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Two recent publications offer different asssments of the career of the famous British nur Florence Nightingale. A book by Anne Summers eks to debunk the idealizations and prent a reality at odds with Nightingale's heroic reputation.According to Summers,Nightingale's importance during the Crimean War has been exaggerated:not until near the war's end did she become supervisor of the female nurs.Additionally, Summers writes that the contribution of the nurs to the relief of the wounded was at best marginal.The prevailing problems of military medicine were caud by army organizational practices, and the addition of a few nurs to the medical staff could be no more than symbolic.Nightingale's place in the national pantheon,Summers asrts,is largely due t0 the propagandistic efforts of contemporary newspaper reporters.
By contrast, the editors of a new volume of Nightingale's letters view Nightingale as a person who significantly influenced not only her own age but also subquent generations.They highlight her ongoing efforts to reform sanitary conditions after the war
.For example,when she learned that peacetime living conditions in British barracks were so horrible that the death rate of enlisted men far exceeded that of neighboring civilian populations,she succeeded in persuading the government to establish a Royal Commission on the Health of the Army. She ud sums raid through public contributions to found a nurs’ training hospital in London.Even in administrative matters,the editors asrt, her practical intelligence was formidable:as recently as 1947 the British Army's medical rvices were still using the cost-accounting system she had devid in the 1860’s.
I believe that the evidence of her letters supports continued respect for Nightingale's brilliance and creativity. When counling a village schoolmaster to encourage children to u their faculties of obrvation,she sounds like a modern educator南京大学简介.Her insistence on classifying the problems of the needy in order to devi appropriate treatments is similar to the approach of modern social workers韭菜英文.In sum,although Nightingale may not have achieved all of her goals during the Crimean War, her breadth of vision and ability to realize ambitious projects have earned her an eminent place among the ranks of social pi
Questions 22-28 refer to the passage above.
22.The passage is primarily concerned with evaluating
(A) the importance of Florence Nightingale's innovations in the field of nursing
(B) contrasting approaches to the writing of historical biography
(C) contradictory accounts of Florence Nightingale's historical significance
(D) the quality of health care in nineteenth century England
(E) the effect of the Crimean War on developments in the field of health care
o型腿判断标准图23. According to the passage,the editors of Nightingale's letters credit her with contributing to which of the following?
(A) 雪碧苦瓜>天门日报Improvement of the survival rate for soldiers in British Army hospitals during the Crimean War
(B) The development of a nurs’ training curriculum that was far in advance of its day
(C) The increa in the number of women doctors practicing In British Army hospitals
(D) Establishment of the first facility for training nurs at a major British university
(E) The creation of an organization for monitoring the peacetime living conditions of British soldiers
24.The passage suggests which of the following about Nightingale's relationship with the British public of her day?
(A) She was highly respected,her projects receiving popular and governmental support.
(B) She encountered resistance both from the army establishment and the general public.
(C) She was supported by the working class and oppod by the wealthier class.
(D) She was supported by the military establishment but had to fight the governmental bureaucracy.
(E) After initially being received with enthusiasm,she was quickly forgotten.
25.The passage suggests which of the following about sanitary conditions in Britain after the Crimean War?
(A) While not ideal,they were superior to tho in other parts of the world.
(B) Compared with conditions before the war, they had deteriorated.数学初一辅导
(C) They were more advanced in rural areas than in the urban centers.
(D) They were wor in military camps than in the neighboring civilian populations.
(E) 猪排骨怎么炖好吃又简单They were uniformly crude and unsatisfactory throughout England。