The sixth period(第六课时)仓鼠可以晒太阳吗
煌固中心小学 陈道元
Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up
▶ 教学内容与目标
课时教学内容 | 空调制热多少度最好课时师者,所以传道,授业,解惑也。韩愈 ◆教学目标 |
Let’s check | •课时教学内容课时师者,所以传道,授业,解惑也。韩愈 •◆教学目标 通过该板块的听力训练,能够巩固本单元所学重点内容。 •能够根据图片信息预测听力考查点,理解听力材料,在语篇中抓取关键词,完成图片排序和划词。 •培养学生良好的听力习惯,有策略地提高学生的听力水平。 |
Let’s wrap it up | •能够复习并巩固本单元所学的核心句型。 •能够在教师的引导下,运用一般过去时与一般现在时两种时态,针对图片进行对比描述。 |
隐形眼镜怎么配 | |
▶ 教学重点
激情无限▶ 教学难点
1. 能够运用一般过去时与一般现在时两种时态对图片进行对比描述。
2. 能够理解Story time板块趣味故事。
▶ 教学准备
1. 预习《大课堂》《练习册》《作业本》中本课时的相关内容。
2. PPT课件、课文音频、视频等。
▶ 教学过程
Step 1: Warm-up & Revision
1. Greetings.
Greet the students.
2. Let’s sing—Changes in me.
Sing the song—Changes in me. (出示课件)
3. Quick review of the key words and phras of this unit. (课件出示:本单元的重点单词及短语)
◆ Teaching purpo
Step 2: Prentation & Practice
1. Changes between then and now.
Obrve the changes of frogs. (出示课件) The teacher makes a model at first.
T: When it was a tadpole, it had a tail. ow it becomes a frog. It has no tail.
Lead students to pay attention to the differences in time and verbs. Students learn to u the simple past ten and the simple prent ten to describe things properly and correctly. T: Can you describe the chnges in this girl and this boy?
S1: She had long hair. Now she has short hair.
S2: He played the guitar. Now he plays basketball.
◆ Teaching purpo
比较伤感的图片2. Let’scheck.
(1) Prent the pictures in “Let’s check”. (课件出示:Lt’s check板块的图片) Lead students to get detailed information from the pictures and predict the main idea of the listening material.
T What did e always do many years ago?
S1: In Picture 1, he always read a book under the tree.
S2: In Picture 2, he always rode a bike.
S3: In Picture 3, he always went ice-skating in winte.
(2) Listen and number the pictures. Then check the answers with the teacher. (课件出示:Listen and number的答案)
(3) Students read the words below the pictures. Listen again and cross out the words they didn’t hear. Then check the answers with the teacher. (课件出示:Let’s check板块第
(4) Prent the listening material. (课件出示:Let’s check板块的听力材料) Students read the passage together. Try to understand the context.
◆ Teaching purpo
3. Let’s wrap it up.
Changes are all around us. Talk about the changes below.
(1)The teacher makes a model at first. Show students how to describe the changes. (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up中Chen Jie身高对比的图片)
T: Look at the picture of this girl. Chen Jie was short. (Point to the low height when she was a little girl.) Now she is 1.5 metres tall. (Point to the height of 1.5 metres.) It’s the diff
erence between then and now. You can say like this “Chen Jie was short. Now she is 1.5 metres tall.”
(2)Prent Picture 1(课件出示:Let’s wrap it up板块中的图片1 ) Lead students to say: It was an egg. Now it is a hen.
(3)Work in pairs. Talk about the changes according to the pictures. Then act out. (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up板块中的图片2、3、4、5)
S1: It was raining. Now it is sunny.
S2: In summer, the tree was green. Now it is yellow.
S3: There was a building before. Now there is grass.
S4. : The cat was on the chair. Now it is under the chair.
◆ Teaching purpo
(4)Make a brief summary.
T: When we describe the changes between then and now, we can express like this “It was…/There was/were (no/not)… It is…now./There is/are (no/not)…now.” You can also add some adverbial expressions of time of the prent or the past.