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关键字:亨利·詹姆斯  独创性  主观选择性  审美  心理现实主义 
Henry James is usually known as one of the most important realistic writers in the American literary history. Meanwhile the historian has admitted the effect of James’novel creation, which demonstrates the literary transition from realism to modernism. The features of James’realistic creative methods have prented a lot of ambiguity, compared with normal meaning of realism. This thesis mainly demonstrates his rare traits revealed in his realistic creative methods.
The thesis is compod of four chapters. The First Chapter mainly focus on the discussion of the commencement, improvement and evolution of Henry James’unique realistic approach, and the analysis of the subjective lectivity of Henry James’realism, especially the analysis of his choice of aesthetics. We can feel his true attitudes towards aestheticism—unity and satire. From his choice of experience, we can e that James regards the choice of experience as the choice of reality. In the unity of the subjectivity and the experience towards Isabel’s life, we can n the change from imagination to reality. The Second Chapter mainly analyzes his psychological realism from the following three aspects: revelation of the characters’inner world; depiction of the characters’psychological change and portrait of the characters’Consciousness. The Third Chapter attempts to study his romantic and realistic conflict in his novels, and shows the world, which is full of conviction and imagination. The Fourth Chapter analyzed the reasons of the forming of his uniqueness of realism.韭菜饺
By analyzing it, the thesis reflects the realism uniqueness in the novel of Henry James. At the same time, it is proved that the works of Henry James played an important role in the process transiting from traditional realism to modernism.
约谈Key words: Henry James Uniqueness  Subjective Selectivity Aesthetics Psychological Realism
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Henry James (1843-1916) is generally acknowledged to be one of the greatest novelists and critics in American history. He is the third major literary figure of his times besides Mark Twain and William Dean Howells. He created 22 novels, 113 tales, 7 plays, numerous literary criticisms, and two autobiographies. Henry James is a prolific writer. He produced a number of novels, among w hich the most important include Roderick Hudson (1876), The American (1877), Daisy Miller (1878), and The Portrait of a Lady (1887) which made him win international fame and revealed James’ fascination with his “international theme” and “international novel”. He also attempted to u various l
iterature forms and creative skills, themes and styles of literary creation. The genre of his works include: novel and short story, comment and play. He depicts the inter-personal relationships among his characters by his subtle tales. He compod a few novellas, such as the three great novels: The Wings of the Dove (1902), The Ambassadors (1903), and The Golden Bowl (1904), which reprented the summit of his art and thus constituted “the major pha” of his career. James’ contribution to literary criticism is immen. James’ literary critical idiom had made him exceptionally popular in the world of literary criticism. His criticism is a component part of his literary creation. His most outstanding contributions are The prefaces to the New York Edition and The Art of Fiction. Henry James was also known as the founder of psychological realism who believed that reality comes from the perspective of life. He put the descriptive techniques of the psychological novels into practice. Therefore his novels reflected the tendency of literature in the late 19th century and the early 20th century. It initiated the “stream of consciousness” writing style and marked the transition from traditional realism to modernism.
In abroad, there are a plenty of commentary and review about Henry James. During 1920s and 1930s, Henry James was criticized by some critics. For instance, Van Wyck Brooks said his American aesthetics was lack of reality of history. Vernon Louis Parrington protested against James’
小小少年音乐教案s doubt and exploration of inner world. Besides, James was often labeled an aesthete. Jonathan Freedman, a professor at the University of Michigan, is well-known Jamesian scholar on analyzing the subject of his rich and subtle respon to the aesthetics at prent, such as his The Cambridge Companion to Henry James, which is well known to the
In the 1930s, The Early Development of Henry James of Cornelia P. Kelley explored the critic Henry James. It symbolized the beginning resurgence of Henry James. And then, P. R. Blackmur’s The Art of the Novel and Hound and Horn’s Homage to Henry James were published. The Art of the Novel collected James’Prefaces to the New York Edition. Thirteen papers were collected in Homage to Henry James, e.g. “The Ambiguity of Henry James – by Edmund Wilson”. The paper ud psychoanalytic ideas of Sigmund Freud to analyze his “The Turn of the Screw”.
After the 1960s, he kept “the master’s” at. The critics developed towards all the directions and continual academic. In 1961, Wayne Booth’s Rhetoric of Fiction investigated “the point of view” and “implied author”. Dorothea Krook’s The Ordeal of Consciousness in Henry James gave an overview
最简单的采购合同of Philosophy and moral principles in The Portrait of a Lady. In the 1980s, The Phenomenology of Henry James by Paul Armstrong deals with the relationship between James’ novel and philosophic schools.
溺水自救James’work was first translated into Chine in 1934. The study of him did not begin in China until the last two decades in twenti es century. His name is still quite strange to Chine readers. He was known to us only by Daisy Miller and The Portrait of a Lady. The two novels The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl could hardly be appeal to the readers in China due to their complex and peculiar ntences structures. Xiao Qian was the first Chine scholar who made attentive study of Henry James and wrote literary reviews on James’s important novels and discusd James’writing skill and styles. Studies on Henry James’monographic were v ery little in the early 1990s. From 1994 to 1999,there were about 20 commentaries on the monographic. There are more and more studies of Henry James’ works after 2000 in China. The scholars’main interests were James’international theme, feminist studies of his female protagonists, and cultural perspectives, etc. There is Wang Qing’s Construction of “Americanness”in Henry James’Novel, Wei Zhongjun’s From Omniscient Point of View to Limited Point of View and by Chen Ping’s fictional theory study: A Study of Henry James’s Practical Criticism of Fiction.
This thesis focus on discussing the commencement, improvement and evolution of Henry James’unique realistic methods. Realism is the mainstream of literary creation in the 5

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