
更新时间:2023-06-23 14:56:14 阅读: 评论:0

1929——Hans Berger :EEG;
1935-1936——Pauline and Hallowell Davis 单试次ERP (SINGLE TRAIL)
1962——Galamobos and Sheatz 计算机平均ERP
1964——Grey Walter 第一个认知ERP成分CNV(contingent negative variation 关联负变化 )
ERP:事件相关电位本来叫诱发电位(evoked potential,Eps)Event-related potentials are vol
tage fluctuations in the electroencephalogram (EEG) that are time-locked to internal or external events (e.g., stimuli, respons, decisions)
脑干诱发反应(BER,brainstem evoked respon):又叫听觉脑干反应(ABRs),是由咯哒声那样的听刺激,在刺激后的前10秒,所诱发的电压很小的ERPs。
视诱发电位( VEP, visual evoked potentials/VER, visual evoked respon)
诱发反应电位(evoked respon potentials)
神经元群(large population of neurons)进行动作电位记录叫做“多细胞”记录(”multi-unit recordings);从神经元集群(large groups of neurons)进行的突触后电位记录,叫做“局部场电位“记录(”local field potential” recordings)
In almost all cas, ERPs originate from postsynaptic potentials(PSPs) in cortical pyramidal cells, arising as a conquence of the flow of ions across the cell membrane in re
spon to neurotransmitters binding with receptors . When PSPs occur simultaneously in similarly oriented neurons, the resulting field potentials summate and the voltage can be detected instantaneously onthe scalp. Thus, ERPs provide a direct, millicond-resolution measure of neurotransmission-related neural activity.
测量,这种情况最可能出现于皮层椎体细胞很多偶极子的累加基本等效于对这些偶极子进行朝向平均得到的单个偶极子,这种平均偶极子叫做等效电流偶极子(ECD,equivalent current dipole)
用磁场记录代替电位记录就可以很大程度上避免因高阻抗颅骨所引起的电位污染。且1、残生ERPs,ERPs偶极子附近就会产生磁场。2、磁场可以穿透露骨,且不因颅骨而模糊或受污染,所以磁场记录可以具有比电位记录更高的空间分辨率。——MEG(脑磁图)/ERMF(event-related magnetic field)
C1—— 头后部的中线电极位置,极性变化,来自V1区,在矩状裂周围(负责编码下视野信息的V1区位于距状裂伤员,而负责编码上视野信息位于距状裂下缘。)通过上视野刺激产出负的的C1的波。刺激后40-60ms出现,80-100ms达到峰值。高敏感于对比度、空间频率等刺激参数。
【N1—— 多个子成分。子成分1,100-150ms 头前部电极;子成分2,150-200ms,顶区皮层,子成分3,150-200ms,两侧枕区皮层,辨别过程。】
简介:In neuroscience, the N100 or N1 is a large, negative-going evoked potential measured by electroencephalography (its equivalent in magnetoencephalography is the M100); it peaks in adults between 80 and 120 milliconds after the ont of a stimulus, and distributed mostly over the fronto-central region of the scalp. It is elicited by any unpredictable stimulus in the abnce of task demands. It is often referred to with the following P200 evoked potential as the "N100-P200" or "N1-P2" complex. While most rearch focus on auditory stimuli, the N100 also occurs for中国贪污 visual (e visual N1, including an illustration), olfactory, heat, pain, balance, respiration blocking, and somatonsory stimuli
起源:The auditory N100 is generated by a network of neural populations in the primary and association auditory cortices in the superior temporal gyrus in Heschl's gyrus(赫氏回) and planum temporale(颞平面). It also could be generated in the frontal and motor areas. The area generating it is larger in the right hemisphere than the left.
特征:The N100 is preattentive (前注意)and involved in perception(感知) becau its amplitude is strongly dependent upon such things as the ri time of the ont of a sound, its loudness,interstimulus interval with other sounds, and the comparative frequency of a sound as its amplitude increas in proportion to how much a sound differs in frequency from a preceding one. Neuromagnetic rearch has linked it further to perception by finding that the auditory cortex has a tonotopic organization to N100.[14] However, it also shows a link to a person's arousal[15] and lective attention.[16] N100 is decread when a person controls the creation of auditory stimuli,[17] such
as their own voice.[18]
    P2—— 头前部和中央皮层,靶刺激相对罕见时反应增强。与P3相比,P2靶特征特征简单,P3复杂。头后部,P2波常常与N1、p2以及P3的重叠而难以区分。
N170与顶正电位—— 顶正电位(vertex positive potential)面孔刺激与非面孔刺激的差异波。150-200ms,中央区的中线部位。N170,右半球,枕区两侧,面孔刺激和非面孔刺激。倒置面孔与正向面孔相比激发更大更晚的N170。倒置效应和面孔特异性。
仪器:Nexstm eXimia EEG-system with60 carbon electrodes cap (Nexstm Ltd.). The impedance:< 10 kΩ.
参考: placed on the forehead.
The sampling rate was 1450 Hz. All signals were amplifed with a gain of 2000 and filtered with a hardware-bad bandpass filter of 0.1–350 Hz.
data were 漂亮的女生low-pass filtered 薪资管理and gmented into trials from 恩施大峡谷旅游攻略−200ms to 1000ms relative to stimulus ont. The data were manually checke for any artifacts, including eye movements and blinks. All trials contaminated by artifacts were discarded from further analysis. Data were baline-corrected with a 100 ms window prior to the stimulus ont. For cleaner ERP traces in figures, data were filtered with a 10-Hz lowpass filter instead of the 30 Hz low-pass filter ud for data analysis.

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标签:电位   记录   偶极子   刺激   面孔   皮层
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