(a) | Hard landing |
- | a vertical acceleration (VertG) equal to or more than 2.6 g and less than 2.86 g at aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) or, | |
- 猎人海力布缩写 | a vertical speed (RALR) equal to or more than 10 ft/s and less than 14 ft/s. | |
(b) | Severe hard landing | |
- | a vertical acceleration (VertG) equal to or more than 2.86 g at aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) or, | |
- | a vertical speed (RALR) equal to or more than 14 ft/s. | |
(c) | Overweight landing | |
- | a vertical acceleration (VertG) equal to or more than 1.7 g and less than 2.6 g at aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) or, | |
- | a vertical speed (RALR) equal to or more than 6 ft/s and less than 13 ft/s. | |
(d) | Severe overweight landing | |
- | a vertical acceleration (VertG) equal to or more than 2.6 g at aircraft Center of Gravity (CG) or, |
- | a vertical speed (RALR) equal to or more than 13 ft/s. 以上是硬着陆、严重硬着陆、重着陆、严重重着陆的四个区分标准。 |
- | 4100: Excessive Radio Altitude Rate (RALR) |
- | 4400: Excessive Body Normal Acceleration (VRTA) (compared to the limit at landing) - during +/- 0.5 conds before and after landing |
- | 4500: Excessive Body Normal Acceleration (VRTA) (compared to the limit at landing with bounce) - during +/- 0.5 conds at landing (VRTA > VRTAL1.2) or at bounce (VRTA > VRTAL1.3) |
- | 4800: Excessive Gross Weight (GW) (compared to Radio Altitude Rate (RALR) - at datat time at landing |
- | 4900: Excessive Gross Weight (GW) - compared to Body Normal Acceleration (VRTA) - during +/- 0.5 conds before and after landing. 当然不只是只有1000,以及4XXX的报文发送方式,还有5XXX的报文是针对空中颠簸的报文,我们先暂时不考虑5XXX。 在报文中有几个关键数据可以方便于我们判断到底发生了多大数据的硬着陆/重着陆。其中S1的RALR代表了着陆前的无线电高度下降速度(第一张图中的RALR=-019,表示RALR=1.9ft/s)。S2的RALR代表触地瞬间的无线电高度下降速度(第一张图中的RALR=-014,实际上表示RALR=1.4ft/s)。S3的VRTA代表着在触地前后最大的加速度值(第一张图中的VRTA=0126,实际上表示VRTA最大值1.26g)。S4的VRTA代表这触地前后最小的加速度值(第一张图中的VRTA=0083,实际上表示VRTA最小值0.83g),读取这三个数据并根据以下图示核实是否硬/重着陆,首先应该读取CE行里的第五个数据GW(如果未能达到自动生成ACARS报文门槛的话,只是由机组自行打印的LOAD REPORT,GW这个数据有可能是没有的,以---代表),如果GW乘以10以后得到的数据小于等于最大着陆重量(可以在FOC系统中查询MLW),并且RALR或者VRTA超标,则考虑为硬着陆或者严重硬着陆;而如果GW*10大于MLW,并且RALR共青团组织原则或者VRTA超标,则考虑为重着陆或者严重重着陆。硬着陆和重着陆的RALR和VRTA不是一样的,当重着陆发生时,他的RALR和VRTA比硬着陆的数据要求更为严格,依照05-51-11 PB 601如果你不能确认你收到的ACARS报文上得到的DMU数据是否正确,这个时候就需要从QAR盘(PC卡)上去获取这些关键数据。 |
31-37-00-200-001 Check of the Load-Report Parameter after Hard/Overweight Landing or Excessive Turbulence | |
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