课程编码:30615001 学分: 2学分 总学时:36学时
说 明
序号 | 内 容 | 学 时 安 排 | 小计 |
理论 课时 | 实验 课时 | 习题 课时 | 上机 课时 |
1 | Introduction: | 3 | | 0 | | 3 |
2 | The nature of learner language | 3 | | 1 | | 4 |
媒体邀请函3 | Interlanguage | 2 | | 1 | | 3 |
4 | Social aspects of interlanguage | 3 | | 1 | | 4 |
5 | Discour aspects of interlanguage | 3 | | 1 | | 4 |
6 | Psycholinguistic aspects of interlanguage | 3 | | 1 | | 4 |
7 | Linguistic aspects of interlanguage | 3 | | 0 | | 3 |
8 | Individual differences in L2 acquisition | 3 | | 怎样办理离婚手续1 | | 4 |
9 | Instruction and L2 acquisition | 3 | | 1 | | 4 |
10 | Conclusion: multiple perspectives in SLA | 1 | | 2 | | 3 |
总 计 | 27 | | 9 | | 36 |
| | | | | | |
教 材:Rod Ellis 《第二语言习得》 上海外语教育出版社, 2000年。
参考书:P. M. Lightbown and N. Spada 《语言学习机制》上海外语教育出版社, 2002年。
Rod Ellis 《第二语言习的研究》 上海外语教育出版社, 1994年。
第一部分 Introduction: Describing and Explaining L2 Acquisition
Ⅰ.The definition of cond language acquisition
Ⅱ.The goals of cond language acquisition
Ⅲ.Two ca studies
Ⅳ.Methodological issues
Ⅴ.Issues in the description of learner language
Ⅵ.Issues in the explanation of L2 acquisition
教学重点:the definition of cond language acquisition
教学难点:the goals of cond language acquisition
1. In what respects is Wes a ‘good language learner’ and on what respects is he not one?
2. What is your own definition of a ‘good language learner’?
第二部分The Nature of Learner Language
Ⅰ.Errors and error analysis
Ⅱ.Developmental patterns
Ⅲ.Variability in learner language
Ⅳ. Summary
教学重点:Error analysis and contrast analysis
教学难点:the difference between error analysis and contrast analysis
1. What does Corder mean by saying that an ‘error’ is ‘systematic’ and a ‘mistake’ is ‘unsystematic’? Do you e any problems with this definition?
2. Later Corder recognizes that it may be difficult to distinguish ‘errors’ and ‘mistakes’. Can you suggest ways of doing this?
I. the definition of behaviorist learning theory and its influence on cond language acquisition
II. a mentalist theory of language learning and its influence on cond language acquisition
III. the definition of interlanguage
IV. a computational model of L2 acquisition
教学重点:Behaviorist learning theory
教学难点:the definition of interlanguage
1. What is meant by describing the interlanguage continuum as a “restructuring continuum”?
2. What objections can be leveled against this view of the interlanguage continuum?
第四部分Social Aspects of Interlanguage
Ⅰ皇帝排序. Interlanguage as a stylistic continuum
Ⅱ. The acculturation model of L2 acquisition00年代流行歌曲
Ⅲ. Social identity and investment in L2 learning
教学重点:the understanding of some terms: stylistic continuum; careful style; vernacular style; accommodation theory; divergence; pidginization
教学难点:the understanding of some theories
1. Can you think of any other examples of the two bad learning situations?
2. Can you think of examples of good learning situations?
第五部分Communicative Language Teaching
Ⅰ. Acquiring discour rules
Ⅱ. The role of input and interaction in L2 acquisition
Ⅲ. The role of output in L2 acquisition
Ⅳ. Summary
猴币教学重点:the understanding of some terms: foreigner talk; negotiation of meaning; input hypothesis; comprehensible input; interaction hypothesis; negative evidence; scaffolding; zone of proximal; auto-input
教学难点:the understanding of some theories
1. To what extent is Krashen’s input Hypothesis a mentalist theory?
2. “Speaking is the result of acquisition and not its cau.” Do you agree? What counter arguments can you think of?