《动物农场(Animal Farm)》
姓名: 王笑怡
班级:关于感恩的歌 商英131
学号: 3130315017
It briefly introduce the personalities of some main characters by illustrating their appearance and behaviors.
Boxer, an ordinary hor with a white stripe down his no, giving him a somewhat stupid appearance, but he was universally respected for his steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work. He is like an honest and stout man.
Benjamin, a donkey, is the most oldest animal on the farm and the worst tempered, and what he said was usually cynical remark. He ems like the elder man with experience but is deeply pessimistic.
Mollie, the foolish, pretty white mare, showing off the red ribbons, which is then be regarded as the disgrace given by human.
The Old Major, a majestic-looking pig, appears to be a wi man in the whole story, who is the original creator of this anti-human struggle. “all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of human being? Only get rid of Man, and the produce of our labor would be our own.Almost overnight we could become rich and free. Furthermore, he put forward that “all the habits of Man are evil” and “all animals are equal”. It ems that he is right, and all beasts subscribe to his ambitious ideas, but few of them really figure out what will happen and what they should pay for this kind of perfect ending.
Chapter 2
Later the leader Old Major pasd away, then three young boars Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer. The three had elaborated old Major’s teachings into a complete system of thought, to which they gave the name of Animalism. And for the later three months, they led the other animals to follow this rules and persuaded them into Rebellion to struggle for their freedom and richness.
But the Rebellion began with Mr.Jones over drunk and left the animals hungry. So the lack of material push them into struggle. Fortunately, they got triumph in a short time. They conquer the large farm and even write the Seven Commandments “on the tarred wall in great white letters that could be read thirty yards away” to always warn all animals in the farm.
But the author makes a foreshadowing in the last paragraph——the milk had disappeared.
In fact, few animal understand the real esnce of the Rebellion and no one knows how to handle with the problems may appear later. So it ems that the milk and some silly qu
estions raid by animals like”will there be sugar after Rebellion” and the rumor of Sugarcandy Mountain.
Chapter 3为什么睡觉流口水
At the beginning of this chapter, the animals lived in harmony and in order under the lead of the pigs. They work hard and make full u of their own capacity, especially Boxer, the loyalest one. “How they toiled and sweated to get the hay in!” But finally, their efforts were rewarded, for the harvest was an even bigger success than they had hoped. There was no wastage whatever, and not an animal on the farm had stolen so much as a mouthful.
However, there is still somebody shirked, like Mollie, the hor who admire for beauty, the mysterious cat. And Old Benjamin, the donkey never volunteer for extra work with a cryptic reason’ Donkeys live a long time, None of you has ever en a dead donkey’. He haven’t show any opinion toward the Rebellion and even the emed perfect results. Maybe he will actually foree the ending and keep calm at every changing situation.
Snowball and Napoleon were never in agreement: whatever suggestion either of them made, the other could be counted on to oppo it. The discrepancy in leaders is not always so good, it will finally break down the steady condition.
At last, what’s more, the pigs begin to ask for privilege: the milk and the windfall apples should be rerved for the pigs alone. Undoubtedly, privilege is the root of corruption and unfairness in equivalent civilians, here, is animals in the farm.
Chapter 4
The successful Rebellion obviously encourage other animals in English farms to struggle for their own freedom and abundant food. The tremendous pictures where the human beings had been turned out and the animals managed their own affairs, continued to circulate in vague and distorted forms, and throughout that year a wave of rebelliousness ran through the countryside. The song Beasts of England also spread around everywhere, and more and more animals began to get together to resist.
学校教学工作计划After considerate preparation, Snowball was in charge of the defensive operations. He gave his orders quickly, and in a couple of minutes every animal was at his post. No wonder that he takes his advantage of his intelligence and enough prestige.
To complete the animal society, they decided unanimously to create a military decoration system to boost the morale. And they will celebrate the two anniversaries.
All the things happened and the complement added to the new society performed as same and normal as human society.
But there remains a detail: Boxer hated killing people, but struggle can’t avoid death in each sides.
Chapter5 癃清片
Mollie, as was reflected before, in the end, came back to human for some small awards. But then it won’t be the ending in such a simple way.人非圣贤孰能无过什么意思
Snowball and Napoleon finally broke up for the discrepancies exists for a long time. Snowball had a good brain and did well in technique and scheming. However, Napoleon held a stronger skill, which is the capacity of playing politics. They should have worked together and compensate the shortages of each other, but they didn’t, instead, they didn’t want to make concession. As a result, like what always occurred in human history, the one who is good at politics defeat the other.