从翻译美学视域比较A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man三个中译本选段
跟你走歌词 【摘要】A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man是爱尔兰小说家詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce余额宝利息多少)于20世纪初创作的半自传体小说,其中包含了大量的审美信息。本文选取了文中两段对艺术女神的生动描绘,旨在从翻译美学视域的两个方面(音美、词美)对该选段及其三个中译本进行比较,以探析英译汉时如何更好地实现对原文的审美再现。
【关键词】A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 音美 词美 审美再现特地的意思
【小米4c手机Abstract】A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is a mi-autobiographical novel, created by the Irish novelist香蕉酸奶蛋糕, James Joyce,汤圆用英语怎么说 in the early 20th century, with a large quantity of aesthetic information. This paper lects a two-passage-long vivid description of the goddess of arts and aims to compare the source text and its three Chine translation versions from two aspects of aesthetics of translation 美味的想象(beauty in sound and beauty in words), in order to explore and analyze how to accomplish the aesthetic reproduction of
the source text much better in English-Chine translation.