原料、燃料、材料需要量的计算和物料平衡表的编制 11
4工艺设备选型与计算 13
4.1工艺设备选型与计算的目的 13
4.2设备选型 14
4.2.1石灰石破碎设备的选型[7] 14
4.2.2生料磨的设备选型 15
4.2.3 回转窑选型 16
4.2.4煤磨的选型 17
4.2.5水泥磨的设备选型 18
4.3包装机的设备选型 19
4.3主机平衡表见表 19
4.3堆场的选型设计 21
4.3.1石灰石预均化堆场的计算 22
4.3.4煤预均均化堆场的计算 22
4.4储库的选型计算 24
4.4.1石灰石配料库 26
4.4.2 生料均化库的计算 26
4.4.3 熟料库的选取与计算 26中班班务工作计划
4.4.4 水泥配料库的计 27
4.4.5水泥库的选取与计算 28
5烧成系统平衡计算 30
自我介绍小学生5.1 物料平衡计算 31
5.1.1 收入项目 33
5.1.2支出项目 36
5.2 热量平衡计算 38
5.2.1 收入项目 38
5.2.2支出项目 39
6回转窑的规格计算 42
6.1初步确定窑的规格 42
6.2回转窑主要参数计算 43
6.3筒体的设计 44
布洛芬胶囊说明书6.3.1筒体结构及设计 44
6.3.2筒体载荷计算 45
6.3.3轮带 . 46
6.3.4托轮支撑装置 47
6.3.5档轮装置 48
6.4传动装置 49
6.4.1齿轮参数选择及结构设计 49
6.4.2传动功率的计算 50
6.5窑尾密封装置 50
6.6 窑尾系统烟气平衡计算 50
6.6.1 选定相关系数 51
6.6.2 系统各部位烟气量计算 51
6.7 窑尾设备及其尺寸 54
6.7.1 分解炉尺寸规格计算 54
6.7.2 旋风预热器规格计算 55
7设计原则 57
致谢 60
参考文献 61