新员工入职心得体会On the first day of the small holiday, I took my children to e the cartoon "bad guys alliance", which was produced by dream works.
The five main characters of the story are: the handsome pickpocket "big bad wolf" , the safe thief "greedy snake" who hates birthday, the humorous disgui master "beautiful belly shark", the irascible thug "piranha", and the flexible and resourceful Hacker Expert "hacker spider". The five "bad guys" 意气相许who do all kinds of evil are members of the most notorious "bad guys alliance" and have committed countless robberies over the years. However, in a TV report, they saw the story that the fox mayor Dianhu said that he would give a Golden Dolphin trophy to the famous professor of orange jam.历史八下思维导图 They decided to act as model citizens and u deception to steal the trophy. A lot of funny things happened in the process of stealing trophies. In the end, the five bad guys became kind-hearted people who would think of others. Professor marmalade, who didn't think of the good man who ems to have done all the good things, has reverd his character.好妇产>数码照相机 He is the last behind the scenes.未来的图片 This
film tells us that bad people don't always do bad things, and good people don't always do good things. As long as each of us is correct in our three outlooks, the esnce of people is good, bad people can also become good people.