An ISO file (often called an ISO image), is an archive file that contains an identical copy (or image) of data found on an optical disc, like a CD or DVD. They are often ud for backing up optical discs, or for distributing large file ts that are intended to burned to an optical disc.
ISO⽂件(通常称为ISO映像)是⼀个存档⽂件,其中包含在CD或DVD等光盘上找到的数据的相同副本(或图像)。 它们通常⽤于备份光盘,或分发打算刻录到光盘的⼤⽂件集。
什么是ISO映像? (What is an ISO Image?)
The name ISO was taken from the name of the file system ud by optical media, which is usually ISO 9660. You can think of an ISO image as a complete copy of everything stored on a physical optical disc like CD, DVD, or Blu-ray disc—including the file system itlf. They are a ctor-by-ctor copy of the disc, and no compression is ud. The idea behind ISO images is that you can archive an exact digital copy of a disc, and then later u that image to burn a new disc that’s in turn an exact copy of the original. Most operating systems (and many utilities) also allow you to mount an ISO image as a virtual disc, in which ca all your apps treat it as if a real optical disc were inrted.
ISO名称取⾃光学媒体使⽤的⽂件系统名称,通常为ISO9660。您可以将ISO映像视为存储在物理光盘(如CD,DVD或Blu-光盘-包括⽂件系统本⾝。 它们是光盘的逐个扇区的副本,并且不使⽤压缩。 ISO映像背后的想法是,您可以存档光盘的精确数字副本,然后在以后使⽤该映像刻录新光盘,该光盘⼜是原始光盘的精确副本。 ⼤多数操作系统(和许多实⽤程序)还允许您将ISO映像挂载为虚拟光盘,在这种情况下,所有应⽤程序都将其视为已插⼊真实光盘。
While many people do u ISO images for creating backups of their optical disc, ISO images the days are ud primarily for distributing large programs and operating systems, becau it allows all the files to be contained in one easily downloadable file. People can then decide whether they want to mount that image or u it to burn an optical disc.
尽管许多⼈确实使⽤ISO映像来创建其光盘的备份,但是如今,ISO映像主要⽤于分发⼤型程序和操作系统,因为它允许将所有⽂件包含在⼀个易于下载的⽂件中。 然后,⼈们可以决定是要挂载该映像还是使⽤该映像刻录光盘。
Most downloadable operating systems, including and various Linux distros are distributed as ISO images. This comes in handy when downloading the current version of Ubuntu to install on your machine or .
⼤多数可下载的操作系统(包括和各种Linux发⾏版)均作为ISO映像分发。 当下载当前版本的Ubuntu安装在您的计算机上或时,这⾮常⽅便。
如何挂载ISO映像 (How To Mount An ISO Image)
allows you to mount the ISO image in a virtual optical disc drive. All your apps will treat the image as though it were an actual physical disc.
可以将ISO映像挂载到虚拟光盘驱动器中。 您所有的应⽤程序都会将映像视为实际的物理磁盘。
Windows 8, 8.1, and 10 all let you mount an ISO image without any third-party software. Just lect the image in File Explorer, and then head to Manage > Mount.
Windows 8、8.1和10均允许您安装ISO映像,⽽⽆需任何第三⽅软件。 只需在“⽂件资源管理器”中选择映像,然后转到“管理”>“挂载”即可。五月情天
If you have Windows 7 (or previous), you’ll need a third-party app like the free, open-source, and simple utility.
如果您使⽤的是Windows 7(或更低版本),则需要第三⽅应⽤程序,例如免费,开源且简单的实⽤程序。
如何将ISO映像刻录到光盘 (How To Burn An ISO Image To Disc)
Burning an ISO to a physical disc comes in handy when you want to create a disc that you’ll u to install the software or OS onto another machine. It’s particularly uful when you’re installing an operating system (or creating a utility disc) and need to u that disc to boot a system. It can also be handy for creating a physical backup copy of a disc, or if you just need to hand off a copy to someone el.
当您要创建⽤于将软件或操作系统安装到另⼀台计算机上的光盘时,将ISO刻录到物理光盘⾮常⽅便。 当您安装操作系统(或创建实⽤程序光盘)并且需要使⽤该光盘来引导系统时,此功能特别有⽤。 这对于创建光盘的物理备份副本也很⽅便,或者只需要将副本交给其他⼈也可以。
Windows 7, 8, and 10 have a feature for built right in. All you have to is inrt a writable optical disc, right-click the ISO image, and then lect the “Burn Disk Image” command.油酥饼的做法
Windows 7、8和10具有内置的功能。您所要做的就是插⼊可写光盘,右键单击ISO映像,然后选择“刻录磁盘映像”命令。
Note: If you don’t have an optical disc writer on your PC, you won’t e the command. Also, if you have a compression app (like 7-Zip) installed, and it’s associated with the ISO file extension, you also won’t e the command. We’ll talk about that a bit more in the next ction.
注意 :如果您的PC上没有光盘刻录机,则看不到该命令。 另外,如果您安装了压缩应⽤程序(例如7-Zip),并且该压缩程序与ISO⽂件扩展名相关联,则您也将看不到该命令。 在下⼀节中,我们将进⼀步讨论。
macOS works pretty much the same way. Select the image file in Finder, and then head to File > Burn Disk Image (Name) to Disc.
macOS的⼯作⽅式⼏乎相同。 在Finder中选择映像⽂件,然后转到“⽂件”>“将磁盘映像( 名称 )刻录到光盘”。
忠诚担当如何提取ISO映像 (How To Extract An ISO Image)
If you don’t want to mount an ISO or burn it disc, but still need to access to the files inside, you can extract the contents to your PC. For this, you’ll need a third-party app like WinRAR or 7-Zip. We like around here becau it’s free, open-source, and plenty powerful.
如果您不想挂载ISO或刻录光盘,但仍然需要访问其中的⽂件,则可以将内容提取到PC中。 为此,您需要第三⽅应⽤程序,例如WinRAR 或7-Zip。 我们喜欢 ,因为它是免费的,开源的并且功能强⼤。
When you install 7-Zip, it associates the .iso with the app. So, all you have to do is double-click an ISO image to open it up and brow its contents. Depending on the size of the ISO, this can take up to a minute, so be patient.
安装7-Zip时,它会将.iso 与该应⽤程序关联。 因此,您要做的就是双击ISO映像以将其打开并浏览其
内容。 根据ISO的⼤⼩,此过程可能需要⼀分钟,因此请耐⼼等待。
湖心亭看雪You can copy anything from the ISO to a regular folder just by dragging and dropping.
If you prefer, you can also extract the full contents of the ISO to a normal folder. Just right-click the I
SO, point to the “7-Zip” menu, and then choo one of the extraction commands. The “Extract Files” command lets you choo a location, the “Extract Here” command extracts files to the same location as the ISO file, and the “Extract To folder_name”command creates a new folder in that location to which to extract.
如果愿意,还可以将ISO的全部内容提取到普通⽂件夹中。 只需右键单击ISO,指向“ 7-Zip”菜单,然后选择⼀种提取命令。 “ Extract Files”命令使您可以选择⼀个位置,“ Extract Here”命令将⽂件提取到与ISO⽂件相同的位置,“ Extract To folder_name ”命令在该位置创建⼀个新⽂件夹以提取到该⽂件夹。
心理情景剧Other compression apps, like WinRar, work pretty much the same way.
There is one other important thing to note here. If you install a compression app like 7-Zip or WinRar, and you let that app associate itlf with ISO files, you’ll no longer e the built-in commands in File Explorer for working with tho image files. It’s better to have Windows Explorer associated with ISO files becau you can still right-click them and access the compression apps commands whenever you want. All you lo is the ability to double-click them to open them in the compression app.
这⾥还有另⼀件事要注意。 如果您安装了诸如7-Zip或WinRar之类的压缩应⽤程序,并且让该应⽤程序将⾃⾝与ISO⽂件关联,则您将不再在⽂件资源管理器中看到⽤于处理这些图像⽂件的内置命令。 最好将Windows资源管理器与ISO⽂件关联,因为您仍然可以右键单击它们,并在需要时访问压缩应⽤程序命令。 您失去的就是双击它们以在压缩应⽤程序中打开它们的能⼒。
If you’ve already installed one of tho apps, can quickly reassociate the ISO file extension with Windows Explorer. Head to Settings > Apps > Default Apps. On the right, scroll down and click the “Choo default apps by file type” link.
如果您已经安装了其中⼀个应⽤程序,则可以快速将ISO⽂件扩展名与Windows资源管理器重新关联。 转到设置>应⽤>默认应⽤。 在右侧,向下滚动并单击“按⽂件类型选择默认应⽤程序”链接。
The next window shows a very long list of file extensions. Scroll all the way down to the .iso extension. On the right, click whatever app is currently associated with the extension. On the popup menu, choo the “Windows Explorer” option.
下⼀个窗⼝显⽰了很长的⽂件扩展名列表。 ⼀直向下滚动到.iso扩展名。 在右侧,单击与该扩展程序当前关联的任何应⽤程序。 在弹出菜单上,选择“ Windows资源管理器”选项。
如何从光盘创建⾃⼰的ISO⽂件 (How To Create Your Own ISO File From an Optical Disc)
Creating an ISO file from discs gives you to create a digital back up of your physical discs. You can then u the files by mounting them on computers that don’t have an optical drive. You can also u the files in the future to burn another
copy of your disc. And, of cour, you can share that ISO with other people.
从光盘创建ISO⽂件使您可以创建物理光盘的数字备份。 然后,可以通过将⽂件挂载到没有光驱的计算机上来使⽤这些⽂件。 您将来也可以使⽤这些⽂件来刻录光盘的另⼀个副本。 ⽽且,当然,您可以与其他⼈共享该ISO。
While macOS and Linux both come with software pre-installed that lets you create an ISO from a physical disc, Windows does not. Instead, you’ll have to download a third-party app to create an ISO file in Windows. For that, we recommend to grab tools of all sorts. On the ISO front, Ninite includes tools like , , and . Just be sure to download them through Ninite. Some of the programs—like ImgBurn—do include junkware in their installers if you get them from elwhere.
尽管macOS和Linux都预装了可让您从物理磁盘创建ISO的软件,但Windows却没有。 相反,您必须
下载第三⽅应⽤程序才能在Windows 中创建ISO⽂件。 为此,我们建议将抓取各种⼯具的 。 在ISO⽅⾯,Ninite包括 , 和类的⼯具。 只要确保通过Ninite下载它们即可。 如果从其他地⽅获得这些程序,则其中某些程序(例如ImgBurn)会在其安装程序中包含垃圾软件。
炒股方法Whatever OS you’re using, be sure to check out our complete guide to for more information.