the damned human race课文
电子管放大器苹果信号不好The Damned Human Race
Mark Twain
激烈的反义词什么教育I have been studying the traits and dispositions of the “lower animals,”and contrasting them with the traits and dispositions of man. I find the result humiliating to me. For it obliges me to renounce my allegiance to the Darwinian theory of the Ascent of Man from the Lower Animals and to name it the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.
In proceeding toward this unpleasant conclusion I have not guesd or speculated or conjectured, but have ud what is commonly called the scientific method. That is to say, I have subjected every postulate that prented itlf to the crucial test of actual experiment, and have adopted it or rejected it according to the result. The experiments were made in the London Zoological Gardens, and covered many months of painstaking and fatiguing work.