AcS (actor Subject), ReS (Receptor Subject) and DaS (dative vesubject) P85
Active deposit 活性沉积P393
adaptability制宜原则 P39
adjustment 调整P135
AdjMr:Ajective Modifier 定语修饰语 P19
Affixing morpheme of fixed position 定位性附加语素 P342
Affixation 缀合法 P29
All encompassing 无所不包 P ix
Aphasic 失语症患者P386
ApoP 同位短语式P188
Approximative system 近似体系 P58
arbitrariness任意性; lectiveness 选择性P181
Aspect 体(tentative尝试体, inchoative开始体, successive继续体, perfect完成体, progressive进行体)P114
Autonomy 自主权 P53
backshift后移 P370/372
bilingualism 双语学P522
Blending 拼缀法 P29
Bottom-up perception自下而上的感知,top-down perception自上而下的感知P493
Cart Fames1980 对比分析 P x
circulativeness 周遍性P86
categorization范畴化滴滴打车赚钱吗, grouping 归为类P487
category word 范畴词P418/474/513
cleft ntence 分裂句P230
cognate equivalence同源对应P134/468,词根对应P478
安徽中考作文cognitive schema认知图示P386
Cohesion 粘着性 P62
Cohesion and coherence接应与连贯 P74
Cohesive tie 联结关系接应词,additive 增补连接词,adversative 对比连接词,causal conjunction因果连接词,temporal conjunction 时间连接词 P436
Combination (虚词功能)组合P452
Total combination完全结合,formal combination形式结合 P464
Common value (语言)共同价值;special value 特征价值P47
Complement 补语P126Composition 合成法 P29
Compactness of meaningful morpheme有义语素结合紧密度 P299
Compresd predicate 紧缩式谓语P120
Compound (汉语)合成词P443
Conversion 转化法 P29
Constant 常数(ie. tertium comparationis中间比较项);variable变数;tertium 中间项 P50
Context-nsitive rule 受上下文制约的规则P362
Convertness and overtness 隐含性与外显性P61
Copula 系词;copulative object 判断宾语;quasi-copulas 准判断动词P217
Coverb 前置动词(能愿、意向、规劝动词)和后置动词的统称;operator基本助动词/功能词P114
Dative ca与事格 P159
defiguration还原法, figuration 形象描写P472
Description and Prescription 描写与规定 P41
descriptive approach描写态度 P39
determinative premodifier 限制性前置定语,descriptive premodifier 描绘性前置定语, classifying premodifier 分类性前置定语 P298
Diachronic and synchronic/ diachronism and synchronism 历时与共时 P2
Diachronic experience and synchronic performance 历时经验和共时运用P314
Dichotomic 计算机三级报名二分性,可切分为二P167
Differentiating ability 分辨力P361
Diffu 扩散型;compact聚集型 P235
Directness 直接性, indirectness间接性, explicitness鲜明性, specificness重实,non-specificness反虚P417
Disintegration 解体P28
Disorganization 瓦解P28
Disposal form动词处置式(把字句) P213; pre-transitive Verb 前及物动词(赵元任:把字句)
Diversiform 多样性P85
Divide 长句切分;contract 长句紧缩P208
Doer and receptor 行为者与承受者 P89
Doublet/ word pair谐音叠词P426
End-focus 短语后焦点;front-focus 弱化前焦点 P175
End-weight词尾重心 P229
Equivalence 对应 P58
Explanation 解释; Interpretation 阐释 P41
Explication 演绎法P469
Expletive 先行词P74
Expletive subject 形式主语P92
《活着》读后感Family remblances 维根斯坦:家族相似;Dissimililarilies 非相似性 Pv
Finite verb 定式动词;non-finite verb 非定式动词P236
Formal or inflexional linkage 形式或形态对接 P26
Formal indication 形式的标定 P62-3
Frame of word词语联立关系 P466
Functional compensation 功能互补P154
Functional expansion 功能扩大化P191
Functional redress, functional compensation 功能代偿法 P33
Function test 话题性的测试 P90
Functional word (form word, structural word) 结构词(英语),empty word虚词(汉语), P449
clod class 封闭性词类,P449
determiner 限定词,auxiliary助动词,pronoun代词,P449,preposition介词,qualifier 修饰词,coordinator 并列连接词,subordinator 从属连接词,interrogative 疑问词,negative 否定词P450
full word 实词(汉语)P450
Given-new contract已知-新知信息默契P372
Head word 中心词P296
Heterology 异质性/特殊素质 P95/202
HW:head word中心词 P19
Hypotaxis and parataxis 世界第一大港形合与意合 P75
Icon 图像性,iconization图像化, indexization索引化P455
Ideographicand mipronouncing 单体形意音文字 P vi
Ideational pvotal, idea-centered 意念主轴;formal-pivotal, formal-centered 形式主轴P18
idea-centered structure意念主轴结构;formal-centered structure形式主轴结构 P18
idiom 成语/习语;a single unit法制安全手抄报一个单位P166
image code 象码;Souund code音码 P68
immediate constituent analysis 直接成分分析法P232
impersonal subject非人称主语 P498
implication 暗示法P22
Inbreak of the modernity 葛兆光:现代性入侵P iv
Indicator 指示器P47
indispensability不可或缺性 P47
infiltration 渗透性,intrinsicness固有性,peculiarity特性P476
Inflectional devices 无形态程式 P viii
Inflexional formation 形态构性P453
Inflexional system 形态体系 P52
外贸饰品Inflexionalization 形态化P154
Inner speech 内部言语,speech 外部言语P387
Intentional word意向词语P163
Interlingua 中介语 P58
Interlingual comparability 语际可比性 P51
Interpretation 解释法 P22
Intraflexion 内部屈折P396
Introducer 引导性结构 P302
John Stuart Mill 1806-1873 功利追求 P x
Juxtaposing 联合短语式P183
Kernel (句法结构) 核心P84
Kinship 与原亲属关系 P468
language game 语言游戏 P39
Latin Grammar马建忠:泰西格朗玛Pv