只要最后是你就好An Exploration of Self―Concept, Parent Education, Parent and Student Attitudes Towards School, Study Habits and Achievement of Students
The purpo of the prent study was to examine the relationship between lf-concept and academic lf-concept, parent education, parent and student attitudes towards school, study habits and student achievement in a group of junior high students. This study investigated whether student achievement scores varied significantly by ratings for various aspects of lf-concept as well as global lf-concept, parent educational levels and gender. As well, the study examined how student and parental attitudes towards school correlated with each other. A third aspect of the study was an exploration of the best predictors for achievement in math, English and overall average academic. 语言英文
Sixty-nine grade six students participated in this study, Student respons to the Battle (2002) Culture Free Self-Esteem Inventory and rearcher developed scales to examine student attitudes towards school and study habits were collected. Student achievement scores on English and math tests for the last two terms of grade s箜篌图片ix were obtained from the
cumulative records of the students. A parental attitudes towards school questionnaire developed by the rearcher and a demographic data form designed to obtain lected background information including parental education attainment were completed by connting parents and returned to the school along with connt forms for their children to participate in the study.
ANOVA, t-test, correlational and regressional analysis were performed on the data and produced the following major findings. Student groups with above-average Global and Academic Self-Concept achieved significantly higher scores in English and math than groups with lower Global and Academic Self-Concept ratings. However, gender had little or no effect on the achievement levels. Relative to the correlations among the variables, Global Self-Concept and Academic Self-Concept ranked among the top three with a positive correlation with the achievement variables. A surprising finding was that parent attitudes towards school was negatively correlated with parent education. Of all variables entered for predicting the achievement levels of the students, Academic Self-Concept turned out to be the strongest predictor for English and also the only predictor fo
r the math and the average academic achievement scores. Parent education was the cond strongest in predicting the English scores. All the other variables including Global Self-Concept played little or no part in predicting the performances on any of the achievement measures. INTRODCUTION 绿圃网中小学免费课件
Over the years, educational rearchers have been striving to find factors that are related to students’ academic achievement. Of tho important factors correlated with achievement level of students, lf-concept turned out to be a very significant non-cognitive variable for explaining a certain amount of variance in academic achievement. (Mayo, Ethel & Gibbs, 1997). Academic achievement is highly susceptible to a variety of cognitive and non-cognitive variables (Finn & Rock, 1997; Ford, 1996; Slate, Jones & Dawson, 1993). Since rearch found that parental education level, parental attitudes towards school, student attitudes towards school and study habits impact on the final achievement level of students, it is reasonable to conduct a multiple-regression analysis to produce a list of independent variables that may affect the academic achievement and to rank them in ascending order in terms of their influence. T
土豆烧鸡翅herefore, this study obtained quantitative data from respons to a group of standardized and lf-developed questionnaires that aim to measure all variables included on 5-point rating scales. The study also investigates the correlations among the variables and the portion of the variance in academic achievement that can be accounted for by various independent variables. This rearch study may have important theoretical and practical educational applications. Since it has been shown by the previous rearch that there is a moderate, yet significant correlation between global lf-concept and academic achievement, the results of this correlational study may provide new insight on global and academic lf-concept and how they are correlated with students’ achievement level.