作者:李玖蔚 石志芳
摘 续签合同申请书要:吉州窑自从1980年首次发掘以来,考古发掘出了大量的实物标本,为吉州窑的研究提供了非常丰富的资料,其研究硕果累累。基于此,文章拟对吉州窑研究的期刊论文及报纸的宣传报导内容进行系统梳理、归纳,尝试从吉州窑研究文献的年代分布,发文作者分布、作者机构分布等情况进行较全面的统计分析,以期对历年来学者对吉州窑的研究有个较清晰的认识和了解,为吉州窑今后的研究提供参考。
关键词:吉州窑 研究现状 文献计量 定量分析
中图分类号:太原汾河公园G352 小鱼文献标识码:小猫怎么画简单又可爱A 文章编号:1672-3791(2018)06(a)-0222-04
Abstract月考之后: Since the Jizhou Kiln was first excavated in 1980, a large number of physical specimens have been excavated from the archaeological site, providing a wealth of information for the study of the Jizhou Kiln. Its rearch has been fruitful. Bad on this,
the article intends to systematically review and summarize the journal articles of Jizhou Kiln Rearch and the contents of the newspaper's publicity and reporting, and try to conduct a more comprehensive statistical analysis of the distribution of authorship, distribution of authors, etc. With a view to studying the Jizhou Kiln in the past years, the scholars have a clearer understanding and understanding, which will provide reference for the future rearch of Jizhou Kiln.