目 的 :
Instruct how to operate and u ISMECA NX-16 TAPING MACHINE and its Accessorial
1. Scope:
范 围 :
Adapt for QFN 3x3/ 4x4/ 5x5 /6x6 devices
适用于所有 QFN 3x3/ 4x4/ 5x5 /6x6 产品
2. Reference:
参考资料 :
ISMECA NX16 Manual and Native Vision
3. Operation Procedure:
操 作 程 序 内 容 :
3.1 M/C Start procedures that will adapt to Bowl Feeder configuration:
开机程序 (以下步骤适用于 AGL/ Air Gun Loader 及 Bowl Feeder 架构):
3.1.1 Switch on 3 from O 1 position and check if Emergent Stop Switch is not activated
将电器箱旁之主电源旋钮 3“Main supply switch”由“O”旋旋至 “I” 位置,
检查控制面板上之急停开关是否有在拔出位置 (没被压下)。
3.1.2 Switch on 4 “Single-pha supplies (ON/OFF) lector from O I position and push button 2 “Start power supply engaging button”.
将此面板上之另外旋钮 4.“Single-pha supplies (ON/OFF) lector ”由“O”转至“ I ” 位置后再按下按钮 2.“Start power supply engaging button”。
3.1.3 While enters Window 2000, check for below important parameters (M/C shall stop without operation).
待液晶控制面板进入衣服被染色Windows 2000画面,检查以下重要参数是否正确 (机台静止未激活) 。
项目 | 设定值 |
Item | 六字成语 Parameter |
压缩空气气压: | 5.6 ~ 6 Mpa (BAR) |
Compresd air |
长痘痘图片真空气压 | - 0.4 ~ -0.9 Mpa (BAR) |
Vacuum pressure |
Sealing 温度 | 230 (225 ~ 235)。C |
Sealing temperature |
春节短信祝福语 Sealing 压力 | 0.215 (0.210 ~ 0.220) Mpa (BAR) |
Sealing pressure |
| |
1 压缩空气压力计 and 2 真空压力计
Sealing 温度控制器 Sealing 压力计
3.1.4 Apply LOGIN to access operator level, password is not needed, then enter “OK” to access the operation level.
使用 LOG IN 去登录到 “ Operator Level “, “ Password “ 为空白 (不需 Password ),接 着按 “OK “ 即进入一般生产线操作之等级。
3.1.5 Enter Recipes and check if the “Layout management “ lection is correct. It is Bowl feeder or AGL (Air Gun Loader) configuration.
进入 Recipes → “ Layout management “ 去查看要使用的输入装置是否正确,Bowl Feeder 或是 AGL (Air Gun Loader,使用在塑料管输入)。
The Layout change is only allowed to execute after the REEL is completed, go to
Jobs → QUIT PRODUCTION, then return to Recipes → “Layout management “
→ 新生儿换尿布Load, to lect the right input Layout.
若要切换,需于完成 REEL 后,到Jobs → QUIT PRODUCTION 门店招牌效果图后,回到 Recipes →
“ Layout management “→ Load 去选择要使用的输入装置。
Afterward, enter Recipes → “ Recipe management “ → enter Load to lect right handler program for different package.
再进入Recipes → “ Recipe management “ →Load,选择正确机台程序来跑不同产品。
After lection, go to Recipes → “ Items “→ “ View “, to check three Vision functions, if