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01 | 场地评估 Working place evaluation 人员培训 Personnel training 检查设备 Equipment inspection 检查材料 共鸣的意思Material inspection | 场地不合格 Working place not qulified 人员未培训 Personnel not training 设备不合格 Equipment not qualified 材料不全 Lack of material | 1、平整场地至平坦状态(第一步脚手架每根立杆下方H钢平坦铺设即可) 1.flettening working place(shimming the bottom of scaffolding) 2.评估作业人员资质,要求执证上岗 Evaluating the personnel certification 3、检查作业设备是否合格 Checking the equipment and qualified 4、检查作业材料是全、合格 Checking constrcution material and qualified | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
02 | 搭设脚手架 scaffolding | 高空坠落 Persons falling from the high position 高空坠物 Material falling from high position 坍塌 collap 碰伤 Hurt 搭设不规范 Erection of non-standard 绊倒 stumble | 1)作业人员要求佩戴PPE围护和监护人 The operator is required to wear PPE enclosure and guardian 2)遇到大雾、大雨和五级以上大风时,要停止高处作业 Encountered heavy fog, heavy rain and more than five winds, to stop high work 3)作业时要带好工具袋,暂时不用的工具,装入工具袋 you work with a tool bag for temporarily unud tools. 4)各种物料用系绳或溜放的方法放到地面,不得向下抛掷物料 All kinds of materials by means of the tether or rolling to the ground, not to throw down the material三年期定期存款利率 5)作业人员不得相互嬉戏打闹,以免失足发生坠落事故 Operators should not play with each other , so as not to stumble fall accident occurred 6)高处作业时,高度大于1.8米要正确穿挂安全带,并有牢固挂点 When working in height, the height of more than 1.8 meters to wear the safety belt, and have a solid hanging point 7)安全带高挂低用,要有牢固挂点 harness hanging high for low position to u, to have a solid hanging point 8)严格按脚手架验收标准搭设 Strictly in accordance with the acceptance criteria for scaffolding erection 1 立杆间距<1.5m Pole spacing <1.5m 2 横杆间距<1.8m 五点取样法Bar spacing <1.8m 3 直爬梯间距≤0.3m Straight ladder spacing is less than or equal to 0.3m 11)作业完成,清扫现场 Complete the work, clean the scene Complete the work, clean the scene | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
03社区矫正是干什么的 | 环境凌乱 Messy environment | 物料散放 Material dispersion | 流开头的成语 作业完成,应将剩余物料整理入库 When the work is completed, the remaining materials should be stored in the warehou 将地面打扫干净,材料摆放整齐 Clean the floor and put the materials in order | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Unloading for goods and materials: 脚手架搭设作业Scaffolding erection work | ||
Work Location: 作业区域名称 | ||
Prepared by: (Sub -contractor) | 世界最美的花Reviewed by: (Contractor) | Approved by: (Client) |
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