高频核心词根第六组spect, spic, spis =look表示“看”高频白金词汇
[提示] sp-是词根的根表示看,从一个单词spy 我们就可以记住它。
种子植物spy n.间碟(偷看) vt.发现(看到才叫发现) aspect = a + spect
1) [助忆] 看了人一眼的印象→n.外貌,特征= outlook,feature
A pleasing aspect 令人喜爱的模样.
2) [助忆] 看到的一个方面→n.方面= facet [小翻译] 无论是什么事情,都有好的一面,也有坏的一面。
Everything has a good aspect and a bad aspect. (Every coin has two sides.)
苟同respect = re(back) + spect
[助记]礼貌性地相互看一眼→vt. 尊重respect = re (again) + spect
with respect to 谈到…
= [口语]speaking of
= [书面]when it comes to
With respect to population explosion, different people may hold different views.
With respect to the sudden increa/sharp ri of private cars, different people may hold different views.
[小翻译3]谈到安乐死, 不同的人持有不同的观点。
When it comes to the euthanasia, different people may hold different views.
[辨析] respectable, respectful
respectable a.令人尊敬的
respectful a.充满敬意的
[小翻译] 学生们充满敬意地与这位令人尊敬的教授谈话。
The students talk respectfully with the respectable professor.
expect= ex (out) + (s)pect [助记]向外看,盼望爱人归来→vt. 期待, 盼望与“I’m waiting for you.”相比
科技创新的例子“I’m expecting you.”更有感情色彩,多了几分渴望的心态。
[单词组记] inspect, suspect, suspicious inspect = in(into) + spect树懒
[助记]进入里面去看→vt.仔细检查,深入调查=look into
suspect = sus (sub下) + spect
[助记]老师往桌子下面看,怀疑学生作弊→vt.怀疑; n.嫌疑犯
suspicious = sus + spic(=spect) + ious(形容词) a.可疑的, 怀疑的
[高频短语] be suspicious of = suspect
[婚外情] extra-marital affair
Some women cretly inspect their husband’s cell phones looking for suspicious messages when they suspect their husbands have extra-marital affairs.
[辨析] spectator, audience
spectator = spect + ator(人)[助记]看大型演出和表演的人→n. 观众
Olympic spectators
Television audiences=viewers
prospect = pro (forward )+ spect(look)
[助记]向前看就充满了→n. 前景, 前途, 可能性
Owing to his hardworking, Tom has a bright prospect of being promoted as a department manager.
Becau of energy shortage, this kind of energy-saving mini-car has a rosy prospect. [辨析] prospective, perspective
prospective = pro(forward) + spect (look) +
ive(形容词) →a.预期的,未来的
= would-be, future, coming, anticipated
a prospective buyer for the hou
perspective = per (through穿过)+ spect + ive(名词)
[助记] 看穿了→n.透视图画法;观点,看法= view
课件教程from a historical perspective = from the viewpoint of history
speculate=spec + ulate(动词)
[助记]用心去看→v.推测, 思索; 投机
[小翻译] 推测谁将在总统大选中获胜。
To speculate about who will win in the presidential election.
[小翻译] 在房地产业投机
To speculate in property industry.
despi=de (down贬低) + spi
[助记]往下看→vt.鄙视= look down upon/on [反] look up to, admire
despicable a.可鄙的;卑劣的
[小翻译] “吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸.”
People always pretend to despi tho they do not have.
spectacle= spect + acle(名词)
[助记] 看到的盛大景象→n.奇观, 景象; spectacles眼镜
[小翻译]从泰山顶上看去, 日出真是个奇观。Viewed from the top of Mount Tai, the sunri was indeed a spectacle.
spectacular = spec + tacular (太酷了)
[助记] 看了以后觉得太酷了→a.壮观的; n.盛大的演出.
[小翻译] 壮观的奥运会的开幕式是真是一场盛大的演出。
The spectacular Olympic opening ceremony is indeed a spectacular.
conspicuous = con (共同)+spic (看)+uous(形容词)
[助记]大家都看得到的→a.显著的[近] obvious, noticeable
“Lao Yu" is a conspicuous example of a country teacher who succeeded in starting up a private school listed on New York Securities Exchange. retrospect = retro(back) + spect
[助记]往回看→n. v.回顾= look back respective = re(again) + spect + ive(形容词)
[小翻译] 他们回到各自的房间
They went back to their respective rooms. irrespective = ir(not) + respect(尊重) + ive(形容词)
[助记]不尊重的→不管的, 不顾的(of) irrespective of 是一个高分的写作表达方法,意思和用法完全= regardless of
[小翻译1] 他不顾过去的失败,继续经营他的生意。
He continues to run his business, irrespective of(=regardless of) his past failures.
[小翻译2] 这个保险业务员每周坚持发送信息,无论成功还是失败。
The insurance sales nd information every week, irrespective of whether it’s successful or not.
[小翻译3] 不顾被宝洁公司面试回绝了许多次,这个毕业生仍然坚持向这个公司投简历。---- 典型的面霸
This college graduate persists in nding Resume to P&G, irrespective of being rejected in the interview many times -- a typical master interviewee.
胃不疼但总嗳气[小翻译] 考霸
master examinees
espionage = e(ex) +sp (spy) + ionage(名词) [助记]派出间谍→n.侦察;间谍活动introspection = in (int
o) + spect + ion
[助记]往内心里面看→反省,内省circumspect= circum(circle) +spect
[助记]过马路前向四周看看→a.慎重的, 周到的
conspectus = con (together)+ spect + us
[助记]把看到的小标题放在一起→n.概论, 大
spectrum = spect + rum(地方)
[助记]看到的光排列在一个地方→n.光谱; (联想意义)entire range= 整个范围
[小翻译] 价格上涨已经影响到了整个工业领域.
Price hike has influenced the whole spectrum of industry.