The latissimusdorsi muscle is the largest muscle in the body, up to 20 by 40 centimeters, allowing coverage of extremely large wounds. In spite of its size, no significant donor functional deficit results from removal of the muscle. It is the largest flap that can be harvested on a single predicle, and can even be combined with the rratus, scapular or parascapular flaps, to create a flap complex that can cover massive wounds. In the normal population the muscle is quite thin (less than 1 centimeter thick), allowing it to be draped over irregular surfaces with ea. With the rectus muscle and radial forearm flap, it reprents one of the workhor flaps in reconstructive microsurgery. When re-innervated using the thoracodorsal nerve, the latissimus can be ud as a functional muscle.
The muscle takes origin on the iliac crest inferiorly and the thoracolumbar fascia posteriorly near the midline. It inrts into the humerus where it acts as a humeral adductor and internal rotator. The posterior axillary fold is made up of the most superior aspect of the muscle that begins to narrow before it forms the tendon of inrtion. The nerve supply is via the thoracodorsal nerve, a branch of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus. Lesions of C-7 will affect latissimus function. The nerve cloly accompanies the thoracodorsalartery.Thelatissimus muscle blood supply is via the subscapular artery, a branch of the axillary artery.
起点:下6个胸椎棘突,腰背筋膜,髂嵴,下3-4个肋骨;以肌腱形式止于肱骨结节间沟底;功能:伸展、内收、内旋肱骨,攀爬时拉起肢体,并可辅助吸气。 神经支配:臂丛神经后束分支--胸背神经(C7);血供:肩胛下动脉分支--胸背动脉。
The subscapular nds off a circumflex scapular branch posteriorly and then distrib
utes a rratus branch before it enters the substance of the muscle on its undersurface.
The subscapular artery can be from 2 to 5 millimeters in size, while the thoracodorsal artery ranges from 1 to 3 millimeters. The venae commitans is usually slightly larger.
The muscle is also supplied by perforators from the thoracic intercostal and lumbar arteries that allow it to be ud as a pedicled flap that can resurface posterior defects. The vesls are quite small with short leashes and not typically ud for microsurgical reconstruction.
不同手指戴戒指的含义 丁香五月激情综合背阔肌通过交通支与肋间动脉和腰动脉连续,通过交通支可以将背阔肌向下方旋转修复骶尾部皮肤缺损,但由于其血管较细小,供应范围少,不是典型的外科重建选择皮瓣。
The patient is placed in the lateral decubitus position on a beanbag, with an axillary roll placed in the dependent axilla. The ipsilateral arm is prepped completely and left in the operative field, allowing it to be freely moved about the field. For most of the procedure it is kept abducted and resting on a well padded sterile Mayo stand placed anterosuperiorly to the patient. The latissimus border is outlined with a marking pen. The incision is then marked extending from the axilla or the posterior axillary fold, then inferiorly and medially over the latissimus muscle. The length of muscle needed will dictate the incision length. Alternatively, if a skin paddle is necessary, it is marked over the flap. A pencil Doppler can be ud to ensure the prence of a perforator in the skin paddle.快乐的节日作文
串式风筝 患者取健侧卧位,患侧在上,并用支架固定,身体同侧上臂及手完全消毒,以便术中移动;手术过程中需要保持肩外展,标记背阔肌边界,切口起自腋窝或腋窝后壁,向下、向背阔肌中间部位延伸,如果需要带皮肤转移,则需如下图虚线示切取方法,可以用
The patient is marked in the lateral decubitus position for the extent of the muscle, skin incision and possible skin paddle.
The superior edge of the latissimus is identified at the inferior angle of the scapula. The rratus muscle can be identified easily with this approach.
The pocket is discted
The superior edge of the latissimus, below the inferior angle of the scapula is then elevated. This areolar plane is easy to disct, and any large caliber perforators can be ligated and divided. The disction is then directed toward the midline, and the inrtions 九有
of the muscle near the midline of the back is divided. The disction proceeds inferiorly freeing the medial muscle inrtion.