Foreignization in translation
Translation is a sort of transformation between languages, as well as an intercultural communication. However, along with the differences between national history, social system, lifestyle and geographical environment, cultural differences, more or less, exist among different countries, resulting in various translation strategies. From the perspective of cultural differences, the paper attempts to make a rearch on the importance of foreigni
zation to maintain the aesthetic characteristics of the original work, resist, to some degree, cultural hegemony and invasion and promote international cultural exchanges.
生命快车>交际Keywords: foreignization, cultural differences, international cultural exchange
According to Yanchang and Liu Runqing, language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of cultures. Without language, they maintain, culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture. In the broadest n, language is the symbolic reprentation of a people and it compris their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.
Since literary translation plays such an important role in cultural exchange and transmission in every society, it has been generally accepted that it is of great importance, significance and value foe translators to analyze and study the differences of language habits caud by cultural differences in both Chine and English, to explain the influence of cultural competence on language competence on language competence,
to improve cultural competence and awareness and to explore appropriate ways of dealing with cultural difference in literary translation.房屋安全
In his 1998 book The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference书信格式范文, Venuti states that "Domestication and foreignization deal with 'the question of how much a translation assimilates a foreign text to the translating language and culture, and how much it rather signals the differences of that text'".
Foreignization is the strategy of retaining information from the source text, and involves deliberately breaking the conventions of the target language to prerve its meaning. According to Lawrence Venuti, every translator should look at the translation process through the prism of culture which refracts the source language cultural norms and it is the translator’s task to convey them, prerving their meaning and their foreignness, to the target-language text. Every step in the translation process—from the lection of foreign texts to the implementation of translation strategies to the editing, reviewing, and reading of translations—is mediated by the diver cultural values that circulate in the target language.
Along with the ongoing globalization, china is necessary to know about the world, furthermore, it is more necessary for the world to learn about China. As a means of cultural dismination of information,,Chine-to-English or English-to-Chine translation is responsible for the introduction of foreign culture to come in, and spreading out of the Chine culture. To fulfill this task, only foreignization bad on source language culture is the best way to deal with cultural differences and dismination.
Dream of the Red Chamber is walking encyclopedia of Chine culture. It is so culture-loaded that it is challenging for tho who want to translate it from Chine to English. In 1970, two complete English versions were published almost at the same time respectively in Beijing and London. One was translated by Chine scholar Yang Xianyi and his wife Gladys Yang; the other was rendered by British sinologist David Hawkes. Ys adopted foreignization to deal with it, which made great contribution in conveying China's unique culture to English readers with, eing from the following examples:
宝玉心中想道:“难道这也是个痴子,又象颦儿来葬花不成?”因而又自叹道:“若真也葬花, 可谓“东施效颦”,但不为新特,且更可厌了。”
Ys: " Can this be another absurd maid who has come to bury flowers like Tai-yu?" he(Pao-yu) wondered in some amument. "If so, she's "Tung Shih imitating Hsi Shih", which isn't original but rather tiresome."(Hsi Shih was a famous beauty in the ancient Kingdom of Yue. Tung Shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways. )
Example 2:
Ys: (Yuan-yang said)"In the middle 'two and five' makes ven"
(Aunt Hsueh responded,) "The Weaving Maid and Cowherd" meet in heaven."(Names of constellations in Chine astronomy. According to Chine folklore, the weaving maid and the Cowherd were lovers.)
Example 3:
探春冷笑道:“俗话说的,‘物伤其类,唇亡齿寒’, 我自然有些心惊么!”
Ys: Tan-chun smiled cynically. " As the proverbs says, 'everyone feels foe his fellow creatures.' and 'When the lips are gone the teeth will feel cold.' How can I help being alarmed?"套白狼