EF 3A game4
1. Roddy is ( ) than Josh.
A. big B. biger C. biggest D. shorter
2. A leopard runs ( )than a camel.
A. slow B. fastest C. faster D. fastest
3. Josh is the ( )at singing.
A. bad B. good C. worst D. better
4. The whale is the ( ) animal.
A. heavy B. heavier C. heaviest D. ligthest
5. ( ) can hear the baby crying.
A. Her B. Them C. Us D. I
6. ( ) hair is the longest?
A. Who B. Who C. Whom D. What
7. Roddy is ( ) than Kai..
A. thick B. thinner C. thin D. fater
8. How ( ) is Tom’s pencil?
A.cold B. long C. colour D. tall
9. The elephant is the ( ).
A. biggest B. smaller C. tall D. big
10. There’s ( ) on TV.
A. nothing B. anything C. everyone D. everything
11. There is ( ) outside.
A. everthing B. someone C. anything D. anyone
12. Can ( ) hear someone singing?
A. you B.them C. us D. him
13. Do you have ( ) to tell me?
A. someone B. anything C. everything D. nothing
14. The giraffe is the ( ) animal.
A. tallest B. smaller C. tall D. smallest
15. Can you hear ( ) crying?
A. everyone B. anyone C. no one D. anything
16. Kai did ( ) on the Math test than Roddy.
A. best B. worst C. wor D. bad
17. Roddy’s dad is asleep.He’s ( ) loudly.
A. knocking B. snoring C. shouting D. feeding
18. Who’s ( ) on the door?
A. barking B. shouting C. knocking D. louding
19. Listen to ( ) singing.
A. they B. we C. them D.she
20. The book belongs to ( ).
A. they B. him C. hers D. our
21. Can you hear the dog ( )?
A. barking B. talking C. shouting D. singsing
22. ( ) tall is the Empire State Building?
高考成语A. Do B. What C. How D. Why
23. Do you want to come shopping with ( )?
2、昆虫种类繁多,分布很广,它们有着和其他动物不同的身体构造和本领。A. us B. I C. their D. we
5、垃圾的回收利用有哪些好处?24. Could you come with ( )?
10、日食:当月球运动到太阳和地球中间,如果三者正好处在一条直线上时,月球就会挡住太阳射向地球的光,在地球上处于影子中的人,只能看到太阳的一部分或全部看不到,于是就发生了日食。日食时,太阳被遮住的部分总是从西边开始的。A. I B. their C. us D. we
苹果的苹怎么组词25. Can you e ( ) you know?
24、目前,我国的航天技术在世界上占有相当重要的位置。“长征四号”运载火箭的顺利发射,载人飞船“神舟”五号和“神舟”六号和“神舟”七号也已经发射成功,“嫦娥”一号探月卫星又发射成功。A. no one B. anything C. anyone D.something
26. Lily is standing next to ( ).
13、1663年,英国科学家罗伯特.胡克用自制的复合显微镜观察一块软木薄片的结构,发现它们看上去像一间间长方形的小房间,就把它命名为细胞。A. they B. her C. I D. we
7、我们每个人应该怎样保护身边的环境?27. There isn’t ( ) there.
A. anyone B. no one C. everything D. something
12、太阳是太阳系里唯一发光的恒星,直径是1400000千米。28. A gram is ( ) than a kilogram.
答:月相从新月开始,然后是峨眉月、上弦月、满月、下弦月、峨眉月。A. lighter B. lights c. light D.lightest
11、火药是我国的四大发明之一,我国古代的黑火药是硝石、硫黄、木炭以及一些辅料等粉末状物质的均匀混合物。迄今为止,可以考证的最早的火药配方是“伏火矾法”。29. Mrs. Jackson is ( ) the naughty children.
A. barking B. creaming D. playing D.feeding
5、铁生锈变成了铁锈,这是一种化学变化。水分和氧气是使铁生锈的原因。30. Ruby is the ( ) dancer.
怎么折爱心A. best B. good C. better D. bestest