decentralized maintenance分散维修
dynamic test动态试验
power facilities management动力设备设施管理
duct-proof and protective equipment management除尘、防护设备管理sampling investigation抽样调查
domestic production management of imported spare parts备件国产化管理standard deviation标准偏差
budget of installation安装预算
machine contracting system包机制
regulation of check and lubrication before on shift班前检查与润滑制度shift relief system[设备]交接班制度
《Equipment Management Regulation》《设备管理条例》(《条例》)《repair[设备]修理
maintenance(and repair)[设备]维修
key-point investigation重点调查
management of key-point equipment重点设备管理
key-point equipment重点设备
liability accident责任事故
exponential distribution指数分布
prepayment and collection预付与托收承付
prophylactic test预防性试验
prevention first预防为主
orthogonal design正交设计法(正交试验法)
normal distribution正态分布
transportation vehicle management system运输车辆管理制度
three guarantees of quality质量“三包”
accident due to quality质量事故
management regulation of pressure vesl压力容器管理制度
mean time to failure无故障运行时间
Weibull distribution威布尔分布
idle equipment management闲置设备管理制度
idle plant闲置设备
statistical analysis统计分析炒猪大肠的做法
maintenance information management维修信息管理
combination of rvice and planned maintenance维护与计划检修相结合random event随机事件
numerical control(NC)equipment management数控设备管理
three-level rvice system三级保养制
mathematical expectation数学期望
mathematical model数学模型
mathematical statistics数理统计
technical facilities in production生产技术装备
production equipment生产设备
life cycle cost(LCC)寿命周期费用
mangement regulation of lubricant warehou润滑油库管理制度
commodity inspection商检(商品检验)
combination of design,manufacturing and operation设计、制造与使用相结合
investigation on plant设备调研
reliability reliability theory设备的可靠性与可靠度
energy saving property of plant设备的节能性
facility inspection and apprai through comparison for plant设备的检查评比
plant check system设备点检制度
environmental protection property of plant设备的环保性
complete t of plant设备的成套性
safety of plant设备的安全性
productivity of plant设备的生产率
durability of plant设备的耐用性
flexibility of plant设备的灵活性
equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage设备状态监测与诊断技术管理equipment condition management systen设备状态管理制度
total plant management设备综合管理
dynamic management system of plant asts设备资产动态管理制度
plant leasing设备租赁
preparation system before equipment repair设备修前准备制度
man-hours quota for equipment repair设备修理工时定额
expen quota for equipment repair设备修理费用定额
material quota for equipment repair设备修理材料定额
acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality设备修理质量验收制度
equipment model设备型号
type of equipment设备型式
economical life of equipment设备经济寿命
operation and business management system设备经营管理制度
technical document of plant设备技术档案
technical conditions of equipment设备技术状况
technical condition management of plant设备技术状态管理
management system for technical document and file of plant设备技术资料管理制度
technical properties of plant设备技术性能
technical life of equipment设备技术寿命
specialized cooperation of plant maintenance设备检修专业化协作
planning and management regulation of plant maintenance设备检修计划管理制度
plant maintenance plan设备检修计划
plant maintenance specification设备检修规程
plant maintenance quality设备检修质量
design and construction of equipment foundation设备基础设计与施工
management of equipment order contract设备合同管理
feasibility studies of plant project设备规划可行性分析
investment plan of plant设备规划
performance of plant设备功能(效能)
operational capability of plant设备工作能力
examination and check systems of plant management设备管理考核制度
economic responsibility regulation of plant management设备管理经济责任制度
post standard of plant management设备管理岗位标准
plant management systems设备管理制度
downtime quota for equipment repair设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)
plant engineering modernization设备管理现代化
plant management,plant enginerring设备管理
fixed plant asts management systems设备固定资产管理制度
equipment failure设备故障
plant renewal management设备更新管理制度
plant renewal设备更新
plant replacement设备更换
post responsibility of plant management设备岗位责任
equipment modification management system设备改造管理制度
plant reconstruction,plant modernization设备改造
classified management of plant设备分级管理
operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq设备定人定机、凭证操作规定“five disciplines”of plant operation设备操作的“五项纪律”
农行面试自我介绍operation specification of equipment设备操作规程
management regulation of equipment spare parts设备备品配件管理制度
management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory设备备件库房管理制度
to quote plant price设备报价
discard of plant设备报废
equipment installation management设备安装管理
equipment installation设备安装
tours system to inspect plant设备巡回检查制度
to enquire plant price设备询价
plant model lection设备选型
acceptance check and reception systems of plant设备验收交接制度
statistic-reporting system of plant设备统计报表制度
technical document and date for plant maintenance设备维修技术资料
management regulation of plant maintenance technology设备维修技术管理制度equipment maintenance quota设备维修定额
equipment rvice specification设备维护规程
unit account of plant设备台帐
equipment perfectness norm设备完好标准
plant in good condition设备完好
claims for equipment设备索赔
specifications of usage设备使用规程
information feedback management in initial operation period of pl设备使用初期信息反馈管理management regulation for operation and rvice of equipment设备使用与维护管理制度
life-cycle management of plant设备全过程管理
life of equipment设备寿命
lubrication management regulation of plant设备润滑管理制度
“five fixation”of lubrication设备润滑“五定”
accident management regulation of plant设备事故管理制度
three do not let pass of plant accident设备事故“三不放过”
plant accident设备事故
region responsibility system of plant maintenance设备区域维修负责制
fore period and later period management of plant设备前期管理和后期管理
regulation of fore period management of plant设备前期管理规定
wear compensation for plant设备磨损补偿
plant ageing设备老化
arithmetic mean算术平均值(均值)
coercionary rvice system强制保养制
effect coefficient of investment投资效果系数
economic management system of plant设备经济管理制度
excellence lection activity in plant management设备管理评优活动
Pareto chart排列图(帕累托图)
load test负荷试验
breakdown time故障停机时间
technological adaptability工艺适应性
supervision of engineering facilities工程设备监理
management of proccess-control-point equipment工序控制点设备管理
contract change and cancellation合同变更与解除
combined maintenance混合维修
regression analysis回归分析
interval between inspections检查间隔期
socialization of maintenance检修社会化广州网约车
centralized maintenance集中维修
technical advancement技术先进性
combination of technical management and economic management技术管理与经济管理相结合computer-aided plant management计算机辅助设备管理
P)planned preventive maintenance system计划预修制度(ЛЛ
FOB of imported equipment进口设备离岸价
imported equipment management进口设备管理
CIF of imported equipment进口设备到岸价
preci,large scale,rare plant精、大、稀设备
management of preci,large scale,rare equipment精、大、稀设备管理
“five fixed”of preci,large scale,rare,critical equipme精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定”economy经济性
static test静态试验
open-ca inspection开箱检查
average deviation平均偏差
mean waiting time,MWT平均等待时间
repair cycle修理周期
structure of repair cycle修理周期结构
combination of repair,modernization and renewal修理、改造与更新相结合
complexity coefficient of repair修理复杂系数
time between repairs修理间隔期
lead equipment management system租赁设备管理制度
time value of fund资金的时间价值
natural accident自然事故
lf-made equipment自制设备
management system for lfmade equipment自制设备管理制度
lf-made spare parts management system自制备件管理制度
combination of professional management and mass management专业管理与群众管理相结合transfer of facility转让设备(设备调剂)
typical investigation典型调查
areal(departmental)repair center地区(部门)修理中心
recovery ratio of ud oil废油回收率
perfectness ratio of power plant动力设备完好率
cad偏移fulfillment ratio of periodic rvice定期保养完成率
mean downtime(days)due to overhaul大修理平均停歇天数
perfectness ratio of key-point equipments重点设备完好率
qualification ratio under first acceptance check一次交验合格率
availability of plant in u在用设备可利用率
utilization ratio of installed equipments已安装设备利用率
annual profit ratio per10000yuan fixed asts万元固定资产年创利润率
maintenance expen for1000yuan production value万元产值占用维修费用
installation ratio of owned equipments实有设备安装率
comprehensive utilization ratio of plant设备综合利用率
added value rate of plant asts设备资产增值率
capital investment recovery period of plant设备资产投资回收期
newness degree of plant设备新度
profit ratio vs net book value of plant设备净资产创利润率
utilization ratio of planned time of plant设备计划台时利用率
constitution ratio of plant设备构成比
load rate of plant设备负荷率