1. 他喜欢和人们打交道。She likes to play games with people.
2. 我想要和英国学生们交朋友。I want to make friends with English students.
3. 妈妈总是在周末时去商店。My mother always goes to the store on weekends.
4. 尼克从来不打扫他的房间。Nick never cleans his room.
5. 这个女孩喜欢冰激凌,它尝上去很好。The girl likes ice-cream.It tastes good.
6. 在体育课上,我们要么打篮球要么踢足球。In P.E class, we either play basketball or play soccer.
7. 我的父母通常在晚饭后散步。My parents usually take a walk after dinner.
8. 汤姆是需要做大量的家庭作业。Tom always needs to do lots of homework.
9. 吃很多蔬菜是健康的。It is health to eat many vegetables .
帮助的近义词是什么10. 图书馆在电视台和服装店中间。The library is between the TV station and the clothes store.
11. 陶虹你认为珍妮的新衣服怎么样? What do you think of Jenny’s new clothes?
12. 我们希望你的所有的梦想都能实现。We hope all your dreams can come true
13. 我想下周一离开去广州。I want to leave for Guangzhou next Monday.
14. 晚饭后让我帮你洗碗。Let me help you to do the dishes after dinner.
螺杆是什么15. 你的父亲对你要求严吗?Is your father strict with you?
16. 记得给我 打电话, 汤姆。Remmber to call me , Tom.
正能量短句17. 嘹亮的歌声所有的学生都应该遵守规则。All the students should follow the rules.
18. 坐在教室里学习的学生太多了。Too many students sit in the classroom.
19. 这张全家福有点旧。This family photo is kind of old.
20. 我的妹妹能单腿跳很长时间。My sister can jump on one leg for a long time.土家
21. 林鑫可以打一整天的篮球。LinXin can play basketball all day.
22. 咱们先看老虎吧。Let’s e the tigers first.
23. 我表弟的宠物猫非常漂亮和可爱My cousin’s pet cat is very beautiful and cute.
24. 汉堡包是由蔬菜,鸡肉,和面包制成的。The hamberger is made of vegetables, chicken and bread.
25. 今天是星期一, 别忘了穿校服。Today is Monday. Don’t forget to wear the school uniform.
26. 正常人能承受的海拔这些学生们现在处于危险中。感恩戴德The students are in danger now.
27. 他们砍到了那棵树来过河。They cut down that tree to cross the river.