Databa Application Testing 1.Introduction Databas play a pivotal role in almost every organization in today’s ination-bad society. Commercial Databa management systems(DBMSs) provide organizations with efficient access to huge amounts of data without affecting the integrity of data and relieving the ur of the any need to understand the low-level implementation details. Over the years tremendous efforts have been devoted to ensuring u of efficient and integrity protecting data structures and algorithms by DBMSs. However, little has been done to develop systematic techniques for ensuring correctness of applications using the DBMSs. Many testing techniques have been developed to help ensure that behaviour of a program is in accordance with the specifications. However, the techniques mostly target programs written in traditional imperative languages and can’t be of much help when it comes to databa applications. Like any other program, databa application program can be viewed as an attempt to implement a function. Considered this way, both the and output spaces of this function will include databa state apart from the explicit and output parameters of the application. This affects substantially the way a test ca is defined, generated and cuted to check correctness of application. Hence there is a need for new approaches specifically oriented towar我不想说谎
菱角的功效与作用>自由式轮滑ds testing databa applications. Testing databa application programs involves the following phas : · Extraction of ination from databa schema · Generation of test data and Populating test databa · Generation of test cas as to the application program · Validation of databa state and output after cution Using live data has veral limitations. It may not reflect sufficiently wide variety of possible situations and even if it does, it might be difficult to find them in a large databa. Secondly, privacy or curity constraints might prevent the ur from eing nsitive data. Hence, various s for generating synthetic test data have been propod. When generating data and populating the test databa, its important to generate valid and interesting it would be advisable to lect data so as to include situations which the tester believes are likely to occur or will expo faults in application. The technique ud for test data generation will determine the extent of coverage of test databa. Selecting a good initial databa state so as to include a wide variety of scenarios rembling real data for the particular application is very beneficial. Since databa state plays an important role in determining the output, it has to be checked after each cution that only the specified modifications and none others have occurred. 2.AGENDA - tool t for testing DB applications AGENDA is a tool t has been designed. AGENDA takes as the application databa schema, application source code and files containing sample