off to a bad start案例分析原文
糖醋黄瓜Ca 7
不说出的温柔Off to a Bad Start
耳机品牌排行榜David Hu had just started working for the foreign owned company. He was sitting at his workstation but had not been given any assignment that he should be doing at this moment. He was relaxing and waiting and then thought he would take the opportunity to have a look around. He poked his head into veral offices just to e what there was to be en.
中级会计题型Suddenly Mr. Parker came up to him and angrily asked him what he was doing. David Hu was embarrasd. He laughed and quickly started to move back toward his workstation. This did not em to satisfy Mr. Parker who started to talk rapidly and angrily. Hoping to calm him down, Mr梦见领导人>最好的风景.Hu smiled and apologized, trying to explain that he was trying to learn more about the department. However, Mr.Parker got even angrier. Finally, another worker c
龙虎成语ame by and calmed him down, but Mr. Parker left, he still looked angry. Mr.Hu sighed; he knew he had made a bad start but still didn’t understand why.