Cizao Kiln SiteDear visitors, welcome to the Cizao Kiln Site!Cizao
Kiln Site is situated in Cizao,Jinjiang City, noted for its ceramic production thriving from the Song and Y
uan dynasties. It has a history of more than 1500 years in ceramic creation. Archeological studies discovered thatit started as early as the Southern Dynasty around the fifth century, increasing its dominance in followingcenturies in Sui andTang dynasties, reaching its heyday in the Song and Yuan dynasties.Till the modern and contemporary age, 26historical kiln sites were uncovered in Cizao, among which, Jinjiaoyi Hill Kiln Site, Spider Hill Kiln Site, Tongzi Hill Kiln Site and Tuwei Temple Kiln Site are the best-prerved ones with the most exclusive unearthed relics. As a complex, Cizao Kiln Site was listed as one of the National Major Historical and Cultural Protected Relics in May, 2006.
分手的情书新手适合开什么车From May to September in 2002, in the archaeological investigation of Jinjiaoyi Hill Kiln Site conducted by Fujian Muum and JinjiangMuum, four different dragon kilns,relics革命烈士故事
of workshops and kiln stacks were excavated in the 40,000-square-meter west slope. The most well-prerved dragon kiln is70 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. The stoke hole, firing box, kiln wall, doorway and kiln floor are still well recognizable. Shelves and shelves of pottery were sold from here hundreds of years ago, and there are still hundreds of repairable chinaware discovered, from pitchers, kendi kettles, jars, va to cups, wine ewers, plates, etc.
In October 2002, a UNESCO WorldCultural Heritage asssment expert, Doctor Henry, confirmed during his field study in Quanzhou that the Cizao Kiln Site was the most well-prerved kiln site from the Song dynasty, corroborating the prosperous maritime trade in Quanzhou at that time. The Jinjiaoyi Hill Kiln Site was listed as one of the Maritime Silk Route investigation sites forQuanzhou’s nomination on the UNESCO World Heritage List. In January 2017, Cizao Kiln Jinjiaoyi HillKiln Site was listed as one of the heritage sites of UNESCO World Heritage Nomination Ancient Quanzhou (Zayton)