/ əˈlɔŋ; US əˈlɔːŋ; əˋlɔŋ/ prep
from one end to or towards the other end of (sth) 沿着; 顺着: walk along the street 沿着街道走 * go along the corridor 顺着走廊走.
clo to or parallel with the length of (sth) 与(某事物)的长边接近或平行: Flowers grow along the side of the wall. 花贴着墙生长. * You can picnic along the river bank. 你们可以靠河沿野餐.
> along adv part
1 onward; forward 向前; 往前: The policeman told the crowds to move along. 警察叫人群向前走动药源性. * Come along or we'll be late. 快点儿吧, 要不然就迟到了.
2 in one's or sb's company: 随同; 陪同 (infml 口) Come to the party and bring some friends along. 请来参加聚会并带些朋友来. * He took his dog along (with him) to work. 他带着狗(与他)一起上班. * I'll be along (ie I will come and join you) in a few minutes. 我马上就来.
春天的颜色3 (idm 习语) along with sth in addition to sth 除某事物以外: Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol. 除酒之外, 烟草在多数国家都要徵税.
# alongside / əˈlɔŋsaɪd; US əlɔːŋˈsaɪd; əˋlɔŋˋsaɪd/ adv clo to the side of a ship, pier, etc 靠着(轮船﹑ 码头等的)边: a boat moored alongside 靠着码头停泊的船. prep beside (sth) 在...旁边: The car drew up alongside the kerb. 小汽车在路边停下来.
品质惬意生活 时尚创意居家 3秒,全面检测系统漏洞
along 1
a·long家给我1 W1S1 /əˈlɔŋ US əˈlɔːŋ/ adv
going forward
I was driving along, thinking about Chris.
a group of children walking along in a line
go/come along
to go or come to a place where something is happening
You're welcome to come along if you like.
梦见生了个女儿是什么意思I think I'll go along and watch the game.
take/bring sb/sth along
to take someone or something with you to a place
Mandy brought some of her friends along.
Why don't you take your guitar along?
be/come along
to arrive
Another bus should be along in a minute.
Every so often, a band comes along that changes music history.
come/go/get along
to improve, develop, or make progress
After a five-hour operation, Wendy is coming along just fine.
along with sb/sth
together with someone or something el
Dunne was murdered, along with three guards.
all along作文一百字
all the time from the beginning, while something was happening
They should have known all along that she was lying.
along 2
along2 W1S1 prep
[Language: Old English; Origin: andlang, from and- 'against' + lang 'long']
from one place on something such as a line, road, or edge towards the other end of it
We were driving along Follyfoot Road.
She glanced anxiously along the line of faces.
He slid his hand along her arm.
forming a line beside something long
The palm trees along the shore swayed in the wind.
the toolbar along the top of your screen
There were cheering crowds all along Pennsylvania Avenue.
a particular distance away, on or beside something long such as a line, road, edge etc
Hugo's hou was about two hundred yards away along the main street.
The bathroom is just along (=a short distance along) the corridor.
along the way/line
during a process or experience, or during someone's life
I've been lucky, but I've had my share of heartbreak along the way.
preposition, adverb
from one end to or towards the other end of sth: They walked slowly along the road. ◆ I looked along the shelves for the book I needed.
in a line that follows the side of sth long: Hous had been built along both sides of the river.
at a particular point on or beside sth long: You'll find his office just along the corridor.
Help Note: For the special us of along in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example get along with sb is in the phrasal verb ction at get.
forward: I was just walking along singing to mylf. ◆ He pointed out various landmarks as we drove along.
with sb: We're going for a swim. Why don't you come along? ◆ I'll be along (= I'll join you) in a few minutes.
towards a better state or position: The book's coming along nicely.
Idioms: along with sb/sth in addition to sb/sth; in the same way as sb/sth: She lost her job when the factory clod, along with hundreds of others.
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