Falsified Medicines Directive news: EDQM announce collaboration with the European Medicines
Verification Organisation
西湖英语>胃酸过多如何调理期刊名称: European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
作者: Richard,Price
年份: 2016年
期号: 第1期
关键词: European Medicines;priority medicines;work life balance;working
3月6日parents;European Medicines Agency夏天的歌
摘要:The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM), an agency of the Council of Europe, has announced a new relationship with the European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO). EDQM will in future女人60岁生日祝福语
conduct periodic conformity asssments of the European Medicines Verification System (EMVS) and its governance. The European Medicines Verification System is the product of the EMVO, a designed solution by five European medicines supply chain organisations to meet the verification and authentification requirements ofthe 2011 Falsified Medicines Directive. It provides a centralid 'blueprint' model that each country can adopt under the governance of 'national medicines verification
论文研究思路三年级阅读理解organisations' (NMVOs), which are currently in the process of construction. EDQM's new role with the system provides a form