The Quality of Pure Steam
Testing Report
| Company/Title 公司/职务 | Name 姓名 | Signature 签名 | Date 日期 |
Written by 起草 | | | | |
Reviewed 免费的英文审核 | | 辣椒做法 | | |
Approved 批准 | | | | |
| | | | |
Index 目录
The purpo of this testing report is to demonstrate that the Pure Steam Generation and Distribution System of consistently produces Pure Steam that meets the requirements specified in the EN285.
该报告用于证明 纯蒸汽制备和分配系统产生的纯蒸汽满足EN285相关规定和要求。
The test items included in this report are the test items for pure steam specified in EN285, non-condensable gas, degree of superheat and dryness.
Test Items Description 测试项目描述
Dryness-describes a quality of steam that has been superheated. As the dryness factor of steam increas, the suitability of the steam as a medium for moist-heat sterilization diminishes. Dry steam is said to be adiabatically (or thermally) insulated against heat transfer.
Superheated Steam-Steam who heat, at any given pressure, is higher than that indicated for the vaporization curve of water.
Non-condensable gas(NCGs)-are defined as gas which cannot be liquefied by compression under the range of conditions of temperature and pressure ud during the sterilization process. Low levels of NCGs contained in steam supplied to sterilizers can markedly affect the performance of the sterilizer and the efficacy of the process, cau chamber overheating and lead to inconsistencies in the performance of air detectors and
failure of the Bowie-Dick test. Major NCGs are atmospheric air and carbon dioxide.
Austar responsibility奥星的职责
✓Testing execution, data collection
青龙树✓Report compilation
Client毕业日记 responsibility客户职责
✓Supervision of testing process, review and approval of this report.
✓Asssment and handling of changes and deviations occur during this testing
✓Deviation report compilation
Regulation and Guidance 法规和指南
HTM 2010
HTM 2010
BS EN285 2006
BS EN285 2006
KSA Steam Quality Test Kit SQ1 Operation Procedure :TSP-SOP-VTS-22
Test Results Analysis 伪装者片尾曲测试结果分析
The testing of the quality of Pure Steam form Pure Steam Generation and Distribution System has been implemented at 2012 /04/26.
Test No. 测试编号 | Title 名称 | Dates of the Test 测试日期 |
6.1 | Calibration of Instruments and test SOP 测试仪器校验和SOP | 2012年04月26日 |
All the testing instruments are with their respective calibration certificates and the calibration certificates are within the valid calibration period. 所有测试仪器仪表均具有校验报告,且在有效期内。 SOP list for the Testing. 以下为本次测试所需的SOP列表 1. KSA Steam Quality Test Kit SQ1 Operation Procedure 1. KSA蒸汽质量检测仪操作规程 |
The test is 测试结论为 | PASS 合格 |
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